Wilfrid Lawson

Wilfrid Lawson

Nacimiento : 1900-01-14, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, UK

Muerte : 1966-10-10


Wilfrid Lawson


La Reina Vikinga
King Priam
A la muerte de su padre, Salina asume el reinado sobre la antigua Gran Bretaña para llevar a cabo los deseos de existencia pacífica bajo el dominio de los romanos. Ella se siente fuertemente atraída por Justiniano, el Gobernador General romano que trata de dominar a los nativos con tolerancia a pesar de los deseos de tomar medidas radicales por parte de su segundo al mando, Octavio. Cuando Justiniano es quitado de en medio con el pretexto de una rebelión en tierras lejanas, Octavio empieza una campaña de terror basada en la crueldad, a la cual Salina planta cara. Convertida en una diosa de la guerra a las riendas de su carro de combate, Salina lidera a su pueblo en un ataque demoledor contra Octavio. Una tremenda batalla y una difícil elección para Salina: su amor hacia Justiniano o la justicia para su pueblo.
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
Esta película rodada para la televisión se considera la obra que mejor refleja el mundo malsano de la novela de Lewis Carroll.
La caja de las sorpresas
Un grupo de padres decide abrir una cuenta bancaria con la intención de que la suma acumulada durante años vaya a parar a manos del hijo que consiga sobrevivir a los demás. Mucho tiempo después, sólo quedan dos supervivientes: dos hermanos que se odian.
The Siege of Manchester
Mr Bourne
A German mercenary is hired to defend the small township of Manchester during the English Civil War.
Old Soldier (uncredited)
Inglaterra, siglo XII. Drama histórico en el que se narran los enfrentamientos entre Enrique II Plantagenet, rey de Inglaterra, y Thomas Becket, que llegó a ser canciller y después arzobispo de Canterbury (desde 1162). Las desavenencias entre ambos comienzan cuando en 1164 (Constitución de Clarendon) el rey lleva a cabo una reforma del sistema judicial que reduce substancialmente las prerrogativas de la Iglesia.
Tom Jones
Black George
Basada en la novela homónima del escritor inglés Henry Fielding. Hijo ilegítimo de una pobre mujer que se vio obligada a abandonarlo poco después de nacer, Tom Jones (Albert Finney) fue adoptado y educado por el bondadoso señor Allworthy, en cuya casa creció feliz y despreocupadamente junto a Blifil, el sobrino de su protector. Con el tiempo, ambos se enamoraron de su encantadora vecina Sophie Western (Susannah York). Dominado por los celos, Blifil, el único heredero de la hacienda familiar, decidió expulsar a Tom de la casa.
Go to Blazes
Scrap Dealer
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
Postman's Knock
Likeable country postman Harold Petts gets transferred from his village to London, where on his arrival he unwittingly foils a mail train robbery. Innocent in the ways of the big city, he is thought to be a member of another gang by both the train robbers and the police, who all suspect him of trying to rob the post office where he works.
Nothing Barred
Penniless Lord Whitebait's plan to save his sinking fortunes is to open stately Whitebait Manor to the public. But the public ignores his gesture, and his fortunes fade even further, with a stream of debts threatening to run into a deluge when his daughter's fiancé demands a plush and costly wedding. Where is the cash to come from? Whitebait and his servant Spankforth's answer is a scam involving the theft of a valuable painting from the Manor. How could such a cunningly original ruse fail?
Expresso Bongo
Mr Rudge
A seedy London promoter turns a naive, working-class teenager into a pop singing sensation.
Tread Softly Stranger
Unable to pay his bookie, a man returns to his hometown where his embezzler brother and girlfriend plot a robbery that ends in tragedy.
La verdad al desnudo
Walter - Contestant in T.V. Show (uncredited)
A causa de las graves presiones que recibe, un periodista ha intentado suicidarse en varias ocasiones. Pero ahora ha decidido fundar una publicación para contar la verdad, sin miedo a represalias. Para financiarla, recurre al chantaje de varias personalidades. Los problemas aparecerán cuando un presentador de televisión se le resista. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ruta infernal
Ed, Hawlett Mechanic
Intentando olvidar su pasado, Tom (Stanley Baker) acepta un trabajo en una compañía de camiones. Pronto entabla amistad con Gino (Herbert Lom) y Lucy (Peggy Cummings), la secretaria de la compañía. Por el contrario, su relación con Red (Patrick McGoohan), un camionero que ostenta el record de viajes, es de rivalidad. Los intentos de Tom por superarlo provocarán un conflicto.
Now and Forever
A rich young society girl falls in love with a car mechanic. Her family is appalled and stops her seeing him. The girl attempts to commit suicide and then decides to elope.
Guerra y paz
Prince Bolkonsky (as Wilfred Lawson)
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Leon Tolstoi. En el año 1805 Napoleón amenaza con invadir Rusia. Pierre Bezukhov es un intelectual pacifista y ocioso, hijo natural de un noble. Cuando estalla la guerra, se mantiene al margen de la contienda y frecuenta la casa de sus amigos los Rostov, una acogedora familia aristocrática, en la que brilla por su encanto y generosidad Natasha.
An Alligator Named Daisy
Irishman (uncredited)
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
El prisionero
The Jailer
Después de la Segunda Guerra mundial (1939-1945), un cardenal (Alec Guinness) es acusado de haber traicionado a su patria. Es un hombre de carácter y voluntad férrea. Su interrogador (Jack Hawkins), un hombre benevolente en apariencia, recurre primero a la amabilidad para hacerlo hablar, pero acaba sirviéndose de pruebas falsas, trucos sucios y diversas formas de crueldad para conseguir su objetivo. Sin embargo, parece que nada consigue doblegar al prelado.
Make Me an Offer!
Charlie's Father
A struggling antiques dealer (Peter Finch) thinks he has found the answer to his problems when he stumbles across a precious vase amid a range of other less desirable items. The trouble is, the owners of the vase are pretty shrewd themselves and are not keen on letting it go for a song - meaning that our hapless chap has to pull out every trick in the book in order to win his prize.
The Turners of Prospect Road
Will Turner
A London cabby finds a greyhound puppy in his cab, and gives it to his daughter. She raises it and trains it up at the race tracks; and in spite of crooked rival owners, the dog eventually wins the Greyhound Derby.
Fanny by Gaslight
Al regresar a Londres tras acabar el internado, Fanny presencia la muerte de su padre en una pelea, y descubre que su familia ha regentado un burdel durante años. No será el único descubrimiento importante en su vida, mientras se enamora del joven asesor y político Harry Sommerford, debiendo luchar por su amor contra la familia de éste.
Thursday's Child
Frank Wilson
Surgen tensiones familiares cuando una colegiala se convierte en una actriz infantil de éxito.
The Great Mr Handel
A lavish period drama produced in 1942 by Lord Rank's G.H.W. Productions Ltd.
La noche tiene ojos
Jim Sturrock
Un joven vive con su ama de llaves en una mansión de Yorkshire que está rodeada por un tétrico páramo. Una noche de tormenta, dos amigas que recorren la zona se ven obligadas a buscar refugio en la casa. A la mañana siguiente, una de ellas ha desaparecido.
Hard Steel
Walter Haddon
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
Tower of Terror
Wolfe Kristan
Wartime Germany: Marie, a concentration camp escapee on the run from the Nazis, narrowly escapes drowing when she is rescued by Wolfe Kristan a half-mad lighthouse keeper. Brought aboard the lighthouse itself, she begins to fall in love with the assistant keeper who, unknown to her, is a British spy. As the couple become more intimate, Kristan's jealously finally pushes him over the brink and into full-blown madness...
James McLean
Based on Aimee Stuart's play. Little Scots girl decides to use her inheritance for a "grand tour" of the Continent.
Danny Boy
A remake of Oswald Mitchell's own 1934 production, a story of Jayne Kaye (Ann Todd), a successful singer in America who returns to Britain during the Blitz to find her ex-husband and son who have fallen on hard times.
The Farmer's Wife
Churdles Ash
Eden Philpotts' "provincial" comic novel and play The Farmer's Wife was first filmed in the silent era by Alfred Hitchcock. The 1940 talkie version was directed by Leslie Arliss, son of stage star George Arliss. The story remained the same: A middle-aged widower attempts to select a wife from his rural district's eligible females (Basil Sydney). Three unsuccessful dalliances later, the farmer settles for his housekeeper, whom the audience has been rooting for all along. The Farmer's Wife is a prime example of the sort of fare that struck a proper chord with British filmgoers, but whose appeal would be lost to any other nationality.
Hombres intrépidos
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras una noche de diversión en las Antillas, la tripulación del carguero SS Glencairn vuelve a la dura rutina y navega rumbo a Baltimore. Son un grupo heterogéneo: Driscoll, un irlandés de mediana edad, Ole Olsen, un joven ex-granjero de origen sueco, y Smitty, un caballero inglés. Tras recoger una carga de dinamita, la tripulación debe regresar a casa, pero la amenaza que suponen los submarinos alemanes, siempre al acecho, hará que se vivan momentos de enorme tensión.
It Happened to One Man
Felton Quair
A film directed by Paul L. Stein.
Pastor Hall
Pastor Frederick Hall
This film is based on the true story of Pastor Martin Neimuller, who was sent to Dachau concentration camp for criticising the Nazi party. The small German village of Altdorf in the 1930's has to come to terms with Chancellor Hitler and the arrival of a platoon of Stormtroopers (preceded by a flock of sheep). The Stormtrooper go about teaching and enforcing 'The New Order' but Pastor Hall is a kind and gentle man who won't be cowed. Some villagers join the Nazi party avidly, some just go along with things, hoping for a quiet life but Pastor Hall takes his convictions to the pulpit.
Dead Man's Shoes
Lucien Sarrou
An amnesia victim is a well liked and respected member of his community--until one day someone from his past shows up with evidence that in "the old days" he had been a notorious criminal, and threatens to expose him unless he pays off.
La pequeña rebelión
James Smith es un cazador de indios famoso en todo el territorio de Pennsylvania. Un día, merodeando por la frontera, descubre que los traficantes ingleses suministran armas a los indios, camuflándolas en los convoyes militares. Smith se propondrá entonces tomarse la justicia por su mano. Él y sus hombres, disfrazado de indios, interceptarán uno tras otro todos los convoyes.
Alfred Doolittle
El profesor Higgins, especialista en fonética, conoce casuamente a Elisa, una vendedora de flores, y la vulgaridad e incorrección de su lenguaje despierta extraordinariamente su interés. Toma entonces la decisión de realizar un experimento con ella: la convertirá en una respetable dama de la alta sociedad. Pero el trato que Higgins dispensa a Elisa no es muy considerado: al profesor sólo le preocupa la dicción, el perfeccionamiento de la voz y los exquisitos modales adquiridos por Elisa. Adaptación de la obra de teatro homónima de Bernard Shaw, en la que también se inspiró "My Fair Lady"
Stolen Life
Thomas E. Lawrence
Adapted from the best-selling novel by K. J. Benes, A Stolen Life serves as a tour de force for German actress Elizabeth Bergner, whose husband Paul Czinner directed the film. Bergner stars as identical twins Sylvina and Martina, whose mild sibling rivalry intensifies when one of the girls tricks the other's sweetheart Alan McKenzie (Michael Redgrave) into proposing to the wrong twin.
The Gaunt Stranger
Maurice Meister
A lawyer receives a note telling him that he'll be dead in 48 hours - and Scotland Yard must work fast to uncover the serial killer known as 'The Ringer'.
The Terror
Mr. Goodman
For ten years, The Terror has laughed at both police and public. And for ten years, two of his erstwhile associates, Joe Conner and 'Soapy' Marks, have plotted revenge on the mastermind whose double-crossing sent them to Dartmoor prison without their share of the bullion stolen in a daring raid.
El amor manda
Police Sergeant
Inglaterra, años 30. Las vacaciones de verano despiertan el romanticismo y los sueños de una vida mejor.
White Hunter
Michael Varek
Safari guide Capt. Clark Rutledge is hired by the man Michael Varek who was responsible for his father's death...
Strike It Rich
Eddie Smart (George Gee) was born clumsy and is a laughing stock at work, the Sprouto Hair Tonic Company. One day a phrenologist reads his 'bumps' and pronounces him another Napoleon. Eddie becomes a changed man and issues orders to everyone. Meantime the boss believes Eddie to be the rightful owner of the company so let's him have his way. With the boss ill, Eddie invests heavily in the nutmeg market, almost bankrupting the company. By luck the research department discover that nutmeg is the secret ingredient for the new hair-restorer. The 1933 British Lion comedy feature film "Strike It Rich" starring George Gee and Gina Malo seems to be a 'lost' film on the 35mm cinema film format. However it was released (sadly savagely cut) on the UK Pathescope 9.5mm home movie film format in December 1938. One musical number was cut from the 9.5mm feature film release, but issued separately in a 9.5mm Pathe Vox Review. This print has this extra item edited back in.
East Lynne on the Western Front
Dick Webb / Carlyle
During the First World War a group of British soldiers serving on the Western Front stage a comic performance of the play East Lynne to entertain their comrades.