Elise Caron

Elise Caron


Elise Caron


An average guy who works in a recycling plant wakes up one morning to discover that he's become inexplicably famous.
Holy Motors
"Holy Motors" narra 24 horas en la vida de un ser con múltiples caras: asesino, mendigo, ejecutivo, monstruo, padre de familia... El protagonista tiene una identidad completamente distinta en cada una de estas vidas. Encarna personajes como si se tratase de una película dentro de una película. ¿Pero dónde están las cámaras, el equipo de cine, el escenógrafo? ¿Y dónde está su casa, su refugio?
Young Girls in Black
Noémie and Priscilla, two teenagers from a modest background, nurture the same violence, the same revolt. They seriously worry their families, who feel that these girls are capable of anything...
Un soir au club
Debbie Parker
Simon Nardis was once an internationally renowned jazz pianist but for the past ten years he has led a more orderly life as a husband and father. But all that changes when he walks into a jazz club by chance one evening. He comes face-to-face with the demons he thought he had tamed: music, alcohol and doubts about himself. He wonders if he really is happy...
A Summer Day
The sudden death of a teenager during a soccer match puts a small community completely off-balance.
Sweet Inquest on Violence
After a businessman is captured by kidnappers, his rescue seems incumbent on a group of filmmakers, rather than a lackluster police force -- a premise that is matched by the rest of this movie. The kidnapping victim rambles on philosophically with his captors, who end up leaving him alone -- thereby providing him with a chance to escape. As he makes a break for it, he is literally hounded by some guard dogs. Then there are also some interviews with people who know one of the kidnappers, though it is not clear why. Neither the victim, nor the kidnappers, nor the filmmakers can compete with the canines, the only protagonists who add some bite to the action.
Le petit Pommier
La fille
Story of three "flights": a little boy, a girl, and a mother who escapes the real world and recreates the world through dreams and photographs.
Cocktail Molotov
Tres jóvenes con ansias de libertad, en tiempos de la revolución estudiantil del 68. Frédéric y Anne, de diecisiete años, son novios y vienen de estratos sociales muy diferentes. Están dispuestos a sortear cualquier obstáculo que les impida ser felices, así que Anne, presionada por problemas familiares, convence a Frédéric para marcharse de casa. Junto a Bruno, un amigo, los tres parten en coche rumbo a Venecia, desde donde pretenden ir hacia Israel. El padre de Frédéric está enfermo y éste desea regresar. En Italia sufren unos cuantos percances y cuando se enteran de los levantamientos de estudiantes y trabajadores de París, deciden volver...