Featuring interviews with filmmakers and industry legends, discover the origins and evolution of The Joker, and learn why The Clown Prince of Crime is universally hailed as the greatest comic-book supervillain of all time.
Executive Producer
Documentary on the Lego Batman Movie.
Documentary on the Lego Batman Movie.
A candid look at rehearsal footage in support of a focus on pre-viz.
A candid look at rehearsal footage in support of a focus on pre-viz.
A look at the fight choreography being developed for the film.
More fight choreography footage and in fact seems to be documenting more than one fight scene, unless one simply takes the entire film as one long extended fight scene, which isn't that far fetched of a perception.
An appealing look at the longstanding friendship between the two (Stahelski was Reeves' stunt double before going into directing).
Executive Producer
Viaja alrededor del mundo con el detrás de cámaras de "Sense8” y acompaña al elenco durante la producción de la exitosa serie.
Viaja alrededor del mundo con el detrás de cámaras de "Sense8” y acompaña al elenco durante la producción de la exitosa serie.
Short documentary that looks at a number of elements like the initial pitch for the project and the 2nd Unit action sequences.
Behind the scenes look at fight choreography and action training.
Cast and crew look back on the franchise's origins, the parallels with modern history, building a serious film, creature design, photographic style and the importance of perspective, digital effects construction, ensuring proper scale, the film's drama, Gareth Edwards' style, and more.
A documentary short featured on the DVD release of Godzilla (2014).
This documentary showcases producer Joel Silver, Donner, Gibson, Glover, Rene Russo and other members of all four films' production teams as they examine the franchise, look at the various social issues each film tackled, attempt to measure the series' cultural impact and, of course, touch on its legacy, for the actors, the filmmakers and audiences the world over.
The ever-budding relationship between Holmes and Watson, as well as the bonding duo who portray them.
How Jared Harris took on the classic villain role who still feels fresh, the perfect foil and equal to Sherlock Holmes.
Documentary on the making of 'Speed Racer.'
Documentary on the making of 'Speed Racer.'
¿Es plausible la noción de una verdadera Matrix? Una investigación de las tecnologías que inspiran la metáfora de la Matrix.
This thirty-minute documentary follows the Wachowski sisters and the film's crew through production on the film's famed highway chase sequence. We get interviews with the visual effects supervisors, the stunt coordinators and even are taken through aspects of pre-production and planning for the scene. Then the documentary moves into production, the scariest aspect of which is certainly Carrie Anne-Moss trying to learn to ride a motorcycle good enough to do so safely without helmet for the scene. We also watch as the stretch of freeway used in the film is being built.
The making of The Matrix Reloaded: Go to the middle movie's furthest reaches via five documentary paths revealing 21 featurettes.
The making of The Matrix Revolutions: The cataclysmic final confrontation chronicled through six documentary pods revealing 28 featurettes
Una hora de discusión sobre los conceptos filosóficos que inspiraron y se presentan en la trilogía. Este es uno de los dos documentales de larga duración en el disco número 8 del set 10-Disc Ultimate.
Este gigantesco documental muestra la realización de The Matrix Reloaded (2003) y The Matrix Revolutions (2003). Además de ver muchas reuniones de preproducción y producción, también nos invitan a los sets de ambas películas, y nos dan una idea de lo difícil que fue lograr lo casi imposible.
The special effects of the Agent Smith scenes in Matrix Revolutions
A featurette about the special effects of The Matrix Trilogy
This making-of piece includes remarks from production designer Owen Paterson, concept artist George Hull, visual effects supervisor John Gaeta, US unit production manager L. Dean Jones Jr., US model unit special effects coordinator Geoffrey Heron, Zion unit sequence lead Rodney Iwashina, high speed first assistant camera Paul Sanchez, US model unit art director Nanci Noblett, conceptual designer Geofrey Darrow, model shop supervisor Michael Lynch, US model unit producer David Dranitzke, prop maker foremen Dave Fogler and Fon Davis, and visual effects supervisor John "DJ" Des Jardin.
A look at the stunts of The Matrix Revolutions
The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they were affected by the deaths of Gloria Foster and Aaliyah, and also delve into the making of the visual effects that takes up a lot of screen time. Written by Rhyl Donnelly
A look at Enter the Matrix: The game's story picks up just before The Matrix Reloaded and runs parallel to that of the film. Bend the rules of the Matrix with martial arts, pilot the fastest hovercraft in the fleet, or just fight with lots of guns.
This making-of piece offers the standard mix of movie snippets, behind the scenes materials, and interviews from cast and crew on the making of the film.
This making-of piece is composed of seven segments: "Making The Second Renaissance Parts 1 and 2" (9:45), "Making The Program" (6:13), "Making World Record" (7:25), "Making Kid's Story And Detective Story" (9:42), "Making Beyond" (8:48), "Making Matriculated" (6:46) and "Making Final Flight Of Osiris" (6:39). Each of the features cover something a bit different, as some of the features are a pure "making of" type feature, while others might also delve into certain influences and things of that sort. Everyone involved speaks of their approach to their specific feature (or features) and they also talk about how they were approached by the Wachowski's about the Animatrix project and in certain instances, we learn about the director, as well as their work before signing on to this particular project. We get to see footage from the short itself, as well as interview footage with the principals and footage from behind-the-scenes.
A short documentary on Japanese animation featured on the DVD for The Animatrix (2003).
The mythology behind Spider-Man
Documental de dos horas de duración que repasa la película de "Matrix" (1999) desde su nacimiento como concepto hasta su repercusión social, indagando en la creación del universo, los efectos especiales, el entrenamiento de los actores, etc. El documental se vende por separado y puede encontrarse también en la "Ultimate Matrix Collection".
Documental de dos horas de duración que repasa la película de "Matrix" (1999) desde su nacimiento como concepto hasta su repercusión social, indagando en la creación del universo, los efectos especiales, el entrenamiento de los actores, etc. El documental se vende por separado y puede encontrarse también en la "Ultimate Matrix Collection".
A promotional making-of documentary for the film Matrix, The (1999) that devotes its time to explaining the digital and practical effects contained in the film. This is very interesting, seeing as how they're giving away the cinematic secrets that they created solely for the this movie, that have now been spoofed and referenced in countless other films.
Special Effects wizard John Gaeta demonstrates how the "Bullet-Time" effects were created for the film Matrix, The (1999).
Talking Heads short discussing the creature design of splices from Jupiter Ascending.