Set in the bleak underworld of the Hungarian and Italian human trafficking business, the story follows Nora, a young girl taken from an orphanage in Budapest to be sold on the streets of Italy as a prostitute. It becomes a violent race against time, as the authorities fail to track her down, Nora is taken on a nightmarish journey of fear and betrayal. Soon becoming live bate caught in the midst of two warring Mafia families. Her mysterious "transporter" may become her only friend and her only way out.
While world religious leaders gather for a top secret meeting in La Spezia, the Reverend Jones, a famous television preacher and the creator of Reverend Jones's Sauce, is set on replacing them all and imposing his credo on the unsuspecting world.
While world religious leaders gather for a top secret meeting in La Spezia, the Reverend Jones, a famous television preacher and the creator of Reverend Jones's Sauce, is set on replacing them all and imposing his credo on the unsuspecting world.
While world religious leaders gather for a top secret meeting in La Spezia, the Reverend Jones, a famous television preacher and the creator of Reverend Jones's Sauce, is set on replacing them all and imposing his credo on the unsuspecting world.
En Génova, Anna Merisi, la esposa del profesor no convencional de la universidad local Paolo Merisi, decide contratar a una niñera para su hijo porque ella quiere volver a trabajar para ayudar a pagar sus cuentas. Mientras tanto, la desquiciada Caterina, que acaba de salir de una clínica, obtiene la dirección de la familia Merisi y miente diciendo que fue enviada por la agencia. Cuando Pablo la ve, se acuerda de que Caterina fue su antigua alumna y tuvieron un romance hace dos años, pero su esposa está muy conectada a Caterina y no tiene oportunidad de despedirla. Cuando Caterina pone en peligro su matrimonio y su familia, Paolo da a conocer su pasado a Anna. Pero Caterina no quiere renunciar a Paolo.
Script Editor
Nimet, who cannot have children, is constantly under the social pressure of not being able to start a family. Upon learning that her beloved younger sister Öznur is fertile, she starts developing envious thoughts.