Joe Lambie


Sex Crimes
A businessman gets shot while he is enjoying covering his prostitute girlfriend with shaving cream. His wife decides to hire a private detective to track down the killers.
Seduction: Three Tales from the 'Inner Sanctum'
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Mother's Day
A young black man is arrested for a crime. Now the police and the D.A. are convinced that he is guilty, but his mother doesn't believe this and sets out to prove his innocence.
La dulce y poco sofisticada Sunny trabaja como camarera en un club nocturno de Washington. Después de salvar fortuitamente a un alto dignatario árabe de visita por su país, es recompensada con un trabajo en el Departamento de Protocolo. El único inconveniente es uno de sus jefes; pero, gracias a su encanto, conseguirá salir airosa de tan difícil situación.
Phil the Husband (segment "Terror in Topanga")
Película dividida en 4 historias... 1) Terror en Topanga: Una mujer sale de su casa por la noche para comprar cigarrillos, sabiendo que fuera hay un peligroso asesino. 2) El Amo de la Batalla: Un joven se obsesiona hasta tal punto con un videojuego, llamado El Amo de la Batalla, que una noche llega a forzar la puerta del local de juegos, para conseguir llegar al Nivel 13. 3) La Bendición: Un cura, que pierde la fe y abandona el sacerdocio, se ve perseguido por una misteriosa camioneta negra. 4) La Noche de la Rata: Para librarse de una rata, una familia pone una trampa y la atrapa, pero el problema sólo empeorará.
Will There Really Be a Morning?
Bill Anderson
This is the story of actress Frances Farmer, her struggles with mental illness and involuntary confinement in an insane asylum.
Russell Joyner
Hazel dirige un salón de belleza en su propia casa, y hace un dinero extra proporcionando a mujeres sin escrúpulos para dar algunos golpes. L.T. es un parásito y contacta con Hazel en busca de trabajo cuando se queda sin dinero. Pero, ella se resiste, ya que prefiere utilizar a mujeres, pero decide ponerlo a prueba. Mientras tanto, la policía local quiere una detención para que se vea como si estuvieran haciendo bien su trabajo, pero Hazel no quiere renunciar a ninguna de sus "asociadas". Varias historias secundarias se tejen en un mundo poblado por personajes del lado más sórdido de la vida.
How Do I Love Thee?
Jan and Penny are college roommates who disagree about what is appropriate dating behavior. Penny feels that Jan is a prude for not getting into the swing of the changing attitudes of the "second half of the 20th Century." Responding to the topic of petting, Jan says, "Why you make it sound as harmless as an extracurricular activity." One day Keith introduces himself to Jan in the library by helping her find a poem for their English literature class, and then asking her out to discuss it later. They hit it off immediately, and start enjoying sporting events, dancing, and studying together. Soon Jan is wearing Keith's frat pin. However, Keith's roommate Stan tells him that "Love has gotta include sex" and Penny is telling Jan the same thing. When Keith tips in this other direction one evening, Jan is hurt and will not go down this new path. Happiness lies along only one of the paths, and either Jan or Penny will soon find that their actions have brought regretful sorrow.