A Portrait Of Leslie Phillips takes a look at the life of Leslie Phillips; the legendary actor, writer and veritable British institution. Leslie's frank and open conversations combine with personal interviews from some of the greats who have worked with him.
Jerimiah Jones
Following the sudden death of their last surviving parent - their Dad, two brothers and two sisters return to the family home after many years to face each other, face facts and face the future. But what do they know of the past?
A pesar de que Adam (William Hurt) y Mary (Isabella Rossellini) se aman, de repente, deciden separarse. No son una pareja de jovencitos, tienen más de sesenta años, una edad que les permite compaginar eficazmente sus relaciones con hijos, nietos, trabajo y amigos. Pero, de repente, ambos descubren que ya han entrado en la vejez.
The Sorting Hat (voice)
La segunda parte de la batalla final entre las fuerzas del bien y el mal. El juego nunca ha sido tan peligroso y nadie está a salvo. Se acerca el momento de la confrontación final entre Harry Potter y Lord Voldemort. Todo termina aquí…
Himself (Narrator)
This exclusive look into the leaders in alternative modeling allows you to explore the weird and wonderful characters that suggest you don't have to be bafflingly beautiful to be a model.
Inglaterra, años ochenta. Edward es un niño de diez años que vive en una residencia para ancianos, regentada por sus padres. Mientras su madre se encarga del negocio, su padre se enfrenta a una crisis propia de la mediana edad. Edward, por su parte, vive obsesionado con los fantasmas, la vida más allá de la muerte y, sobre todo, con la idea de a dónde irán a parar las almas de los mayores cuando se mueren. Su vida solitaria da un giro cuando entabla amistad con el nuevo inquilino, Clarence, un mago retirado que tiene una peculiar forma de ver la vida.
Maurice, Ian y Donald son tres jubilados que se reúnen todos los días en su bar preferido para tomar una copa, lamentar la situación mundial e intercambiar comentarios. La edad ha ralentizado sus cuerpos pero no sus ágiles mentes.
Ésta es la verdadera historia de un hombre que, durante el rodaje de "Eyes Wide Shut", se hizo pasar ante la sociedad londinense por el famoso y atrabiliario director de cine Stanley Kubrick. De este modo consiguió las mejores mesas en los restaurantes, acceso a las fiestas más exclusivas y los mayores elogios de multitud de personas que desconocían el verdadero aspecto del realizador.
Lord W'ruff
Unos cineastas americanos llegan al Reino Unido a filmar una película sobre Winston Churchill, el gran Primer Ministro que ganó la guerra a los nazis. Pero cuando van a rodar deciden cambiar al escuálido actor que interpretará a Churchill por otro más atractivo y viril. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tras la muerte de su madre, Anthony, un niño de nueve años, se muestra siempre pragmático, mientras que su hermano pequeño Damian, dos años menor que él, recurre a la imaginación, a la fantasía y a la fe para que su confuso mundo adquiera sentido. Una bolsa llena de billetes, caída del cielo, va a parar a los pies de Damian. Gracias a ella, los niños vivirán una aventura que quedará grabada de forma imperecedera en su memoria, pues les hará comprender que el verdadero valor de las cosas nada tiene que ver con el dinero.
The Sorting Hat (voice)
Harry regresa a su segundo año a Hogwarts, pero descubre que cosas malas ocurren debido a que un sitio llamado la Cámara de los Secretos ha sido abierto por el heredero de Slytherin y hará que los hijos de muggles, los impuros, aparezcan petrificados misteriosamente por un animal monstruoso.
El joven Patrick Smash ve una solución a sus problemas de flatulencia cuando un amigo le fabrica un pantalón capaz de canalizar sus gases para propulsarlo en el aire. Gracias a este invento Patrick cumplirá su sueño de ser astronauta.
The Sorting Hat (voice)
Harry Potter es un huérfano que vive con sus desagradables tíos, los Dursley, y su repelente primo Dudley. Se acerca su undécimo cumpleaños y tiene pocas esperanzas de recibir algún regalo, ya que nunca nadie se acuerda de él. Sin embargo, pocos días antes de su cumpleaños, una serie de misteriosas cartas dirigidas a él y escritas con una estridente tinta verde rompen la monotonía de su vida: Harry es un mago y sus padres también lo eran.
Explorar imperios perdidos, descubrir tesoros de incalculable valor, castigar a los malvados en combates a vida o muerte… todo forma parte de un día de trabajo para la aventurera Lara Croft. Pero un secreto del pasado de su padre va a llevar a Lara a su desafío más grande: el Triángulo de la Luz, un legendario artefacto con el poder de alterar el espacio y el tiempo. Lara ha de encontrar el Triángulo antes de que caiga en poder de los Illuminati, una sociedad secreta dispuesta a dominar el mundo. Para detener a los Illumitati, Lara ha de sobrevivir a una auténtica cacería a través del planeta, repleta de inimaginables peligros.
Año 1939, Guy Grouchback (Daniel Craig), un inglés que vive en Italia, vuelve de su exilio para alistarse y luchar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial junto con la armada británica. Tras las líneas enemigas, varios de sus compañeros de guerra morirán en honor a su país.
Prince Hugely Suave
A televised pantomime of Aladdin with characters played by well-known celebrities.
Lord Archie Edgerstone
Set in the 1950s, it follows the progress of twenty year old Jenny Bunn, as she moves from her family home in the North of England to a London suburb to teach primary school children. Jenny is a traditional Northern working-class girl whose striking good looks are in sharp contrast to her prosaic upbringing, and to her strong belief that a girl should preserve her virginity until her wedding night. Because of her attractiveness, Jenny's views on virginity and marriage cause conflicts. The film centres on the (increasingly desperate and cruel) attempts of Patrick Standish, a 30 year old schoolmaster at the local grammar school, to seduce Jenny, against a backdrop of his skirmishes with his school authorities and with the shabby, suburban middle class milieu in which the film is set.
Vicar Gerald Perey
Tras quedarse viuda inesperadamente, Trevethyn Grace se encuentra en una situación financiera desesperada, pues hereda enormes deudas que su difunto marido había ido acumulando durante años. Frente a la pérdida de su casa, decide utilizar su talento para la horticultura y trama un plan para cultivar marihuana que puede vender a un precio astronómico, y que supondría la solución a su crisis financiera.
Zezolla and her family live mid 20th century, where fashion is practically everything. As her father is won over by a selfish woman named Claudette, Cinderella must keep her new step-mother from murdering the only family she has left. Add in an anti-social mermaid literally living in a cave, a bored prince with an ear for rock n' roll, and the glamour of the 1950's and one'll find that this story can't grow old.
Documentary commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 'Carry On' comedy film series. Archive clips and out-takes are mixed with interviews with the cast.
Un asesino sin escrúpulos, al que sólo se le conoce por el pseudónimo de Chacal, es contratado por un jefe de la mafia rusa para eliminar a un alto mandatario de gobierno de los Estados Unidos como represalia por la muerte de su hermano. El director del FBI, Preston se enfrenta al reto más grande de su carrera: con la ayuda de Valentina Koslova, una oficial de la inteligencia rusa, tendrá que desenmascarar al Chacal, descubrir quién es su objetivo y evitar el fatal desenlace. La única forma de conseguirlo es encontrar a alguien que piense como él: Declan, un antiguo activista del IRA.
Lincoln Bradley
Cuando Mark Easterbrook es acusado de matar a un cura, se pone en camino para demostrar su inocencia. En el proceso, descubre una serie de muertes, aparentemente por causas naturales, pero que pueden tener alguna relación.
Sydney Fisher
Lucinda goes on a trip away with her two friends Katherine and Amanda and convinces them to join her on form a variety act in order to impress her childhood crush Neville, a talent agent holding a gala night.
Professor Alexander Blathwaite
Se puede vivir toda una vida en un solo fin de semana...
Sir John
An encounter with a blind man ends unexpectedly for Susan Howard. The supposedly helpless man stuns and kidnaps her. The case is handed over by the Home Secretary to Sir John, the head of Scotland Yard. He entrusts Chief Inspector Higgins and Superintendent Lane with the investigation. Their investigations quickly lead Higgins and Lane on the trail of murder, white slavery and blackmail.
Sir John
Lady Osborne's gardener becomes the victim of a burglar when he catches him in the Lady's house. Soon more mysterious murders occur and Inspectors Higgins and Lane suspect a connection between the victims and the Lady's long-dead husband.
Sir John
Whenever a criminal is killed in London, a black Jaguar is nearby, with a white cat always sitting in the passenger seat. Inspector Higgins and Inspector Lane find a joker card on all the victims. Their investigation leads them to a diamond smuggling ring.
George, Lord Canterville
Una clásica familia americana se traslada a Inglaterra a vivir en un castillo habitado por un fantasma (Patrick Stewart). Allí los miembros de la familia perderán toda su incredulidad sobre unos seres en los que nunca habían creído. Sólo una joven (Neve Campbell) puede salvar al fantasma de Canterville de vagar eternamente...
Viscount Osgood
A repressed anti-porn campaigner meets a glamorous American porn actress who changes her outlook on life.
Sam Grace; un detective privado con sede en Filadelfia se une a su viejo amigo Trevor Watkins; un policía inglés que ambos siguen el rastro de un asesino esquivo y un ladrón de joyas en las Bermudas.
Just days before her wedding, Beatrice-Joanna has a chance encounter with Alsemero, and realizes that she has met her one true love. To marry the man she loves, she persuades the love-struck henchman De Flores to murder her fiance, but does not anticipate the tragic consequences of her actions.
A bittersweet drama about a street party held in a suburban London square to mark the 1981 Royal Wedding. After two years of the Thatcher administration there is recession and unrest, but the economic boom is just around the corner. Meanwhile, there's the fairytale wedding of Charles and Diana to celebrate.
King Ferdinand
El Gran Abdul está preocupado. Sus espías le han comunicado que un tal Cristóbal Colón prepara un viaje para descubrir nuevas rutas a las indias, lo que arruinará sus negocios. Por lo tanto decide enviar su mejor espía para intentar sabotear el viaje.
George Thacker
A Gothic comedy, featuring a distinguished cast, and starring Leslie Phillips and Margaret Tyzack. Retired colonial army officer George Thacker has high hopes of recapturing his memories of an idyllic English village life after a lifetime of meting out justice in the Far East. But instead of peace and quiet, he is greeted by violence, voodoo and a distressed damsel, brandishing a shotgun. Worst of all, the ghost of his old flame, Edith, still haunts him, threatening both his marriage and his life.
Judge Michael Argyle
Dramatization of the famous 1971 trial in which the editors of the British underground magazine "Oz" were charged with obscenity.
Gordon Halliwell
Cuando en un desgraciado accidente perece la familia real británica, el único heredero de la dinastía es Rafi Jones, un gordo y despreocupado pianista de las Vegas. Pero ocupar el trono supone un drástico cambio en su vida: se acabó la comida barata, las camisas hawaianas y las palabrotas. Desde ahora deberá asistir a banquetes oficiales, vestirse con elegantes uniformes y aprender a hablar correctamente. Aunque Rafi, lo intenta, no puede evitar que constantemente salga a la superficie su verdadero yo.
Wing Commander Boyle
A 70 year old man gets shunned into a retirement home.
Lord Chief Justice Lane
Docudrama film exploring the efforts of World in Action researchers Ian MacBride and Chris Mullin in proving that the "Birmingham Six" only admitted to the bombing under extreme duress, and that the five IRA members were in fact responsible for the deadly attacks
Mr. Arundell
En 1850, el Capitán Richard Francis Burton y el teniente John Hanning Speke emprenden juntos la aventura que los llevará hasta las fuentes del Nilo. Se trata de una expedición realizada en nombre del Imperio Británico y de la Reina Victoria. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sir Horace Cutler
The Greater London Council fight to save the capital against the wicked Ice Maiden.
Lord Astor
Esta es la verdadera historia del caso Profumo, el escándalo sexual que hizo tambalear los cimientos del Reino Unido en 1963, en plena Guerra Fría. Todo comenzó en el momento en que Christine Keller, una bella bailarina, entra en contacto con las más altas esferas de la sociedad británica gracias a su íntima amistad con el famoso osteópata, Stephen Ward. En una de las fiestas del partido conservador conoce a John Profumo, Secretario de Estado para la Guerra, con el que comienza una relación furtiva. Los problemas surgen cuando el MI5 descubre que la muchacha mantiene una relación paralela con un agregado militar de la embajada soviética.
Cuando, en diciembre de 1941, el ejército japonés ocupa Shanghai, la privilegiada vida de James Graham, un niño inglés de clase alta, toca a su fin. Es separado de sus padres y confinado en un campo de concentración próximo a un aeropuerto militar chino. En un ambiente dominado por la tristeza y la miseria se verá obligado a madurar prematuramente, y eso condicionará su visión del mundo.
Sir Joseph
A principios del siglo XX Karen Blixen (Streep), una mujer europea de gran coraje, llega a Kenia para dirigir una plantación de café junto a su marido (Brandauer), un mujeriego incorregible con el que no se ha casado por amor. Para su sorpresa, Karen se da cuenta de que poco a poco se está enamorando de la tierra, de sus gentes... y de Denys Finch-Hatton (Redford), un enigmático cazador aventurero.
Mike Scott
En Menorca, Sir Percy de Courcy, un residente inglés, se encuentra en una precaria situación económica. Para intentar salir de ella, compra una partida de vino que resulta ser de pésima calidad, aunque, cuando es tratado con moscas, el vino dota a quien lo toma de una vitalidad y potencia increíbles. (FILMAFFINITY)
Commander Rimmington
Not Now, Comrade tells the story of Rudi, a Russian ballet star who defects to the West, and the chaos that befalls those who try to help him... not least London stripper Barbara, with whom he decides to take refuge!
Based on the hit play. A British Government Minister puts forward a bill to battle filth in the UK but that doesn't stop him having an affair with both his secretary, Miss Parkyn and Wendy, the wife of a high-up reporter. Opponents to the bill - mainly some hippy girls, lead by Johnny, kidnap the Minister's best friend and co-founder of the bill, Barry Ovis just as he was getting married to his fiancee, Joan. Barry escapes, just before the police raid the hippies hiding place - to claim that Ovis was in a orgy and get the bill defeated - and dashes back to his and Joan's flat followed by Inspector Ruff, who is investigating the kidnap and Damina, one of the hippies. Meanwhile, the Minister is also trying to use the flat to carry on his affairs with both Wendy and Miss Parkyn. The Minister, Barry & Joan tries to keep the truth from Ruft, Wilfred Potts, an old and honest MP, Birdie, the Minister's wife and stop the hippies, and this causes no end of trouble.
Gilbert Bodley
A married British furrier gives a mobster's mistress a cheap mink coat.
Dickie (segment "Gluttony")
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
Doctor Anthony Burke
Dr. Burke is in love with Ophelia but doesn't have time to propose to her as she leaves for a cruise to the Mediterranean. Also on board the cruise ship is an old school chum of Burke's who plays 'Dr.Dare' in a very popular TV series and who women flock to. Burke decides to join the cruise, but is first apprehended as a stowaway, and then becomes the captain's steward. For Burke, trying to talk to Ophelia is a hard enough task, but he meets some funny characters on board, such as a pools winner and a very stubborn captain.
Simon Russell
Four people go to great lengths to obtain the fortune left in a will by a very wealthy practical joker.
Película de espionaje, ambientada en el siempre sugerente Marruecos, donde un agente secreto trata de encontrar al contrincante que ha suplantado su personalidad.
Raymond Lowe
Película de espionaje, ambientada en el siempre sugerente Marruecos, donde un agente secreto trata de encontrar al contrincante que ha suplantado su personalidad.
Dr Gaston Grimsdyke
Doctor in Clover is another 'Doctor' movie, but this time Leslie Phillips is the main doctor in the story, looking for love and romance from the hospital nurses, much to the annoyance of the main Administrator (James Robertson Justice) who wants his doctors to be 100% focussed on the job. Numerous antics follow, with Phillips getting Justice fixed up with the new prim-and-proper Matron (Joan Sims) and his attempted failures to lure the hospital's beauty, the physiotherapist.
Young Husband
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
Roddy Chipfield
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
Murdoch Troon es un sencillo funcionario que está locamente enamorado de Claire, hija de un prestigioso millonario. Con la intención de impresionar al padre de su querida, Murdoch aprenderá a conducir un antiguo coche deportivo.
RAF Officer Mac
Reconstrucción con todo lujo de detalles de uno de los episodios claves para el desarrollo de la II Guerra Mundial: el desembarco en las playas de Normandía llevado a cabo por las tropas aliadas en junio de 1944.
Jimmy Fox-Upton
After 10 years of failure a bumbling vet finally graduates and takes on his own practice.
Dandy Forsdyke
A former burglar trying to go straight joins a rehabilitation scheme using much the same methods as AA. Through the process, he takes work as a department store Santa, where the endless parade of goods and money, not to mention the pretty young shop hands have him like a moth to a flame in no time flat.
Mervyn Hughes
'Carry On' director Gerald Thomas helms this comedy caper featuring early appearances by James Robertson Justice, Sid James, Leslie Phillips, Kenneth Williams, Liz Fraser and Eric Barker. The film follows the hi-jinks of a group of music students who move into a shared flat in order to cut costs and have somewhere to practice their instruments. Things get tricky when Mervyn Hughes (Phillips) accidentally sells one of his compositions to an advertising agency and risks losing his scholarship. Can he and his friends find a way to raise the money to buy back the song rights?
Jimmy Cooper
A finales de 1942, sir Ernest Pease, un investigador científico tan eminente como carente de sentido del humor, es embarcado en un bombardero para que pueda comprobar en directo el funcionamiento del radar que ha diseñado. Para no despertar alarmas ni sospechas se le inventa la personalidad de teniente Farrow. Pero el bombardero es atacado y el falso teniente, que cae en terreno enemigo, es apresado por la Luftwaffe y llevado a un campo de prisioneros. Para Sir Pease lo peor de la situación es tener que compartir cabaña y actividades diarias con un grupo de compatriotas que tratan de llevar su encierro de la mejor manera posible y que para él no son más que ‘idiotas irresponsables’. El Primer Ministro británico logra enviar un mensaje a los prisioneros: han de hacer lo imposible para que importante personaje escape del campo.
Timothy Gray
Fred, Tim and Deirdre plan a fun weekend break on the coast. What they didn't make allowances for was the company of Deirdre's mother who insists on coming along as her daughter's chaperone.
David Robinson
A young couple, David and Catherine Robinson, has to turn their large country house into a money-making proposition. Their solution is to invite the kids of the rich and famous to spend a summer enjoying all the loving care and attention they miss at home. After the youngsters arrive, David quickly realizes what the offensive little punks need is some real discipline, and so the summer begins.
Lt. Cmdr. Bill Fanshawe
When the details of a secret torpedo are destroyed by an incompetent seaman, the crew of the ship rally round, when the Admiral needs the plans to show to a visiting scientist.
Dr Tony Burke
Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.
P.C. Tom Potter
With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.
John Belcher
Peggy Mount and David Kossoff star as Ada and Alf Larkin in this big screen version of the hugely popular 1950s TV comedy. Alf Larkin has finally made good his dream to own a pub. The trouble is, it's got no customers. But leave it to the Larkins to find unorthodox ways to bring in the punters.
Giornalista inglese
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Dr. Henry Manners
The orderly suburban life of a 1950's English town is turned on its head when the teenaged daughter of one of the residents writes a steamy bestseller featuring characters obviously based on the local population.
Squadron Leader Thomas
The movie takes place during WWII. A dashing British RAF Officer is earmarked for a secret mission behind enemy lines in occupied France, but wishing to distract the enemy, enlists a person to double for him and thereby draw attention to North Africa . An unlikely airman is found and tutored in the ways of an English officer.
Alistair Grigg
Prepare for Six of the Best as the Carry On team cause chaos in the school yard. When a well-loved headmaster decides to retire, his scheming pupils have other ideas. The cunning boys unleash a campaign of practical jokes, armed with gin, itching power and bombs!
Ray Taylor
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un periodista americano afincado en Grecia vende información al servicio de Inteligencia Británico. Cuando los nazis descubren sus actividades, lo persiguen por toda Europa.
Jack Bell
Set in Haven Hospital where a certain men's ward is causing more havoc than the whole hospital put together. The formidable Matron's debut gives the patients a chill every time she walks past, with only Reckitt standing up to her. There's a colonel who is a constant nuisance, a bumbling nurse, a romance between Ted York and Nurse Denton, and Bell who wants his bunion removed straight away, so after drinking alcohol, the men decide to remove the bunion themselves!
Crispin Brown
A small town plans to erect a monument in memory of an IRA rebel killed during the 1920's. The son of the English Colonel who killed the rebel objects to this.
Simon Hurd
A man wants to help a youth club that is in danger of closure. He decides to resort to blackmailing the relatives of the recently deceased, threatening to publish incriminating stories about them. Then he tries to blackmail the family of a prominent villain.
Lt. Pouter
An Inshore Minesweeping Unit has been forgotten by the Navy after World War II on the peaceful island of Boonsley and they have adapted to their circumstances. The men still wear uniforms and the proper reports are filed, although the reports of hundreds of mines are exaggerated. The captain spends his time fishing, the Number One is busy romancing the only Wren on the island and The Chief Boatswain runs a wine smuggling business. Unfortunately the Navy start to get suspicious.
Major Tennant
El Servicio de Inteligencia Británico intenta hacer creer a los alemanes que el desembarco aliado se producirá en el Norte de África, cuando, en realidad, el ataque tendrá lugar en el Canal de la Mancha. Así las cosas, el Mayor Harvey asiste a una representación teatral y descubre a Clifton James, un actor que imita al general Montgomery. Pocos días despues, lo reclutan para actuar como doble de Monty en el Mediterráneo y hacer creer a los alemanes que el ataque se producirá desde allí. Adaptación del libro homónimo escrito por el propio Clifton James, que se interpreta a sí mismo en la película.
Petty thief Willie Frith steals a suitcase full of bank notes, only to find out that they have been given all the same serial number. But this is only the start of his troubles, now he has to find a way of changing the notes, so he can impress the barmaid of his local pub.
Hon. Richard Lumb
Norman works in a jewellers workshop and fantasises (in the nicest way) about meeting the window dresser across the road from his workshop. He wants to buy her a diamond pendant but calculates it will take him over 100 years to save up for it. He is talked into betting a pound on a six horse accumulator at the Goodwood races with a slightly shady bookmaker. When he has won on the first five races, the bookie owes him over 16,000 pounds and everyone begins to worry. Everyone's future depends on a single race ... what can be done ?
Sir Gerald Wren
Historia de una grupo de tres encantadoras chicas cantantes que descubren que sus románticas aventuras tomaron un camino previsto ya en su época de esplendor. La explosiva combinación de Barry -Gene Kelly-, Angele -Taina Elg-, Joy -Mitzi Gaynor- y Sybil -Kay Kendall- componían los miembros de Barry & Les Girls, un popular grupo de cabaret europeo. Años después, el grupo se disolvió. Una demanda por la publicación de escandalosas revelaciones de los componentes llevará a los antiguos componentes del grupo ante un juicio.
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
Robin Carter
Jean and Bill are a married couple trying to scrape a living. Out of the blue they receive a telegram informing them Bill's long-lost uncle has died and left them his business—a cinema in the town of Sloughborough. Unfortunately they can't sell it for the fortune they hoped as they discover it is falling down and almost worthless.
Shop Assistant
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
Howard Meade
Un reportero descubre un doctor que expone a unos chicos a los rayos gamma, con la suposición que esto los convertirá en seres con una inteligencia superior. Lamentablemente los sujetos de experimentación se convierten en zombies asesinos.
A wealthy young man (Gregson) from Yorkshire visits a London nightclub and meets a performer (Dors). She decides to take him for every penny he is worth, and he decides to let her.
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
Detective Cameron
An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.
Boy Student
Someone is stealing priceless paintings from the great museums of the world and replacing them with nearly flawless forgeries. Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna and Child" is being shipped to London's Tate Gallery for a special exhibition, and Paul Mitchell is assigned to protect it. Upon the painting's arrival, Paul realizes it has been switched. Eager to collect the museum's $50,000 reward, he teams up with Mary Mason, a Tate employee, to recover the original.
La trama cuenta cómo un ex militar experto en explosivos es solicitado por la policía para desactivar una bomba colocada por un terrorista en un tren de municiones.
Fictionalized story of British aerospace engineers solving the problem of supersonic flight.
Jewel thieves, murder and a manhunt swirl around a sailor (Bonar Colleano) off a cargo ship in London.
1st Sapper officer
This is a British drama film from 1950 about a young woman in London in WW2 with amnesia.
Stacey's Fireman
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
Urchin in Bagdad Market (uncredited)
Con la ayuda del ladronzuelo mendigo Abu, el califa Ahmed se enfrentará al malvado Visir que le ha arrebatado el poder y dejado ciego, aspirando al amor de la hija del sultán de Basora. La famosa narración del clásico de la literatura árabe "Las mil y una noches" debe su logro principalmente a la labor del productor Alexander Korda.
Minor Role
In a Welsh coal mining valley, a young man with a beautiful singing voice is called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice when a pit disaster threatens.
Adaptación cinematográfica de la célebre opereta de Gilbert y Sullivan. Nanki-Poo, hijo del Mikado del Japón, huye de la Corte para escapar de las atenciones amorosas de una señora de buena posición.
Boy Doffing Cap at Parade
Harry, un oficial británico, decide abandonar el ejército antes de que su regimiento se embarque con rumbo a Egipto para luchar contra los rebeldes. Su prometida y tres compañeros de armas le envían cuatro plumas blancas que simbolizan la cobardía. A partir de ese momento, Harry emprende peligrosas aventuras con el fin de poder devolver las plumas y recuperar el honor perdido.
Girl (uncredited)
Andrew Manson, un joven médico que consigue su primer empleo en una población minera de Gales, se entrega al cuidado de trabajadores enfermos y gentes oprimidas. Las circunstancias, sin embargo, acabarán poniendo a pruebo sus principios morales.
Bit Part
Struggling young actress Jenny (Marjorie Browne) joins her dad (Mark Daly) when he moves into Aunt Hetty's (Elsie Wagstaff) boarding house. Aunt Hetty overworks them, but Jenny is lucky enough to find love in the form of aspiring songwriter Tom (Hal Thompson). But their romance is threatened and nearly destroyed by the jealous star actress of the local pantomime company. However, the young lovers move on to bigger and better things after winning a London West End theatre contract.
The Narrator
Follows the journey of inconsequential loser, Norman Tickle, his best friend, and a bunch of backpackers to work the summer season at an isolated Scottish hotel and their horrific gastronomic encounters with the owners.