Vladimir Popović

Vladimir Popović

Nacimiento : 1935-08-17, Dragova Luka near Niksic, Montenegro, Yugoslavia

Muerte : 1981-05-12


Vladimir Popović


The Man to Kill
Kapetan Tanović
After the murder of the Russian Emperor Peter III, who was succeeded by Empress Catherine, Satan decides that the balance between good and evil on Earth has been destabilized. In order to set things right, he sends his representative to Earth - the teacher Farfa, who bears an unusual resemblance to Peter III. His mission is to seize power from the old Duke of Montenegro, and then to take back the Russian throne as Peter III. The people of Montenegro accept Farfa as their new leader, and he proclaims himself the new Emperor, Scepan Mali, successfully resisting an invasion by the Turks. Farfa is touched by the Montenegrins' kindness and courage, falls in love with the beautiful Elfa, and fails to follow Satan's plan. Not one to be crossed, Satan sets out to kill him.
Sleeping Car
Brana Mitić
A man and a woman, each with a stable marriage of their own, meet in the wagon compartment. The short encounter of two strangers causes restlessness within their personal views about the world, implying possible romance. Once the train reaches its destination, they go apart without a single word spoken, and return to their world of security.
Maiden Bridge
"Maiden Bridge" is a place of exchange of German prisoners and partisans captured by the Germans. Unit with nine captured Germans is marching towards the bridge. there is double trouble for partisans, since they are surrounded by the hostiles and also going directly into the hands of ruthless enemy leaders.
El hombre que decidía la muerte
Adaptación de una novela de Robin Estridge. Alan Curtis (Dirk Bogarde) es un misterioso espía que trabaja al servicio de un país dominado por una dictadura militar. Su misión consiste en evitar el regreso de Alexander Diakim, un líder político exiliado que ha luchado siempre en defensa de la libertad y la justicia. Para conseguir su objetivo usará como cebo a Katina (Ava Gardner).
The Only Road
Partisans attack a column of hundred german trucks cisterns, that carry fuel to the front. However, their action is difficult, as Germans have chained Soviet prisoners to the driving wheels. The mission is to stop and destroy the column and save the lives of the prisoners.
Beginning in 1943. year. The tragic story of the prisoners... partisans and others who were found in a prison in Montenegro at the time when the Chetniks and the occupiers at all costs they want to crush the uprising in Yugoslavia.
Defying Everybody
Vladika Petar I
The movie takes us through the trials and tribulations of Petar I Petrovic, the man who united Montenegro in the 18th century and led them in the Battle of Krusi against a huge Turkish army to return victorious and pave the first path towards economic development.
Celebration in the Botanical Garden
Art Direction
One of the lead characters is Maria, an inn keeper; always a bride but never a wife. She meets the newcomer Pierre, who disturbs the peace of the small village and teaches the locals how to enjoy life. The film is full of fireworks of lovely colours, and a warm feeling. It is like a carousel of humour and human situations that carry us away, from the very first frame to the unexpected ending, making the viewer laugh gaily. Using a mosaic approach to the traditional narrative line, the film director creates a picture of fairly anarchic glee. “Celebration in the Botanical Garden” is a world of fantasy, full of summer fun, good humour and delight. E. Havetta´s debut was inspired by naïve art, French impressionism, and silent slap-stick as well as Western Slovakian folk traditions.
Shameful Summer
A returnee finds disapproval in his hometown he once left.
Quo vadis Zivorad!?
Zivorad, unassuming young man from the village, is 'pushed' from his uncle to high positions, becoming a police inspector who is looking for hashish, a scientist, a man who rises agriculture land and whatnot...
Inžinjer Savić
Having used someone else’s I.D. he had found in a barber shop, Boda is mistakenly being proclaimed an inspector. He finds himself in all sorts of adventures, discovers some big machinations in one company and helps in catching the deceiver.
March on the River Drina
Poručnik Miloje
A Serbian artillery battery of the Combined Division makes a forced march to the Cer Mountain in western Serbia to meet Austro-Hungarian troops, who have invaded the country by crossing over the Drina River. A chronicle of the Battle of Cer; a landmark battle of World War I and the first Allied victory over the Central Powers.
Face to Face
One of the first movies who spoke of Yugoslav socio-political system with some criticism, set in a company. On the routine workers' council meeting a few brave workers stand against a corrupted manager.