Maciej Kowalewski

Maciej Kowalewski


Maciej Kowalewski


An Actress in Wonderland
‘I have always had the curiosity to look further’ – admits one of the greatest Polish actresses. Barbara Krafftówna takes the viewer on a visit to her magical land, inhabited by ghosts of the past, the Elderly Gentlemen's Cabaret and, above all, by her unforgettable artistic creations.
Born for the Saber
(Father) Jerzy Wronowski
This is the story of a young nobleman and knight Błażeja Wronowski set in 17th-century Poland. Błażej begins military education with Jan Jerlicz, a veteran of the Moscow War. Jerlicz returns to his homeland to at the urging of his former companion, Jerzy Wronowski, to train the young Błażej. It is a story of honor, bravery and combat seen through the eyes of a young knight growing up in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Three Sisters T
Three Sisters T
Dance Marathon
An event, which main attraction is the dance marathon, has gathered crowds at the market square of the provincial Polish town. Impressive prizes compete with another attraction: the concert of the star singer Jessica. A local outsider Christian falls for the singer. Soon he discovers that her life is far from being a dream and decides to win her heart. In the crowd of marathon contestants we will meet many individuals who dream of winning the main prize for various motivations. Who will turn out to be the winner? Will there be a prize at all? Because two small-time crooks, Simon and Silvio, are lurking around. And why this persistent notion that our life is so often influenced by miracles...?
Love and Dance
Hania (Izabella Miko) is a young journalist who suddenly discovers that she is more connected with dancing than she could ever imagine ...
Expecting Love
Policeman 1
A successful Los Angeles lawyer discovers that a short-term affair could have long-term consequences when a woman he had a brief affair with claims that she's currently pregnant with his unborn child.
El pianista
SS Officer (uncredited)
Varsovia, 1939. El pianista polaco de origen judío Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) interpreta un tema de Chopin en la radio nacional de Polonia mientras la aviación alemana bombardea la capital. El régimen nazi ha invadido el país, y como hace en otros países invadidos, lleva a cabo la misma política con respecto a los judíos. Así Szpilman y toda su familia -sus padres, su hermano y sus dos hermanas- se ven obligados a dejar su casa y todo lo que les pertenece para trasladarse con miles de personas de origen judío al ghetto de Varsovia. Mientras Wladyslaw trabaja como pianista en un restaurante propiedad de un judío que colabora con los nazis, su hermano Henryk (Ed Stoppard) prefiere luchar contra los nazis. Pero tres años más tarde, los habitantes del ghetto son trasladados en trenes hacia campos de concentración.
La lista de Schindler
Boy (uncredited)
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.