Giorgio Piazza


Creators: The Past
Makeup Artist
Where do we come from and where do we go ? The eternal question of humanity which religions have tried to answer over the centuries - lt's the end of the year 2012. The Universe is about to undergo an imposing planetary alignment and a Total Eclipse will soon be upon Planet Earth. Great vibrational changes are imminent and set to disturb us. The eight members of the Galactic Council, led by Lord Ogmha (William Shatner), meet to discuss the effects of the imminent alignment. They are 8 creators (aliens) and each one of them governs a Planet. They are each responsible for the security and well-being of a 'LENS'. Together they balance the conflict and allegiance of the Universe. Treason puts Earth in danger and the LENS, the hard disc (crystal core) containing the recording of the entire history, DNA, memories and nucleus of mankind is hidden somewhere in Italy. Everyone is searching for it. If the Lens is opened and in the wrong hands it could reveal to the human beings the shocking
El asesino esta al telefono
Una mujer cuyo marido fue asesinado cinco años antes es acosada por el asesino, que quiere eliminarla porque teme que haya sido testigo del crimen. Lo que ignora es que a la viuda el shock le ha causado amnesia y no recuerda nada.
La policía agradece
Un grupo organizado se dedica a matar a delincuentes que no pudieron ser juzgados. El comisario Bertone es el encargado de dar con este grupo de vengadores.
La signora dalle camelie
Es una película televisiva de 1971 dirigida por Vittorio Cottafavi y basada en la novela La signora delle camelie de Alexandre Dumas, su hijo.
Lady Caliph
La Califfa's husband was killed during the strikes so she takes the side of the strikers. Her conflict with the plant owner Doverdo gradually turns into a love relationship.
Without Knowing Anything About Her
Attorney Polli
Tells a dark story about a young lawyer that falls in love with a strange girl with an unknown past.
Oh, Grandmother's Dead
Muere fulminada por la corriente eléctrica la titular de una empresa de insecticidas. Sus hijos, esposas y nietos se presentan en la empresa familiar, donde reside el viudo, y se celebrará el funeral. Pero éste no será el único entierro que se deba celebrar...
Sierra Maestra