Han Yeri
Nacimiento : 1984-12-23, Jecheon, North Chungcheong, South Korea
Han Yeri is a South Korean film and television actress.
Theme Song Performance
En la década de 1980, durante la presidencia de Reagan, una familia de emigrantes surcoreanos en EE.UU. decide instalarse en Arkansas, tras abandonar California. Trabajan sexando pollos, pero el sueño del padre es instalarse como granjero y cultivar verduras para mercado coreano estadounidense. La madre, sin embargo, preferiría vivir en un ciudad, cerca de un hospital, pues el hijo menor, David, está enfermo del corazón.
En la década de 1980, durante la presidencia de Reagan, una familia de emigrantes surcoreanos en EE.UU. decide instalarse en Arkansas, tras abandonar California. Trabajan sexando pollos, pero el sueño del padre es instalarse como granjero y cultivar verduras para mercado coreano estadounidense. La madre, sin embargo, preferiría vivir en un ciudad, cerca de un hospital, pues el hijo menor, David, está enfermo del corazón.
Min Chae-ryeong
Un abogado es engañado para dirigir un zoo que ha vendido a gran parte de sus animales.
Yoon-young has been harboring feelings for Song-hyun, a friend's wife. When he finds out that she is divorced, Yoon-young and Songhyun take a trip to Gunsan on a whim. They find lodging at an inn where the middle-aged owner lives with his autistic daughter who does not leave her room. The four become star crossed lovers in the city of Gunsan.
Goo Mi-kyeong
Se sitúa en el futuro, donde Corea del Sur y Corea del Norte llegan al acuerdo de un gobierno unificado. Ellos han preparado la unificación de los gobiernos por los últimos 7 años. Mientras tanto, los manifestantes que apoyan y se oponen a la unificación, se vuelven más feroces. Un grupo contra la unificación comete actos terroristas. Una fuerza policial especial es formada en respuesta a los ataques terroristas.
Un excampeón de pulsos de Estados Unidos regresa a Corea del Sur para un torneo en el que podría recuperar su gloria. Allí entrenará al máximo, pero las cosas se complicarán cuando aparezca su familia biológica a la que nunca ha conocido.
Cuatro historias de mujeres que hablan desde el fondo de su corazón en una mesa en un café.
Ye Ri (Han Ye Ri) atiende un bar que heredó de su padre. Ella tiene 3 pretendientes. Los tres tienen personalidades totalmente diferentes, pero todos están locamente enamorados de Ye Ri. Los tres compiten por la atención de Ye Ri, pero también se confortan entre sí.
Eun-hee is an actress who also plays in her real life. One day, she meets three different men and changes her own character each time she dates them, just like taking a role in the play. One is clever and polite, another is boyish and honest, and the last seems elegant and mature. Though each of her performances full of lies seems going smoothly, everything is about to be messed up at the end.
Kim Yang-soon
When raw gold is discovered deep in the woods, a group of gold hunters arrive to mine it. Several neighbors in the area witness the hunters by chance and find themselves in danger. Among the witnesses, hunter Ki-sung risks his life to protect the other witnesses and engages the gold hunters in a cat-and-mouse game of death.
About a man and a woman who make a 'one-night' coupon book after they both get dumped.
People have varying perceptions and definitions of love and movies. One must overcome differing opinions and disregard insignificant factors in order to achieve the end product in each aspect. However, it is these trivial features that matter in the end and leave their imprint on our souls. Whether it is for love or for movies, we must continue to question and attend to the subtle inscriptions upon our emotions.
Los intentos de un barco pesquero por transportar inmigrantes ilegales terminan en una catástrofe que llevará a la tripulación a la locura.
La última dinastía Joseon se caracterizó por ser un periodo de agitación social y económica en Corea. Debido a las desastres naturales, las continuas malas cosechas, la pobreza, el hambre y la muerte están a la orden del día. Preocupada por su propia riqueza, la aristocracia comienza a extorsionar a las clases bajas. En medio del torbellino, una banda de luchadores se levanta contra las autoridades para perseguir a funcionarios corruptos y compartir su botín con los más desfavorecidos.
Narrator (segment 3)
It was produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Korean Film Archive.
Lee Hye-in
Después de la fallida misión de espionaje de su padre, el norcoreano Myung-Hoon (Choi Seung Hyun) y su joven hermana Hye-In (Han Ye-Ri) son enviados a un campo de prisioneros como mano de obra. Con el fin de salvar la vida de su hermana, Myung-Hoon se ofrece voluntariamente para convertirse en un espía y se infiltra en el Sur como un desertor adolescente.
Baek Seol-hee
Un agente secreto, que oculta su verdadera identidad a su esposa, trabaja en un caso que afecta a todo el país de Corea del Sur. Chul-Soo es el agente secreto que esconde su ocupación a los demás, incluyendo a su esposa que es asistente de vuelo Young-Hee. Un día, Chul-Soo le dice a su esposa que él irá a Busan, Corea del Sur para los negocios, pero en realidad viaja a Bangkok, Tailandia, para llevar a cabo una operación nacional. Mientras que en Bangkok, Chul-Soo ve a su esposa Young-Hee, que se supone que está en Corea del Sur, con un hombre apuesto llamado Ryan.
Assistant Director
Hyung-geun and Dong-hwan are pushing twenty. They just want to go somewhere far away and should go somewhere. They even don't know where it is. There are some people who support them. Where they are or what do they do, it is good to be together.
Hyung-geun and Dong-hwan are pushing twenty. They just want to go somewhere far away and should go somewhere. They even don't know where it is. There are some people who support them. Where they are or what do they do, it is good to be together.
A man hasn’t got over his girl’s death. While a close friend of her approaches to him, a hallucination of his dead girlfriend haunts him. As he blurs line between reality and fantasy, suspense rises, rushing to explosion.
Choi Min-ju
La película sigue a un padre anarquista y a su hijo adolescente. Él no deja que su hijo consuma bebidas cola o café debido a su creencia de que son realizados por empresas extranjeras que destruyen los negocios locales. Tampoco le permite que asista a la escuela debido a su desconfianza en el sistema escolar. Su hijo no puede comprender las maneras de su padre, pero entonces tendrán que viajar juntos hacia el sur, y con el tiempo, él comenzará a entenderlo.
Yu Sun-bok
Basada en una historia real, en la que dos jugadoras de ping-pong, una de Corea del Norte y otra de Corea del Sur, compitieron juntas en el campeonato mundial de 1991, en Japón.
An independent triptych of stories about troubled people.
Family members left behind, who have played different parts in their lives, fail to disguise their habits and expectations.
Set in Anyang, South Korea, crew members for an upcoming documentary research the devastating fire that took occurred in a factory prior to the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul. 22 female workers, who were locked in their dormitory, were killed in the fire. Along the way, the crew members also come across the past of Anyang, including the origin of the city's name ("Anyang" is a Buddhist term for "Paradise"), Buddhist temples, a search for a 500-year-old "grandma tree" and upcoming mayoral election.
January 17, 2009 at 3:00 am. Hyuk-geun was waiting for the Cha-kyung. June 17, 2009 at 3:00 am. Hyuk-geun is still waiting for the Cha-kyung. Whether or not she know that Hyuk-geun is still waiting for the Cha-kyung, Cha[kyung said she wants to be born as an elephant.
Tres historias que se cuentan cuando a tres chicas les interpretan sus cartas del tarot. Todo comienza cuando un estudiante empieza a ver y hablar con el fantasma de una joven estudiante muerta años atrás. Hasta entonces, algunos incidentes han sucedido en el lugar causando el terror entre los alumnos. El fantasma persigue a su primer amor al que no puede olvidar, y le pide ayuda al único chico que la puede ver. Una chica entra en un aula abandonada, donde encuentra a un niño moribundo. Dos chicas que fueron las mejores amigas, serán separadas y prometen llevar su amistad más allá de la muerte.
Jae-min, still getting over his ex-wife Ha-ra, is a talent agent who takes care of actors and actresses with personal issues. They wouldn't leave him alone and kept pushing him to find more auditions for them. At his birthday party, his family tries to give him advice in vein, and to make it worse, Hara phones him every once in a while and confuses him. To Jae-min, being heartbroken with the irrevocable memories of the old days with Hara, Ga-hwa is the only shelter, although the staff there are not any better. Each day of life is tough, But isn't it true that all the meaningless chat, bullshit and nonsense altogether form the universe? The universe is getting old since its birth 15 billion years ago. In this universe, we are probably each other's merciful purgatories.
A young woman living in the South Korean town of Paju recalls the last 8 years of her life, since a young man on the lam escaped to it from Seoul and married her older sister.
This film adapts the novel by Yeonbeon authors, Liang Chun-sik and Kim Nam-hyun, for the screen. It describes the romantic stories of seventeen-year-old boys and girls, which can be applied to the general young generation of Yeon-beon these days..
Loner Won-woo is a girl who suffers from Narcolepsy. Although Jun-seo always makes fun of her, Won-woo is about to fall for him. Won-woo’s mother Yeon-hee feels compassionate for her daughter who falls asleep whenever, wherever, without even realizing, and Sun-jae who secretly is in love with Yeon-hee touches Yeon-hee’s heart.
You and I can speak to each other without talking. We leave this moment, this time, for the moon.
Yun-ah thinks her body reeks and refuses to eat. One day, during lunchtime, the kids in her class try to force Yun-ah to eat, but Sung-eun, the most studious student, tries to stop them and a fight breaks loose. Yun-ah’s bare pubescent body running freely in the spring rain looks gaunt, hungry, but beautiful.
Yeo-sun, a high school student who disappeared after making a mistake at a piano contest in the past, suddenly makes a comeback. Her own piano style is her way of showdown.