Domingo Carrillo


Cómicos de la Legua
Director of Photography
The guy that runs the concession stand at a vaudeville theatre gets tangled up with a gang of thieves.
Cinco vidas y un destino
Director of Photography
Jailbreak! Five death-row inmates run for the border.
Los líos de Barba Azul
Director of Photography
A news reporter falls in love with a millionaire's young daughter, but her father tells him he won't let them marry unless he earns one million Pesos first. Helped by a friend, he tries to earn the money by marrying - and murdering - four rich women.
De ranchero a empresario
Director of Photography
Ranch-owner visits the big city to help his brother launch a theatrical venture.
Mujer de medianoche
Young woman elopes with her fiancé; during their honeymoon, things happen that cause them to be separated, and she finds herself alone in a big city with no resources to fall back on.
La noche es nuestra
Director of Photography
Journalist meets an unforgettable woman, tracks her down and discovers all her tragic past.
Hombres sin alma
Final installment in Juan Orol's Percal trilogy. In this film, Malena is freed from prison by a gangster but a rival mobster will make things impossible for them.
Perdición de mujeres
Director of Photography
Small town girl moves to the big city. When she can't find a job, she starts hanging with a bad crowd.
El infierno de los pobres
A young woman becomes pregnant but when his boyfriend leaves her she gets a job as a prostitute in order to provide for her child.
Canasta Uruguaya
Director of Photography
Screwball comedy about country girl who inherits a fortune.
¡Acá las Tortas!
Director of Photography
College students, ready to start entering adult society, are ashamed of their working-class backgrounds.
Que idiotas son los hombres
After divorcing her cheating husband, a newly single still and beautiful woman, (played by Actress Rosa Carmina), travels to Acapulco. She soon becomes the center of attention and spoiled for choice when she finds herself wooed by no less than four handsome suitors, three of whom are very wealthy and prominent men. Initially torn between her head and her heart, but mindful of past mistakes, Carmina's character chooses love over money and picks a humble and hard-working waiter. Directed by Juan Orol, (Carmina's soon-to-be ex-husband in real-life), this drama features the long, drawn-out scenes and shadowy film noir techniques which he became well- known for.
¡… Y murío por nosotros!
Director of Photography
Madre querida
Puerto de tentación
Cabaret Shanghai
Nightclub-owner/gangster discovers that his dame and his second-in-command are cheating on him.
Amor salvaje
Director of Photography
Alma deja Panamá para irse a vivir con su tía Antonia y con Manuel, su esposo. Allí conoce a Julio, que trata de enamorarla.
Narra la historia de un gángster que se mueve en los suburbios arrabaleros, donde es conocido por su audacia en robos a bancos y comercios de la ciudad de México.
Confidencias de un ruletero
Director of Photography
Taxi driver takes the wrong passenger at the wrong time and gets caught up in a murder investigation.
Carta Brava
Safe-cracker sets up a gangster rival to get arrested; after some unrelated adventures, that guy escapes from jail and pays him back.
El charro del arrabal
Director of Photography
Pancho Dominguez, apodado el charro del arrabal.
Ahí vienen los Mendoza
Director of Photography
Two brothers "out on the ranch" fight over girls and stuff.
El reino de los gángsters
Director of Photography
Johnny Carmenta es un pistolero que encabeza una banda de gángsters. Carmenta actúa en secreto como una especie de El Zorro, ayudando a los desprotegidos.
Carita de cielo
Director of Photography
A young woman is brought before a prosecutor after stealing food. She is defended by Julio, a university professor who decides to exhibit her as an example in his class on the theory of theft. Then he hires her as a housemaid. Her face and charms won’t only save her family from serious quandaries; they will also inspire the professor’s love.
La insaciable
Director of Photography
Velma (María Antonieta Pons), es una ambiciosa bailarina que contrae matrimonio con Carlos (Rafael Baledón), un médico de gran renombre. Sin embargo, en su afán por tener riqueza y fortuna, termina enredándose con hombres de dudosa reputación y realizando actos indebidos.
Gángsters contra charros
Director of Photography
El gángster Johnny Carmenta se tiene que enfrentar a Pancho Domínguez, el charro del arrabal, quien ha impuesto su ley en la ciudad. La rumbera Rosa transita del gángster al charro, encendiendo la ya de por sí enconada rivalidad entre ambos.
Guadalajara pues
Director of Photography
Film curioso por su abierta burla al estadounidense y al mexicano emigrante deslumbrado por el dólar y el idioma inglés. La trama trata con humor un serio problema social, mediante un relato de enredos amorosos. Agustín Isunza es un divertido y agringado ex bracero, Joe Flowers es decir José Flores, cuyos patrones, los atractivos jóvenes rubios Joan Page y Clifford Carr deslumbran a la pareja de hermanos protagonizados por Luis Aguilar y Amanda del Llano, a quienes Miguel Inclán, un rico alfarero de la región, les ha echado el ojo para casarlos con sus hijos Katy Jurado y Raúl Guerrero.
La reina del trópico
Director of Photography
Pasiones tormentosas
In a small tropical town, two sisters fight over the love of a young man named José. Fabiola is a noble woman but Sandra will do anything to get him, including witchcraft.
Campeón sin Corona
Director of Photography
Roberto "Kid Terranova" es un joven nevero metido a boxeador gracias a sus tremendas facultades. Sus primeros triunfos lo convierten en el boxeador del momento y rápidamente comienza a ganar dinero, el cual derrocha a manos llenas. Su suerte cambia el día que enfrenta a Joe Ronda, un boxeador norteamericano que despierta en Roberto un profundo complejo de inferioridad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Camera Operator
En el Guanajuato de mediados del siglo diecinueve, la belleza y simpatía de la joven heredera Amalia conquistan al humilde capataz Ricardo con resultados funestos. Impedido para consumar su amor, Ricardo se va de Guanajuato adonde vuelve tiempo después convertido en el rico dueño de una mina. A su regreso, el destino le tiene preparado un trágico reencuentro con Amalia.
Camera Operator
En 1909, María Candelaria y Lorenzo Rafael, pareja nativa de Xochimilco, desean casarse a pesar de que las circunstancias les son totalmente adversas. La gente del pueblo es hostil a María Candelaria por ser hija de una prostituta, y la pareja debe enfrentar la avaricia del tendero don Damián, quien en secreto desea a la joven. Un día María Candelaria enferma de paludismo
Distinto Amanecer
Camera Operator
The disaffected wife of a failed civil servant, is thrilled to re-encounter Octavio, a former lover who is now a union activist on the run from a corrupt politician. Hoping to help him, she descends into the Mexican underworld, where she finds a purpose-and a thrill-missing from her married life.
Flor silvestre
Camera Operator
The film features Fernandez himself as a character named Rogellio Torres. The lion's share of the footage, however, is devoted to the romance between Esperanza, granddaughter of a common laborer, and Jose Luis Castro, the firebrand son of a landowner. Joining a revolutionary movements, Castro is disowned by his father, but Esperanza remains loyally by his side. Later on, Castro's father is killed by outlaws; in seeking vengeance, he sacrifices his own life, while Esperanza carries on his revolutionary work with their young son in tow.