Agnès Laurent

Agnès Laurent

Nacimiento : 1936-01-28, Lyon, France

Muerte : 2010-02-10


Agnès Laurent


A. Constant
Two sisters, Camille and Madeleine, make up the story of a woman: Alice Constant, the servant of their grandfather who committed suicide at the age of 25.
Amores célebres
Irène, la femme du gouverneur
Diversas historias de amor protagonizadas por personajes célebres de la Historia. Los episodios son "Lauzun", "Les comédiennes", "Agnès Bernauer" y "Jenny de Lacour".
Mary Had a Little...
Mary Kirk
A theatrical impresario tries to win a bet with a psychiatrist over the production of a perfect baby.
A French Mistress
Madeleine Lafarge - The French Mistress
The boys of Melbury Primary School are plunged into turmoil when the new French Master turns out to be a Mistress! Madelin Leforge's (the French Mistress) effect on the boys is swift and amazing. Suddenly everyone wants extra French Lessons just to glimpse the teacher in revealing shorts and bikinis. As discipline crumbles, a scandal explodes when the Head discovers the mademoiselle's mother was an old flame. Madeline must be dismissed to save further embarrassments.
Altas variedades
Una inmigrante húngara (Ilona) llega a Barcelona y acaba en un circo en el que conoce a dos hombres que rivalizan por su amor. Uno cabal y tranquilo, el otro un seductor empedernido. Triangulo amoroso, pasión, celos, engaño y una venganza.
The Night of the Great Attack
In 15th century Romagna rules violence and fright. Cesare Borgia wants to incorporate the duchy of Catherine Sforza. But in between is the independent county Fabis, which he wants to bring into his possession.
Un mundo para mí
Recién licenciado en química, Andrés le dice a su padre, que no va a trabajar en su empresa porque quiere ser sacerdote. Su padre se opone rotundamente, no puede aceptar de ninguna manera su vocación religiosa y decide torcer sus planes contando con la ayuda de su sobrino Juan, un tarambana al que le encanta salir de juerga y conquistar mujeres guapas.
Cécile Redon-Namur
Sins of Youth
In a small provincial town, the boarding-house is run by Mathilde Belin, the overindulging and over-demanding mother of Paul. When she is told by her envious sister Charlotte that her son is having a secret affair with Catherine, a salesgirl, she becomes furious and starts doing everything in her power to separate the lovebirds.
The Fast Set
Sophie Durville
Originally titled Mademoiselle Striptease, this classic French sex comedy is a charming frolic through luscious Parisian cabarets with outstanding striptease performances. Agnes Laurent plays a spoiled young provincial girl.
A Girl in a Pocket
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.
Girl Merchants
Josette Legrand
A young French woman travels to South America for a job offer and ends up a prisoner in a slave camp for women by a sadistic gangster.
Las colegialas
Una guapa y sofisticada adolescente es internada en un colegio femenino tras el aparente intento de suicidio de su padre por un escándalo financiero. Allí se ganará amigos y enemigos...