Esther Comar


Esther Comar


Entre Elles
A scorching summer. A large, dilapidated villa lost in the heights of a village in Southern France. Agneshka has invited three to spend a girls-only vacation together. Then Marie turns up, six-months pregnant. A strange uneasiness, made up of frustration, jealousy, and anxiety, then settles on the group.
Stella, the Hot-Club assistant
La historia del famoso guitarrista y compositor Django Reinhardt, el primer músico de jazz europeo que llegó a ser tan influyente como los grandes artistas americanos. Además, también se centra en su huida de París en 1943 debido a la ocupación alemana. La familia del artista fue perseguida y acosada por los nazis debido a su origen gitano.
Mars IV
2053. Four astronauts, assisted by a robot, are on a two-year mission in an subterranean base on Mars. An unexpected discovery puts them face to face with a grave responsability with regard to Earth. They then start falling prey to violent hallucinations.
La casa del tiempo
Mathilde Barthélémy
Robert d'Eglantine invita a sus amigos a pasar unos días en una vieja casa de campo donde les propone embarcarse en una atrevida aventura con un destino sorprendente.
My First Time
Zachary is 20 years old. Dark and independent, he collects amorous conquests and school failure. Sarah is 18 years old. First class, fragile, she fills her emotional gaps with perfect control of his life. Nothing should close and yet, the year of the tank, for six months, they will live a love against which nothing can be, the true, the big one that marks a life forever.