Deaths begin again as a body returns.
On the North Yorkshire Moors, Abel, Head Gamekeeper, discovers the thing that is eating his grouse.
Summer, 1997. Twelve-year-old Grace and eleven-year-old Asta have been friends for as long as they can remember. When her father suddenly leaves, Grace’s fascination with religion and the supernatural becomes an obsession. At the end of the school holidays the girls go to stay in a cottage in the Cornish countryside with Asta’s bohemian mum, Kate. There, troubled Grace is forced to confront her demons...
A young gay man struggles with what family means at Christmas time.
A young gay man struggles with what family means at Christmas time.
Countess Argyll
Cuenta la relación entre María Estuardo y su prima Isabel I, reina de Inglaterra, con quien rivalizó tanto a nivel personal como en cuestiones políticas.
Una oscura historia fantástica en la que un hombre realiza un pacto con los insectos que habitan su casa de campo. (FILMAFFINITY)
DI Brewster
Fiona fights to hold her family together after husband is accused of owning child pornography.
La mensajera Anne (Rebecca Palmer) jamás pudo imaginar los terroríficos acontecimientos que iban a tener lugar tras su aventura sexual con un desconocido llamado Chris (Ben Price). A la mañana siguiente siente remordimientos por lo que ha hecho y propone a su novio Michael (Tom Frederic) una escapada a las montañas.
Boy meets girl everyday on her way to work. Will her job stop them from falling in love?
Nadia Blake
Tres mujeres, que no se conocen entre sí y que no tienen nada en común, son acechadas por un hombre. Las observa detenidamente, anota cada uno de sus movimientos, dónde viven, en qué trabajan, cuándo salen, a qué hora regresan...; incluso se ha tomado la molestia de visitar el piso en venta de una de ellas para examinar todos los detalles. Cuando cree tener toda la información, les envía sendas cartas explicándoles sus planes, unos planes que sólo pueden causar terror.
It's two years since the mysterious disappearance of Kath Swarbrick's older sister Annie, but Kath remains haunted by a need to know what happened. When police investigations wind down, Kath continues the search herself. She gets nowhere until she steals some CCTV footage of her sister on her final day. Visiting the spot where Annie was filmed, Kath becomes convinced she has found a portal to another reality and from this portal Kath is trying to say something.
Maria Riddell
Robert Burns overcomes his upbringing as a farm labourer to become the national poet of Scotland. Love comes his way in the form of Jean Armour but his attempts at securing a happy relationship are blighted by Jean's father who disapproves of Burns. Finally, Jean and Robbie are married and Burns tries to settle down to a happy married life, but the success of his literary career brings with it many temptations and he is unable to resist the attention of the aristocratic women who fawn upon him. Finding difficulties in supporting his growing family of children, Burns seeks work as a local tax and excise officer in the port of Dumfries when Britain is threatened by the spread of the French Revolution
Angela is a French art student living in Germany who loves to draw comics and creates elaborate tales drawn in a soft and romantic style. One night, Angela meets Yamamoto, a club DJ from Japan, who invites her to come to Tokyo with him. Infatuated with Yamamoto, Angela impulsively agrees, and is soon sharing an apartment with a handful of Western expatriates who work at a nightclub where Japanese businessmen drink, sing karaoke, and date the "hostesses" for a fee.
Comfortably Numb shows us Jake's struggle to overcome his alcoholism in a rehab center, Promis. After early difficulties, he starts to make progress when he forms a relationship with a fellow patient, Emma. But they are forbidden to see each other after Jake is confronted about his "sex and love" addiction in a group counselling session. This creates more problems, as Jake doesn't understand that his dependence on the relationship with Emma is actually a barrier to his rehabilitation. A night of excess sparked by drugs makes things get out of hand. Jake decides to leave the center and fight his addiction on his own terms. But almost immediately he goes into a pub. It seems as though Jake will fall back into being an alcoholic, but as the film ends, we see that he has returned to Promis, and is determined to make a full recovery this time.
Michelle Stowe
Desde el primer momento la joven Alice (Heather Graham) pone sus ojos en Adam (Joseph Fiennes), un misterioso y atractivo extraño, y ambos se embarcan en una apasionada relación, llena de riesgo y erotismo. Pero cuando los secretos del pasado de Adam empiezan a aflorar, Alice se encontrará en una situación de la que no sabe si podrá escapar.
The tragic story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted by two men. Amidst a landscape of rural hardship and a community consumed with superstition, events unfurl which threaten their sibling bond.
Pam, girl in squat
Una pareja de desconocidos mantiene encuentros furtivos de carácter puramente sexual. Ella va a verlo los miércoles por la tarde y sólo quiere sexo. Apenas hablan ni se hacen preguntas. Ninguno sabe nada del otro. Llega un momento en que ella ya no sube a la casa, sino que baja directamente al sótano sin amueblar, donde él ha cubierto el suelo de mantas y edredones. Pero, de repente, el hombre siente curiosidad por conocer la vida de ella.
Francia siglo XVIII. El Marqués de Sade pasa los diez últimos años de su vida en el asilo Charenton. Allí entabla amistad con el abate Coulmier, con el que comparte el afecto de Madeleine, la lavandera del asilo. Cuando Napoleón envía a un médico para que cure su presunta locura, el temperamento rebelde del marqués se agudiza todavía más. Obtuvo tres nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo el de mejor actor (Geoffrey Rush).
Cuatro parejas intentan sortear las crisis propias de su edad, al tiempo que se dan apoyo mutuamente.
Alicia está mirándose en el espejo de su dormitorio cuando, repentinamente, lo atraviesa y entra en un mundo de fantasía. El País del Espejo es un gigantesco tablero de ajedrez, donde la vida se ha convertido en un juego; Alicia, ahora un peón blanco, ha de cruzar el tablero y así transformarse en Reina. Bajo las enseñanzas de la malhumorada Reina Roja, Alicia emprende el fantástico viaje y conoce los personajes más divertidos y estrafalarios, viviendo extraordinarias aventuras.