Íñigo de Martino


Flor de mayo
This typical Mexican melodrama is set in a coastal fishing village where a wealthy fisherman lives with his wife and young son. Their lives are turned upside down when an American of dubious morality comes into town. The American and the fisherman's wife had been lovers years and years ago -- and now the fisherman begins to suspect that the son he always thought was his, is really the offspring of this foreign intruder.
Qué noche aquella
Vainilla, bronce y morir
La trama trata de una bella mujer, enferma fatalmente del corazón, que estudia pintura y se debate entre el amor de un escultor pobre y un matrimonio forzado con el sádico hijo de un millonario. (FILMAFFINITY)
Chilam Balam
Priest defies the gods by refusing to sacrifice his daughter. Also: conquistadores.
La rosa blanca
La historia de José Marti y su lucha
La rosa blanca
La historia de José Marti y su lucha
El rapto
En un pequeño pueblo mexicano una noticia conmociona a los vecinos, Ricardo Alfaro, el adinerado ranchero local ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro. Aprovechando la circunstancia, Aurora Campos, una mujer de armas tomar y de una belleza abrumadora, convence a las autoridades para que le vendan la propiedad a cambio de doce mil pesos. Poco después, cuando Ricardo reaparece de repente, una auténtica batalla está a punto de desencadenarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Young lady goes shopping for a millionaire husband.
Doña Perfecta
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
La antorcha
La historia de un temible general revolucionario que se enamora perdidamente de la hija de un rico hacendado. Para ella, es odio a primera vista, pero esto cambiará pronto.
El Supersabio
La ambiciosa familia Montes tiene alojados en su hogar al científico Arquímedes Monteagudo (Carlos Martínez Baena) y su ayudante Cantinflas, quién vela por el bienestar de ambos. El profesor está a punto de realizar un gran descubrimiento: Extraer del agua de mar los componentes de un combustible que sustituiría la gasolina, el carburex. Cantinflas a su vez quiere descubrir un compuesto que permita prolongar la longevidad de las rosas.
In Mexican Revolution times, a guerrilla general and his troops take the conservative town of Cholula, near by Mexico City. As the revolutionaries mistreat the town's riches, Armendáriz falls for beautiful and wild Beatriz Peñafiel, the daughter of one of the town's richest men.
Madre a la fuerza
A 1940 film directed by Robert Quigley.
El fantasma de medianoche
Una joven huérfana empieza a presenciar extraños fenómenos en la casa donde vive con sus padrinos.
Ave sin rumbo
A woman with a past meets a man with a past; the back story of each one represents an obstacle to their couple-bonding. Will they work through their traumas?