Carles Flavià

Carles Flavià


Carles Flavià


Universal y faraona
Para fans de Ocaña, Gato Pérez y Pepe Rubianes.
¡Soy un pelele!
Olvido, una guionista en horas bajas, ve la posibilidad de recuperar su carrera profesional y, sobre todo, de conquistar al amor de su vida, un prestigioso director de cine, cuando éste sufre un shock que le deja amnésico.
Haz conmigo lo que quieras
Néstor (Emilio Gutiérrez Caba), un pastelero recientemente enviudado, se encapricha de Maribel (Ingrid Rubio), la hija de la señora de la limpieza, con la que quiere casarse cuanto an-tes. Pero Maribel ambiciona irse a Barcelona y ponerse a trabajar en el gabinete sadomasoquista que regenta su hermana Ángela (Chusa Barbero). Además se ha enamorado de Manolo (Alberto San Juan), un cazador de morosos con quien sueña una vida llena de aventuras y sorpresas. Aconsejada por su her-mana y animada por la herencia del viudo, Maribel se casa con Néstor esperando que no dure mucho. Pero las cosas no salen pensaba.
El gran Gato
"El Gran Gato" is the title of this "documented musical," as cataloged the same director, which includes the participation of singers like Tonino Carotone, Sisa, Kiko Veneno, Luis Eduardo Aute, Los Manolos, Lucrecia and Martyrdom. This manager and colleagues pay tribute to Jack Perez, singer and composer who popularized the rumba and died in 1990 when he was only 40 years. The film alternates between two parts: a documentary with more conversations with family and people who knew Jack Perez, and a second in which the aforementioned musicians interpret the best known songs of the musician.
Lola vende cá
Sr. Colom
Lola is a young gypsy of uncertain origin who was adopted, as a newborn, by a family among whom she has grown up with gypsy customs and traditions. When the young woman finishes high school, she considers, against her family and her social environment, to continue her studies and pursue a teaching career. At that moment of his adolescent life, love appears when he meets Juan, a gypsy of his age.