Frank Nelson

Frank Nelson

Muerte : 1932-11-27


Frank Nelson


Prehistoric World
First Stop...the Tar Pits, as Gary and Eric investigate the incredible creatures that came after the dinosaurs, from giant ground sloths to savage saber-tooths. It's a trip back to the age of monstrous mammals in this wild and whimsical blast into tour prehistoric past.
The Malibu Bikini Shop
Richard J. Remington
Allan (Michael David Wright, 'Click, Click') y Todd (Bruce Greenwood, 'Déjà vu'), dos hermanos totalmente opuestos, acaban de graduarse en la universidad. Sin esperarlo heredan una tienda de bikinis que está arruinada. Pero, contra todo pronóstico, deciden hacerse cargo de ella. Eso sí, con objetivos opuestos. Mientras uno de ellos busca relanzar la tienda y convertirse en un gran hombre de negocios, el otro sólo tiene en mente una cosa: mujeres en bikini, y puede que quizás sin él.
Garfield en el paraíso
Hotel Clerk / Salesman (voice)
Garfield, Jon y Odie están en Hawái y deben salvar a una tribu nativa de un volcán en erupción con la ayuda de su Chevy de 1957 alquilado. No es que no sea el momento para que Garfield tenga un pequeño interés amoroso.
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs
Museum Clerk
Gary is turning into a dinosaur, and Eric must find the cure. This becomes a globetrotting journey into everything dino while searching for the magic waters needed to stop Gary's odd transformation. Will Eric be too late? Get ready to meet the Garysaurus!
Looney, Looney, Looney: La película de Bugs Bunny
Satan (voice)
Segunda película de los Looney Tunes compuesta por cortos de los personajes enlazados mediante nuevas secuencias de animación. Dividido en tres partes: en la primera Yosemite Sam hace un pacto con el Demonio, la segunda es una parodia de un drama televisivo y la tercera tiene lugar en una entrega de premios similar a la de los Oscar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Thanksgiving in the Land of Oz
Jack, the Hungry Tiger (voice)
Dorothy is carried back to Oz by a green turkey balloon on the final Thanksgiving she is to spend with her aunt and uncle, who are moving to a retirement community. She meets Jack Pumpkinhead, The Hungry Tiger, and Tic Toc (sic), and must stop the evil Tyrone the Terrible Toy Tinkerer (looking suspiciously like John R. Neil's depiction of the Nome King), who brings the balloon to life.
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Tall Doctor
Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.
Fantástica aventura
Crow #1 (voice)
Un juguete de cuerda, un ratón de hojalata con su hijo, inician una nueva existencia cuando, rotos y abandonados en la basura, son recogidos y recompuestos por un vagabundo. El ratón y su hijo, perseguidos por la malvada Rata Manny, encuentran ayuda y amistad entre los habitantes de su nuevo territorio, viven el reencuentro con viejos conocidos y, finalmente, lograrán cumplir su sueño de formar junto a ellos un verdadero hogar. Sus peripecias construyen una historia divertida, brillante e imaginativa, que es todo un clásico moderno de la literatura infantil. Basada en una popular novela de Russell Hoban.
Jack Benny's 20th Anniversary TV Special
Information Clerk #2
Love That Car!
A film about the importance of automobile maintenance.
A puerta cerrada
"Hell is other people." Three recently-deceased persons are locked into a hotel suite together for all eternity. Adaptation of Huis clos, by Jean Paul Sartre.
Bésalas por mí
R.L. Nielson (uncredited)
Tres soldados condecorados llegan a San Francisco de permiso. Allí alquilan una lujosa habitación en un hotel y, desobedeciendo las prohibiciones de su oficial, acaban en una animada fiesta.
Enigma de mujer
Agustín Abrantes
Una serie de anécdotas expuestas desde el punto de vista de una mujer samaritana que pretende arreglar los problemas de los vecinos.
Siempre hace buen tiempo
TV Show Emcee (uncredited)
Tres compinches de la Segunda Guerra Mundial prometen reunirse en un lugar y tiempo especificados 10 años después de la guerra. Ellos mantienen su palabra sólo para descubrir lo lejos que han crecido. Pero la reunión despierta recuerdos de sueños juveniles que no se han cumplido - y lentamente, los tres hombres reevaluan sus vidas e intentan encontrar una manera de renovar su amistad.
So You Want to Know Your Relatives
Harry Frisby (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
Dig That Dog
Narrator (voice)
The story of Percy P. Pettipoint who purchases a much-desired great dane named Cuddles. He instructs Cuddles to bury his scraps in the back yard. Cuddles is a fast learner and obeys but, unfortunately, he carries it a little too far and eventually starts burying everything in the back yard including the refrigerator, the TV set, the bathtub (with him in it), and the mailman! Finally, when Cuddles buries Pettipoint's house, the man decides to get rid of the mutt...easier said than done.
La rubia fenómeno
Harold at Macy's (uncredited)
Gladys es una joven modelo que se traslada desde su pueblo a Nueva York para conseguir fama y popularidad. No tiene dinero, pero sí mucha ambición. Cuando, por puro azar, consigue hacerse famosa, un ejecutivo del espectáculo se fijará en ella. Un director de documentales también se enamora de Gladys, pero no está de acuerdo en cómo vive su nueva e inmerecida fama.
El jinete loco
Radio Exercise Instructor (voice) (uncredited)
Un timador profesional, está desesperado porque tiene que pagar una deuda de juego a un mafioso de Nueva York. Para salir del problema, pide ayuda a su primo, un apasionado de los animales: el plan consiste en dopar al caballo My Sheba para que gané una importante carrera. Pero, cuando Nelson conoce a la bella propietaria de Sheba, se enamora de ella, y Virgil, por su parte, se encariña con el animal. Ahora les interesa más que nunca la victoria de Sheba y para conseguirla recurrirán a los planes más descabellados
Remains to Be Seen
Fred Fleming
Una vocalista y el administrador de su apartamento se ven mezclados en un sórdido asesinato, lo cual es pone en peligro constante.
The Clown
Charlie (uncredited)
Once a famous Ziegfeld star, Dodo Delwyn, is reduced to playing clowns in burlesque and amusement parks as a result of his drinking. His son Little Dink idolizes Dodo and faithfully believes in a comeback. He persuades "Uncle" Goldie, Dodo's agent in the good old days, to find a booking for Dodo. He can't, and Dink is sent to live with his remarried-and-wealthy mother, Paula. The unhappy Dink runs back to his father. His welcome return gives Dodo the courage needed to try a knockabout TV show offered by Goldie
Bonzo Goes to College
When Bonzo turns out to be the answer to the football teams troubles, the only solution is to enroll him college.
Here Come the Nelsons
Clifford Hastings
Ozzie Nelson lucha por conseguir un contrato publicitario, pero su mente está en otra parte al creer que su mujer Harriet está teniendo una aventura. Mientras tanto, sus dos hijos se mezclan nada menos que con gángsters... La familia Nelson, muy popular en Norteamérica en su programa de radio, en su primera aparición en la gran pantalla.
You Never Can Tell
Lieutenant Gilpin
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
The Milkman
Mr. Green
Roger Bradley, desesperado por salir de la ociosidad consigue trabajo con el archirival de su padre. Pronto se enamora de la hija de su jefe y su trabajo como lechero se desvirtúa.
Down Memory Lane
archive footage
This film is a compilation, with narration by Steve Allen, of comedies from the old Mack Sennett silent studio. Sennett, himself, appears in a cameo at the end of the film.
The Three Minnies: Sota, Tonka & Ha-Ha
In a Native American village, where two rivers meet, three twin daughters named Minnie fall in love with a shy Indian brave named Watha-Hia.
Hold 'Em Navy
Radio Announcer
Dos jugadores de fútbol americano que estudian en la academia naval compiten por los favores de la misma chica.
Black Legion
Radio Announcer (uncredited)
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
Fugitive in the Sky
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
Laughing Skull (voice)
A dark and stormy night in a drugstore. The druggist mixes a potion and falls asleep. The skull-and-crossbones on the bottle comes to life and drips the potion on the druggist.
The Girl in the Show
Tracy Boone
In this drama, a traveling troupe of actors find themselves in danger of becoming unemployed when their manager up and leaves. Two of the actors decide to marry and settle down. The lead actor helps set up the rest of the troupe with some performances. He then destroys the new marriage. Later the woman and the head actor fall in love. He then gives her the lead role in his newest show.
You Never Know Your Luck
Ranch foreman Kerry has boarded with Kitty Tynan and her mother for five years in western Canada, his past is a mystery to everyone. He is actually an English aristocrat who lost all his money gambling and left the country in search of work. Kerry and his friend Horan own an option on property which crooked lawyer Burlingame is trying to secure. Burlingame's cohort Logan murders Hogan, and is caught and arrested. In the trial, Burlingame forces Kerry to admit his past, and succeeds in preventing Kerry from receiving bank assistance. When Kerry is shot, Kitty opens a letter from Kerry's wife that he had been carrying for five years, and cables her. Kerry's wife arrives and informs him that his last bet in England had turned out to be a $20,000 winner. Kerry is able to use the money just in time to foil Burlingame and secure the property, thus winning prosperity and the affections of his wife.