Ana María Orozco

Ana María Orozco

Nacimiento : 1973-07-04, Bogotá, Colombia


The actress Ana Maria Orozco Aristizabal was born in Bogota, Colombia, on July 4, 1973. Daughter of the well-known Colombian actor Luis Fernando Orozco and the former radio announcer is the Carmenza Aristizabal. It has two sisters, Veronica, who is also actress and Juliana, a graduate in modern languages, very talented, but who has chosen to stay away from the show. It has always been diligent to art and when not acting this becomes their free hours dedicated to painting, skating, reading, and go to the movies. For this actress, the world of television was always present in his life and know it pretty well, thanks to his father, who brings more than 35 years in l, acting and participating in various productions. One of the famous roles has to play Ana Maria has been that of la Vera, a strange secretariat of the telenovela "Perro Amor", who became winner to a Simon Bolivar as best supporting actress and the Shock Award for best youth actress. This character also received another nomination from the TV y Novelas awards. Ana Maria became known in the world of television for his character of Betty, in the successful Colombian novel "Yo soy Betty, la fea". Thanks to this nothing graceful and awkward woman, Betty, actress came to be the center of attention and one of the best actresses in their country. Viewers fell in love with it and many even became identified with the character of Beatriz Pinzon, an excellent professional, too intelligent but without physical beauty who falls for his boss and ends up being reciprocated by l, but not before suffering a loving disappointment. For Ana Maria, it was easy to adapt to the character and came to admit that during his adolescence he was as Betty, it felt like an ugly duckling and wasn't able to get couple during school dances. But now that's already part of his past, because is considered one of the most beautiful of Colombia women and television. After the success of the telenovela, reappears for the series "Eco-fashion" continuation of "Betty la fea", premiering on December 2 2001 at the channel Univision in the United States, leaving issued on 2 June of the following year. For 2003, he worked as a theatre actress in M "Pier West" work Mexico, Bolivia and his native Colombia. In the middle of the same year, she filmed an independent film called El Colombian Dream, which premiered on 27 October 2006. He has been guest artist in two chapters of the well-known series "{@Amas de casa Desesperadas}" and has collaborated on Colombian and Argentine versions of "Mujeres Asesinas". In love with Argentine musician Martin Quaglia, who met in 2003 a New York bar, had their first daughter on 11 July 2004, marrying after time by civilian in the same city. He currently resides in Argentina with his family and is mother of two beautiful girls.


Ana María Orozco


La peste del insomnio
30 actresses and actors from Latin America, seek to evoke hope in the midst of the health and economic crisis unleashed by Covid-19, through the reading of fragments from the work of Gabriel García Márquez alluding to the plague of oblivion.
Soy tu karma
Darío se despierta un día en su cama junto a Renata, de quien no sabe nada. Comienza a sospechar que es una broma de sus amigos o una estafa, pero Renata tiene una explicación: Darío es una existencia anterior de ella misma.
Vidas Partidas
A married couple lives peacefully with two children until the husband starts getting violent.
El ratón Pérez
Lucía vive con sus padres en un barrio tranquilo. La noche que pierde su primer diente, el Ratoncito Pérez no llega a dejarle la moneda. Lucía se preocupa y siente que algo malo le ha sucedido a Pérez. Angustiada, le cuenta a su padre sus sospechas, pero él no le presta atención. Así pues, decide emprender la búsqueda de Pérez, ayudada por su primo Ramiro. Pronto descubrirán que el Ratoncito Pérez vive en un barco donde tiene una factoría perfectamente organizada, donde viven miles de ratones que hacen perlas con los dientes que recolectan de los niños. En el camino van a conocer a Pipo, un personaje no muy fiable que tratará de despistar a los niños. Pipo es el sobrino de Morientes, que es el socio y amigo del Ratoncito Pérez. Se trata de un joven ambicioso y tramposo que hace creer a los niños que es su aliado, pero su verdadera intención es sacar al Ratoncito Pérez del medio y quedarse con su imperio de perlas.
El Colombian Dream
Nicole (as Ana María Orozco)
El colombian Dream cuenta la historia de los gemelos¸ unos jóvenes que se encuentran de vacaciones en un balneario cercano a BogotḠque en su afán de conseguir dinero fácil empiezan a vender pastillas alucinógenas entre los clientes de El colombian dream¸ el bar de su familia. Uno de sus proveedores les da a guardar una gran cantidad de “mercancía”¸ que ha robado a sus socios¸ pero muere producto de una sobredosis después de la entrega… Los traficantes empiezan a buscar desesperadamente sus pastillas involucrando a los gemelos¸ su familia y amigos en una desenfrenada persecución.
Nora y Miguel son una pareja que está esperando un hijo y, al hacerse los análisis pertinentes, ella descubre que tiene VIH. En esta ocasión, el programa hace hincapié en el tema de la transmisión del virus de madre a hijo – también denominada “transmisión vertical” – y que puede producirse tanto en el embarazo como en el parto y la lactancia.