A group of former concentration camp prisoners has formed an underground network to hunt Nazi leaders, who are still on the loose. At a secret meeting in Paris they discuss what to do with the former Auschwitz commandant Karl Brochmann, who since 12 years lives in London under the false identity of Karl Luther. They decide to take the law in their own hands, and send their member David to London. He starts his commission by scaring Luther, to see his reactions. Luther is already nervous, because the newspapers are writing about the capture of Eichmann. When he finds out that somebody has broken into his apartment and painted a swastika on his mirror, he gets terrified. He empties his bank account, packs a bag with all his cash and runs away, followed by David.
En el Soho de Londres, Johnny Solo regenta el Pink Flamingo Club. No se deja intimidar fácilmente, así que cuando comienza a recibir amenazas y ofertas de protección, las rechaza. Detrás de la trama está Diamonds Dielli, un competidor. Midnight Franklin, su novia y estrella del club, trata de convencerlo para que abandone el negocio.
Un sheriff se enfrenta a dos bandas rivales. Como es británico y no conoce el Oeste, decide recibir lecciones de la dueña del salón. Comedia británica en clave de western para lucimiento de la explosiva Jayne Mansfield.
After murdering his lover, cross-channel swimmer Joy Webster, Derek Bond attempts to do same to her other boyfriend, Sheldon Lawrence. John Ireland plays an Interpol detective who stems Bond's homicidal hijinks. Black Tide was produced by Monty Berman in his pre-Saint days.
A wealthy business man discovers he has a brain tumor and seeks medical help. The business man finds a scientist experimenting with transplanting monkey heads on different monkey bodies. The business man decides to steal the head of Nostradamus from the prophet's crypt.