Maksim Drozd
Nacimiento : 1968-03-11, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Ukraine]
The kidnapper gets into the house where the nine-year-old girl Nadya and her animator, student Lenya, are left. His target is a girl. The student will have to make a choice: resist and risk his life, or allow the girl to be taken to save himself.
Chronicles how loader Roman Shtorkin becomes a vampire and receives the title of Rama II.
Eugene is a teenage nerd who lives in a small Russian town. He sits in front of his computer all day long, playing games and surfing the Internet. He decides to run a small porn website and soon as he earns his first money from e-commerce. His life now will never be the same - he is no longer a school nerd. From now on every school boy wants to become his friends and the girls are dreaming of dating him. Developing business Eugene was caught in a dilemma: to live up to the corrupted world standards and find his place in the unideal reality or to rebel against the powerful organization risking his and his family lives.
Никита Логинов
Aleksey Luzhin
Es a finales de primavera de 1942 , y la Gran Guerra Patria está en pleno apogeo . Un largo camino desde la línea de frente, en algún cruce olvidado por Dios , los alemanes hacen una operación de desembarco aéreo en un intento de conseguir a través de la vía férrea Kirov y el Mar Blanco - Canal del Mar Báltico. Estos no son sólo paracaidistas ordinarios. Este es un equipo de infiltrados experimentados y altamente capacitados , la élite de las Waffen -SS , superhumanos . La única cosa en su camino es una unidad de artillería antiaérea de Vaskov corporal y cinco mujeres jóvenes en formación . ¿Pueden el cabo y sus pequeños ' novatos ' hacer para prevenir el sabotaje nazi y a qué costo ?
Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.
Boris Smirnov
Action drama based on the story about a conflict between retired killer and his young replacement.
A love comes unexpected to the businessman (who meets the scientist woman) and his daughter (who meets scientist' sun).
Сергей Викторович Грушин
Young successful businessman, former orphans Artem Vladimirov together with his partner Sergei Tarasov engaged in the ruin of large companies commissioned by crime.
Guerra civil rusa (1918-1920). Drama histórico basado en la figura de Aleksandr Vasilievich Kolschak, comandante y explorador del Ejército Blanco, que se enfrentó, en Siberia, al Ejército Rojo (organizado por Trotski) durante la guerra civil rusa. Kolschak era un antibolchevique convencido y partidario a ultranza del zarismo. Hombre casado, tendrá también que combatir un amor prohibido: Anna, la joven mujer de otro oficial, a la que conoció cuando conducía sus tropas hacia Siberia.
A Russian remake of the '80s cult classic "Commando", where a retired special forces operative has to go on a final mission to rescue his daughter from the clutches of his old nemeses.
Alex y su mujer Vera emprenden con sus dos hijos un destierro voluntario que pronto se convertirá en una pesadilla. Se trata de un viaje interior del paraíso al infierno, en el que cada uno evoluciona de manera diferente, alejándose todos cada vez más del ideal familiar. Todo comienza a tambalearse con la llegada de Mark, el hermano de Alex, que ha abandonado a su mujer y a sus hijos. La perniciosa influencia de Mark hace que las relaciones de Alex con su familia sean cada vez más frías y distantes; así, cuando Vera le da la noticia de un nuevo embarazo, Alex la acusa de infidelidad.
Hare, friend of Yegor Shubin
El agente del departamento especial "Piraña" Kirill Mazur y su colega Olga van al norte con la misión de liquidar un laboratorio de armas secretas submarinas bajo la apariencia de unas vacaciones. De repente, se encuentran en el mundo donde las leyes de la civilización se olvidan, y las mortales armas son guardadas por unos gángsters que son controlados por un nuevo "maestro de la taiga": Prohor, cuyo tiempo libre se dedica a la caza de humanos.
During military exercise a group of commandos walks into a mine field that has been left over since WWII. The only person who can save the trapped men is Serba, a surviving soldier of WWII, who was in the field back in 1943.
Ayer, Evgeni Vetrov llevaba una vida completamente distinta. Tenía dinero, una reputación perfecta, era respetado por sus colegas y, ante todo, tenía amor; aunque aparentemente también tenía enemigos. Hoy, la mujer de Vetrov ha sido asesinada, y él es el único sospechoso. Ahora lo único que puede hacer es huir y tratar de encontrar al verdadero asesino.
In a dormitory in 1951 four students prefer pranks to studying.
“The Afghan” - the first film of the dilogy - tells about the difficult fate of the “Afghan” warrior Ivan Koval, who fell into the souls and experienced all the horrors of captivity ... They captured him during transportation from the guardhouse to the base, and he was shone for 15 years in prison for the murder of a confessor, from whose house their armored personnel carrier was fired. He tried to escape, he was caught ...