The Baron
Un agente especial es contratado junto a un grupo de cazarecompensas para detener a unos Nazis que pretender dominar el mundo.
Duncan Jax tiene noticias de una isla llamada "La corona del Diablo" a traves de una agencia gubernamental tan secreta que nadie admitiria siquiera su existencia. Allí se haya escondida una fortuna de oro que sera entregada en cuatro dias al loco Baron Goldtooth para financiar el terrorismo nuclear en todo el mundo. A menos que Duncan pueda robarlo primero...
A real-life story of a kidnapped horse in Italy, and a young girl's quest to retrieve it.
Nigel (The Guardians)
This movie is made-up of three tales, the first one is, "Young Blood" it is about a married pair of vampires who adopt a child. In "The Guardians," a pair of avaricious grave robbers make a terrible mistake when they visit the St. Francis Abbey cemetery to do a little pillaging. The final episode, "Visions of Sugar-Plum" is set at Christmas time and is set at the home of a loving grandmother.
Sheriff Avery
A altas horas de la noche, una joven pareja es brutalmente asesinada en un lugar de besuqueo por un asaltante invisible, sus cuerpos arrojados al río cercano. A medida que los amantes sin vida van a la deriva lentamente río abajo, los residentes de la ciudad se preparan con entusiasmo para su carnaval anual, sin darse cuenta de que un maníaco que empuña un machete con un rencor retorcido acecha entre ellos. Cuando un grupo de juerguistas adolescentes planean una fiesta nocturna en el cementerio local, sin saberlo preparan el escenario para un baño de sangre.
En la década de 1920, un hombre vestido de negro entra en un pequeño pueblo del sur para visitar la retribución a los ciudadanos que se han desviado del camino de la rectitud y la religión. Lo hace, por supuesto, matándolos de varias maneras sangrientas.
Living Legend, a play on the Presley dynasty, presents the story of Eli Canfield (Earl Owensby), a country rock-legend who has fallen victim to the pitfalls of superstardom - a failed marriage addiction, living up to an image, and an unclear vision as to who are his true friends. When Eli's new love interest (Ginger Alden) meets with the disapproval of his unscrupulous and manipulative manager (William T. Hicks), tragedy results, and Eli realizes what he must do to not only save his new relationship but also his life; and he does so in a most dramatic way. Living Legend features a dynamic original soundtrack performed by the Legendary Roy Orbison.
Old Bill
Hooch is an inexpensive regional exploitation action-comedy (hicksploitation) about a small county in the Appalachians and its many moonshine-brewing inhabitants, who are all struggling to make a living. The older "brewers" are pissed off at the success of handsome young upstart Eddie Joe, who is charmingly stealing their regular customers. Meanwhile, the owner of the country store (also a moonshiner) conspires with a trio of carpetbagging Mafioso who want to take over the moonshine business in that county as an extension of their Northern business ventures.