Simon Brook


A Different American Dream
In North Dakota an Indian nation finds itself at a critical moment in its long history. The Three Affiliated Tribes face catastrophic damage to their land and culture as a result of the recent oil boom on the Fort Berthold Reservation.
A Different American Dream
In North Dakota an Indian nation finds itself at a critical moment in its long history. The Three Affiliated Tribes face catastrophic damage to their land and culture as a result of the recent oil boom on the Fort Berthold Reservation.
The Tightrope
Peter Brook es uno de los más prestigiosos y revolucionarios directores del teatro moderno. Uno de los ejercicios que practica en sus cursos de formación de actores es el desafío de la "cuerda floja", un proceso de transformación que hace el teatro real tanto al público como al propio actor. Por primera vez en cuarenta años, Brook ha accedido a que las cámaras filmen cómo la "cuerda floja" provoca su efecto alquímico en los actores. Durante dos semanas, el hijo de Brook, Simon, registró a un grupo de actores y músicos en su exploración de los secretos del teatro.
Annie Nightingale: Bird on the Wireless
It's over 40 years since Annie Nightingale's very first show on Radio 1 - she was the station's first female DJ and is its longest-serving broadcaster. A lifelong champion of new music, first with punk, then new wave, acid house and dubstep, Annie is still at the cutting edge in her current incarnation as the 'Queen of the Breaks'.
Jungle Magic
Storyville visits a carnival in the Amazon.
Shark Tracker
Brook by Brook
An intimate portrait of director Peter Brook by his son, Simon Brook.
Minus One
Strange things are happening at Green Hill asylum…