Isabelle Ungaro

Nacimiento : 1965-08-08,


La fille d’Albino Rodrigue
Rosemay, 16, lives in a foster home and only joins her biological family for the vacations. One day, her father is not there to welcome her as planned. Moreover, he does not reappear and seems to have evaporated. Her questions are met with lies, and Rosemay can only rely on her intuition.
The Exiled
Marcelo Novais Teles, a young Brazilian, arrives in Paris to become an actor. But he is caught up in a very intense love as well as professional life; that's when he choses to film everything as time progresses. Dinner, parties, rehearsals, friendly and family meetings, falsely profound conversations, trips to Europe, etc. THE EXILED is the magnificently happy montage of these sequences, home movie of an obvious and chronic happiness, where the insolence of youth and its beauty are displayed. There are many well-known faces of actors who have become famous since then, which adds to the charm continuously lavished by these innocent images. Self-portrait in the form of a generational portrait, where the love of art crosses the art of living, the exile here is in the land of happiness.
The Roommates Party
Un invierno excepcionalmente frío obliga al gobierno francés para empujar las personas alojadas mejor para dar cabida a algunos conciudadanos pobres. El decreto llamado "Le Grand Partage" crea algunos problemas entre los vecinos de un bloque de apartamentos de lujo París.
On a night of April 1957, Albertine, a brillant and rebel 19-year-old girl, jumps from the wall of the prison where she’s serving a sentence for a holdup. In her fall, a bone from her ankle breaks: the astragal. She is rescued by Julien, a justice fugitive, and so is born a burning passion between them. He takes her to Paris and hides her. But while he leads his gangster life here and there, the young woman struggles for her freedom and against the wounds inflicted by Julien’s absence, and writes poetry.
El amor es un crimen perfecto
La acción transcurre en una región de montañas y lagos, en algún lugar entre Suiza y Francia. Marc, de cuarenta años de edad, es profesor de Literatura en la Universidad de Lausana. Tiene un idilio detrás de otro con sus estudiantes. Aún soltero, vive con su hermana Marianne. El invierno casi ha terminado cuando una de sus más brillantes alumnas, Barbara, desaparece. Dos días más tarde conoce a Anna, la madre de Barbara, que quiere saber más acerca de su hija desaparecida.
My Little Princess
Violetta es una niña de 10 años que vive con su abuela en un pequeño apartamento. Hannah, su madre, es una fotógrafa impredecible que vive con Ernst, mecenas y renombrado pintor. Un día, Hannah fuerza a Violetta a posar como modelo. La fama de esas fotos crece rápidamente en la comunidad artística parisina de los 70 y Violetta entra en el juego. Entre su ascenso como estrella provocativa y su aburrida existencia como niña precoz, su cuento de hadas se convertirá finalmente en un infierno.
Les Mains Libres
The Wound
Blandine arrives at the Charles de Gaulle Airport, seeking a reunion with her husband Papi in Paris. Despite articulate claims for asylum, she is held in a cramped cell along with a number of fellow Africans, humiliated, mistreated and told that they can expect immediate deportation. Papi enquires of her whereabouts at Arrivals, and is met with disinterested, misleading responses. When Blandine is hurt in a skirmish on the runway as the authorities try and force her out of the country, circumstances and a sympathetic employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs save her from expulsion. She is finally reunited with Papi in a communal squat, its inhabitants sharing harrowing stories of their time in France. With work, money and food scarce, and her confidence shaken by her less than warm welcome to the country, Blandine cannot find the enthusiasm to leave her damp mattress.
Emily (Maggie Cheung), tras pasar seis meses en la cárcel por posesión de drogas, sólo tiene una obsesión: recuperar a su hijo, que está viviendo con sus suegros lejos de ella. Para lograrlo Emily tiene que reconstruir su vida... estar limpia.
Tiresia, un transexual brasileño de extrema belleza, vive en forma ilegal con su hermano, Terranova, en la periferia de París. Éste, un esteta con ideas poéticas, observa a Tiresia como si se tratara de una rosa perfecta, y termina secuestrándola para que sólo a él le pertenezca. Privada de sus hormonas diarias, Tiresia se va transformando poco a poco frente a sus ojos...