Katsumi Kiba

Katsumi Kiba


Katsumi Kiba


Maravillosa familia de Tokio 3 (La familia es difícil 3)
No todos valoran lo suficiente al ama de casa. Cuando un ladrón entra en su casa, el marido y la esposa comienzan una pelea que termina con la mujer marchando de casa a su ciudad natal. Siguen una serie de percances, pasos en falso y errores domésticos. ¿Regresarán ella y su mascota o es el final de un matrimonio de veinte años? En cualquier caso, ya ordenó de anguila y arroz a domicilio para la cena.
Moon and Thunder
When Yasuko (Eriko Hatsune) was a child, her mother left their home. She grew up not knowing what an ordinary family is. Satoshi's (Kengo Kora) mother was the girlfriend of Yasuko's late father. One day, Satoshi appears in front of Yasuko. Since that moment, Yasuko's monotonous life begins to change.
narrator (voice)
La historia de "Sekigahara" tiene lugar en 1600 durante la Batalla de Sekigahara. Mitsunari Ishida (Junichi Okada) y Tokugawa (Koji Yakusho) se enfrentan con el destino de la nación colgando de un fino hilo. Hatsume (Kasumi Arimura) es enviada como un espía para matar a Mitsunari Ishida, pero se enamora de él. Está basada en la novela "Sekigahara" de Ryotaro Shiba que se publicó desde Julio de 1964 a Agosto de 1966 en Shukan sankei.
Verano de una familia de Tokio
Mientras su mujer viaja con unas amigas para ver la aurora boreal, el abuelo aprovecha para retomar antiguas amistades y rememorar viejos tiempos. Después de un pequeño accidente de circulación sin importancia se desatará el caos en la familia Hirata. Sus hijos se reunirán para intentar que deje de conducir pero el abuelo no se lo pondrá fácil.
The Mohican Comes Home
Kazuo Takehara
Eikichi left his hometown in Hiroshima for Tokyo. He tried to find success with his music band, but failed. Several years later, Eikichi goes home to tell his father, Osamu, that his girlfriend is pregnant. His father curses him out, but he is also excited to have a grandchild. Osamu has a party to celebrate the news, but, at the party, he collapses and goes to the hospital. Eikichi struggles to make his father happy.
Maravillosa familia de Tokio
Un matrimonio lleva casado 50 años, al llegar el cumpleaños de ella el marido le pregunta qué desea como regalo a lo que ella contesta que quiere el divorcio... El anuncio crea el caos en la familia.
Go Find a Psychic!
Once a year, on Christmas Eve, Cafe Telekinesis holds a real psychic party. At the party, psychics gather together to show off their abilities while for the rest of the year they hide their abilities. Yone Sakurai is a program director for a psychic variety TV show called "Asunaro Psychic". She is stressed out and tired from her work, but proud of what she is doing. Yone actually believes in psychic abilities. By an audience request a new plan is set out for the program, a plan which requires the show to uncover real psychics or psychic events.
Takutomi Matsui
Kosuke is 31, and tired of his hometown where nothing happens. On a whim, he departs for New York with dreams of making it big. 6 months later, he straggles home... defeated, and saddled with debt. Awaiting him are his old friends, a caring sister, a disgruntled father ...and a bowl of noodles. Namely, "udon" noodles. The town is built around udon, sustained by udon, nationally famous for udon.
La lechuza
Una madre y su hija están atrapadas en un pueblo fantasma y se mueren de hambre. Se les ocurre un plan para salir de su situación que implica la explotación de los pocos hombres que se pierden en su cabaña... Ellas ofrecen servicios sexuales con finales no tan felices...
Timeless Melody
Kawamoto works and lives in a dilapidated pool hall which also serves as a rehearsal space for him and his friend Chikako. They seem contented to while away their hours doing nothing much at all. Meanwhile, an old pool shark meets some people from his past that he is none too happy to see again. How will this affect their private haven?
A suspenseful story about an earnest and kind-hearted taxi driver who, by chance, turns into a violent murderer and races through the darkness of the city.
Nota de suicidio
Yoko es una famosa actriz que decide ir a un chalet situado en la montaña para tomarse unos días de descanso. Allí, descubrirá un secreto sobre su compañero Toyoko...