Josh Penn


A mother wonders, will my children love their perfect machines more than they love me, their imperfect mother? She switches on a smart-crib lulling her crying baby to sleep. This perfect mother is everywhere. She watches over us, takes care of us. We listen to her. We trust her.
Annea Lockwood / A Film About Listening
Sam Green's intimate portrait of Annea Lockwood shares with us a glimpse into the enthralling world of sound that she has been exploring and creating for many years. It is a touching and personal story of imagination and love.
Perdida en una isla misteriosa donde el tiempo y el envejecimiento se han detenido, Wendy debe luchar para salvar a su familia, su libertad y al espíritu alegre de la juventud, del peligro mortal de crecer.
Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets
Executive Producer
A portrait of the lives of a disparate group of patrons and employees at an American watering hole today.
Farewell Amor
Walter, un inmigrante de Angola, se reúne tras 17 años con su hija y su mujer en los Estados Unidos. Con el tiempo se han convertido en un grupo de extraños que comparten un apartamento de una habitación. Sin embargo, descubren una misma pasión por la danza que les ayudará a superar la distancia que existe entre ellos.
No Time To Look Back
Nearly 30 years later, the Ross Brothers rephotographed locations from Byrne's 1986 film, finding the same spots used in True Stories to see what may have changed. Rather than a sociological study, No Time to Look Back is a charming homage. The film includes a snippet from an interview with Byrne at the time True Stories was released.
Monsters and Men
Después de capturar con su móvil una conducta ilegal de violencia policial, un estafador de Brooklyn desencadena una serie de sucesos que alteran la vida de un policía local y una estrella deportiva de instituto.
Patti Cake$
Executive Producer
Directamente de Jersey llega Patricia Dombrowski, alias Killa P, alias Patti Cake$, una aspirante a rapera abriéndose camino en un mundo de centros comerciales y clubes de striptease en búsqueda de un improbable triunfo.
Rumbo a lo desconocido
El capitán William D. Stanaforth se embarca en una misión para colonizar Marte. Pero cuando todo se tuerce, el viaje cambia de objetivo: la supervivencia y mantener la cordura pasan a ser la prioridad.
Temporary Color
A true crime concert doc about David Byrne and two escaped convicts.
Executive Producer
For generations, all that distinguished Eagle Pass, TX, from Piedras Negras, MX, was the Rio Grande. But when darkness descends upon these harmonious border towns, a cowboy and lawman face a new reality that threatens their way of life.
The Last Season
In search of the lucrative matsutake mushroom, two former soldiers discover the means to gradually heal their wounds of war. Roger, a self-described 'fall-down drunk' and sniper in Vietnam, and Kouy, a Cambodian refugee who fought the Khmer Rouge, bonded in the bustling tent-city known as Mushroom Camp, which pops up each autumn in the Oregon woods. Their friendship became an adoptive family; according to a Cambodian custom, if you lose your family like Kouy, you must rebuilt it anew. Now, however, this new family could be lost. Roger's health is declining and trauma flashbacks rack his mind; Kouy gently aids his family before the snow falls and the hunting season ends, signaling his time to leave.
Bestias del sur salvaje
Las aguas van a subir, los animales salvajes retornan de sus tumbas y en el sur todos los diques se hunden. Esta es la historia de una niña de seis años llamada Hushpuppy, que vive con su padre en el borde del mundo.
Tres hermanos adolescentes descubren, por primera vez, el ambiente nocturno de una calle de Nueva Orleans que se transforma a altas horas de la noche en un lugar frenético, con hip hop, jazz, drag-queens y strippers, asombroso en su mezcla de luces, colores, sonidos, olores y personas de todo tipo.
Nobody Nothing Nowhere
The story of Ruth, one of the Non-People, human-looking beings designed and trained for the sole purpose of filling in a realistic world for a bland guy named Dave, the only person that actually exists on Earth. Tired of serving as an extra in someone else’s life, Ruth is ready to demand a life of her own.