Alice Ansara

Alice Ansara


Alice Ansara


Judy y Punch
En la ciudad anárquica de Seaside, cerca del mar, los titiriteros Judy y Punch están tratando de resucitar su espectáculo de marionetas. El espectáculo es un éxito debido a la superioridad de los títeres de Judy, pero la ambición y la inclinación de Punch por el whisky conducen a una tragedia inevitable que Judy debe vengar.
The Ballad of Betty & Joe
Every morning Betty tramps alone through the big city to join her fellow buskers in the pedestrian tunnel below, trying to earn a living. But her earnings are meager, and to make things worse, the new security guard, Joe, is trying to confiscate her fiddle. While Betty dreams of fame and fortune, Joe dreams of earplugs – something’s got to give!
Rosebery 7470
Alison Asquith
A confronting story of deceit, perversion and abuse, that delves below the surface of a stagnant Tasmanian mining town into its banal yet insidious core. Rosebery is at once a setting and a metaphor for the damaging relationships that lurk beneath the surface. We follow Alison, the youngest daughter of the Asquith family, as she plunges into a world of destructive relationships that lead her to a gruesome destiny.
La spagnola
Australia, 1960. Lola es una atractiva y ardiente mujer española, enfurecida con su marido, Ricardo, el cual de repente la abandona por Wendy, una rubia australiana. Ricardo se lleva todos los ahorros que tenían, para comprarse otro coche e iniciar una nueva vida al lado de su joven amiga. No solo abandona a su mujer, sino también a Lucía, su hija de catorce años. El infiel Ricardo sin embargo, pronto será víctima de Wendy, y de una dieta repleta de colesterol que le conducirá a la muerte. Cuando su marido desaparece, Lola coge el coche y conduce sin parar como venganza. El automóvil es lo único de valor que ahora posee, pero se presentan complicaciones y empieza una guerra con su hija, la cual trama un plan. Las estrategias de ambas chocan violentamente, con resultados tanto cómicos como desastrosos
On Guard
Set against the backdrop of modern-day Sydney, this heist-style thriller involves four politicised women from varying backgrounds, who conspire to sabotage the research programme of a multi-national firm, Utero, which is engaged in reproductive engineering. One of the women loses her diary which contains information and diagrams about the raid only a few days to count down. Will the diary fall into the wrong hands leading to the detection of the women before they have a chance to complete their mission? As the tension mounts, so the wider context of the women's lives as mothers, lovers and providers is also shown under strain indicating the many other considerations women have to take into account when embarking on any form of public activity.