Johnny Duncan

Johnny Duncan


Johnny Duncan
Johnny Duncan


Batmania: From Comics to Screen
Self / Robin / Dick Grayson
This is the fully documented story of Batman, his genesis, his development, and his overall entertainment career. Told with dramatic insight, this action filled documentary will satisfy every fan who ever delighted in Batmania.
Beheaded Man (uncredited)
Hacia el año 75 antes de Cristo, un esclavo llamado Espartaco es vendido a una escuela de gladiadores donde le adiestran para combatir en la arena de los circos romanos. Pronto, Espartaco lidera una rebelión por el maltrato sufrido.
Plan 9 del espacio exterior
Second Stretcher Bearer (uncredited)
En California, un anciano lamenta la pérdida de su esposa y al día siguiente también muere. Sin embargo, el soldado espacial Eros y su compañera Tanna usan un dispositivo eléctrico para resucitarlos a ambos y al fuerte inspector Clay que fue asesinado por la pareja. Su intención no es conquistar la Tierra sino evitar que la humanidad desarrolle la poderosa bomba "Solobonita" que amenazaría el universo. Cuando la población de Hollywood y Washington DC ve platillos voladores en el cielo, un coronel, un teniente de policía, un piloto comercial, su esposa y un policía intentan detener a los extraterrestres.
El motín del Caine
El estricto capitán Queeg (Bogart), un hombre aquejado de agotamiento nervioso y fobias neuróticas, asume el mando del Caine, un dragaminas norteamericano cuya tripulación carece de disciplina. En contra de la opinión de los demás oficiales, introduce cambios y toma medidas tan arbitrarias que la tripulación empieza a considerarlo un neurótico peligroso. Durante una tempestad, Queeg pierde el control de la nave; entonces, el segundo oficial lo obliga a dejar el mando y lo releva. Este incidente dará lugar a un consejo de guerra.
Highway Dragnet
Marine (uncredited)
An ex-Marine on the lam from a murder charge. He hitches a ride from glamor-magazine photographer, who is travelling cross-country with her principal model. Tensions rise when the woman realize the man with them may be a killer.
Gang Member (uncredited)
Johnny (Marlon Brando) es el carismático líder de un grupo de motoristas pendencieros que llegan a un pequeño pueblo californiano. En medio del alboroto que montan él y sus colegas, Johnny se sentirá atraído por Kathy (Mary Murphy), la hija del sheriff local.
The Flaming Urge
Ralph Jarvis
A pyromaniac tries to fight his obsession with fire.
Despacio, forastero
Office Messenger (uncredited)
Chris Hale, un jugador sin escrúpulos, llega a un pequeño pueblo en el que supuestamente vivió cuando era niño. Pronto consigue encandilar a los vecinos, y utiliza su encanto personal para seducir a Elaine Corelli, una rica heredera postrada en una silla de ruedas, tras un accidente. Aunque intenta enderezar su vida, Chris tendrá que resolver asuntos turbios del pasado.
A Wonderful Life
Sponsored by The Protestant Film Commission, this religiously-affiliated tale centers around citizen Henry Wood (played by Oscar winner James Dunn from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"), who loved family and church, gave to the needy, and donated most of his money to charity. Now deceased, his somewhat neglected daughter reflects on his past and ponders that age-old question, did he indeed have such "a wonderful life"?
Soldier (uncredited)
Ann Sutton, una cleptómana casada con un conocido psiquiatra, es sorprendida por el malvado David Korvo, que la hipnotiza y trata de convertirla en coartada para un crimen. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un paso en falso
Bellhop (uncredited)
El profesor Andrew Gentling está en Los Ángeles buscando una nueva universidad. Allí se encuentra a una antigua pareja suya, Catherine Sykes. Al día siguiente, Catherine desaparece, y su amiga Martha convence a Andrew de que él es el primer sospechoso. Andrew decide investigar el caso antes de que le arresten, pero esto sólo le pone en peligro.
Batman y Robin
Robin / Dick Grayson
This 15-chapter serial pits Batman and Robin against The Wizard, who uses a device that allows him to control machinery to hold the city hostage.
Street Corner
Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist. Depending on the release presentation, the movie includes an animation of conception, filmed vaginal and caesarian section births, and a filmed presentation on how syphilis and gonorrhea present themselves.
Trail to San Antone
Ted Malloy (as John Duncan)
Gene Autry is back near the saddle, trying to help out a crippled jockey. Gene is certain that the jockey can ride in the Big Race if the lad can regain his self-confidence. Meanwhile, Gene and comical sidekick Sterling Holloway have another problem on their hands: A rogue stallion has "kidnapped" Gene's prize mare. Piloting a plane, Autry seeks out and locates the stallion.
Johnny O'Clock
When an employee at an illegal gambling den dies suspiciously, her sister, Nancy, looks into the situation and falls for Johnny O'Clock, a suave partner in the underground casino. Selfish and non-committal by nature, Johnny slowly begins to return Nancy's affection and decides to run away with her, but conflict within his business threatens their plans. As Johnny tries to distance himself from the casino, his shady past comes back to haunt him.
De hoy en adelante
Young Lieutenant
El maquinista Bill Cummings y la administrativa Susan son un humilde matrimonio neoyorquino, del barrio del Bronx, que vive en una situación económica muy precaria. Sus problemas para encontrar trabajo se ven agravados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Sobre su vida cotidiana planea permanentemente la amenaza de un futuro incierto.
Come Out Fighting
Gilbert Mitchell
The police commissioner asks some local street kids to toughen up his sissy son.
Mr. Muggs Rides Again
Squeegie Robinson
After having been framed by gamblers, Muggs is barred from riding in horse races. Snce he can no longer race, he takes up a collection so Ma Brown, who owns the horses won't have her stable foreclosed on. However, one of the gamblers involved in the frame falls for Ma Brwn's daughter, and decides to come clean and confess to the police about the frame. The other gamblers hear about it and set out to shut him up and discredit Muggs and Ma Brown once and for all.
Fuera de la ley
Ralph (uncredited)
La acción tiene lugar en el mundo de las carreras de caballos, cuando un jugador con deudas falsifica la partida de nacimiento de un jockey para que pueda participar en una trascendental carrera. (FILMAFFINITY)
Youth Aflame
One of several WW II-era "juvenile delinquent" dramas, Youth Aflame was filmed two years before its 1945 release, and frankly looks much older. It's the old saw about two sisters, one good, one bad. The nice sister (Kay Morley) tries to steer the nasty one (Joy Reece) towards the straight and narrow path, but it's no use. Only when it's too late does the erring sister learn the horrible price of fast driving, hard drinking and uninhibited sex. And it's ALL HER PARENTS' FAULT!!!! Youth Aflame was reissued in 1959 as Hoodlum Girls, during Hollywood's next J.D.-movie cycle.
Delinquent Daughters
Rocky Webster
A town is shocked when a high school girl commits suicide. A reporter and a cop team up to investigate and find out exactly what is going on among the youth of the town.
A Fig Leaf for Eve
A nightclub dancer, raised in an orphanage, learns she might be the long-lost heiress to a hair tonic fortune.
Teen Age
Dan Murray
Teen-Age is another "exposé" film of the 1940s, cheaply made but widely distributed. In the guise of a warning against wartime juvenile delinquency, the film offers the exploitational tale of a bunch of wild, unsupervised kids at large in a small community. With nothing but time on their hands, the young protagonists become involved with petty theft, inevitably leading to some pretty serious consequences.
Million Dollar Kid
Roy Cortland
The gang is friend with a millionaire because they saved him from an agression. However, the gang is suspecting that the man's son was actually one of the agressors.
Toda la banda está aquí
Jitterbug Dancer (uncredited)
A soldier falls for a chorus girl and then experiences trouble when he is posted to the Pacific.
Campus Rhythm
Freshie, a Freshman
Radio singer Joan Abbott, known as the "Crunchy-Wunchy Thrush", does not want to renew her contract with the cereal sponsor, as she wants to go to college. But her guardian, her Uncle Willie signs the contract in order to pay off his own debts. But this time Joan won't take no for an answer and enrolls under an assumed name. When Joan goes missing, the radio institutes a search for Joan via a publicity stunt.
The Mystery of the 13th Guest
Harold Morgan (as John Duncan)
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
Swing Fever
Dancer, USO Sailor (uncredited)
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
Acción en el Atlántico Norte
Sailor (uncredited)
Mientras transporta mercancías para sus aliados rusos una nave de mercante americana capitaneada por Raymond Massey es torpedeada. El valor de Massey y su primer oficial Humphrey Bogart sirve como una inspiración a los sobrevivientes que llevan su diminuto bote salvavidas a América donde son recibidos como héroes. A la tripulación se le asigna un nuevo Liberty Ship. A pesar de los miedos de ser torpedeados de nuevo, Massey, Bogart, y los otros hombres llevan su carga con éxito a Rusia a pesar de ser atacados por varios aviones alemanes en el proceso.
Call of the Canyon
Jitterbug (uncredited)
A radio saleswoman helps a singing cattleman trap a shady meat buyer with a bogus broadcast.