Pier Maria Cecchini

Pier Maria Cecchini

Nacimiento : 1957-11-24, Rome, Lazio, Italy


Pier Maria Cecchini


Ma tu, mi vuoi bene?
Diary of Love
Based on the novel "Il quaderno nero dell'amore" of Marilù Manzini, published by Rizzoli, through a diary written in a notebook, it tells the most intimate sexual secrets of three young people in search of their identity.
Si vive una volta sola
l'onorevole Rodolfo Montesanti
Umberto, Lucia and Corrado discover that their co-worker and friend Umberto is terminally ill, but they can't bring themselves to tell him. They decide instead to organize him an unforgettable holiday trip to the South.
Lightning Strike
Carlo Benni
Di Che Peccato Sei?
sindacalista Adolfo De Berti
Imperia, la grande cortigiana
Rome, early 16th century : Imperia is a much admired courtesan , a lover of the wealthy banker Agostino Chigi , but who prefers a man named Angelo del Bufalo , known for his charm and beauty , capable of striking women , despite his its modestwealth, known during a dance at the family palace near Castel Sant'Angelo, known today as the Villa Farnesina . Cesare Borgia , involved in the murder of his brother Juan, and his sister also participate in the inauguration party of the new home of the Chigi family on the TiberLucrezia with her husband Alfonso. During the party, Imperia dances with several knights, until she reaches the arms of a knight who the day before had saved her from a bad encounter with two brigands: that knight is just her angel, with whom she establishes a relationshipsecret. .
El jugador
Flying Squad Chief
A manos de la policía llega un vídeo que muestra los crueles asesinatos filmados por "El jugador", un despiadado asesino en serie que secuestra jóvenes y las retiene hasta que las ejecuta. A través de Internet, el asesino se enfrenta, en unas perversas partidas de póker, con una policía y un equipo de anti-hackers. Se trata de la detective Anna, que, con la ayuda de un investigador británico, consigue penetrar en el universo del psicópata y decide jugarse la vida enfrentándose a él en una partida de póker.
Con le unghie e con i denti
An italian comedy
Il nostro matrimonio è in crisi
Il grande botto
Aurelio (segment "Il figlio di Maciste")
Come quando fuori piove
Facciamo fiesta
La villa dei misteri
Young woman falsely suspected of murder, flees, adopts an alternate identity and tries to find the real killer.
La classe non è acqua
Sig. Scortichini
I mitici - Colpo gobbo a Milano
Roman TV technicians Fabio and Enzo have been unable to find decent jobs. They decide to crack a safe at a jewelry in Milan. To get the layout of the store, they enlist a beautiful but unsophisticated young woman, Deborah. To find underground access to the store, they get help from a sewage worker. An obese trapeze artist is called for disarm the store alarms. The clever Mrs. Motta, old hotelier, is also involved. Will they succeed?
Suntanned: One Year Later
Adriatic sun and sand set the scene for comic misunderstandings, particularly for a writer pursuing a publisher and a man willing to box for love.
Gole ruggenti
De Marchis aka Marchetta
En la costa del mar Adriático, el destino cruza a una gran variedad de personajes. Un pianista es el amante de una mujer rica que quiere convertirlo en un asesino; una prostituta está buscando a su verdadero amor; dos operarios quieren casarse con dos señoras millonarias de mayor edad que ellos.
Nightmare in Venice
A brilliant surgeon and millionaire, married to a beautiful woman, and highly regarded in the society of Venice, wants more from life and searches for new sensations.
Robert Arnold
A prostitute is brutally killed by the road side by a maniancal killer. Nearby a horror film is being produced but the director is worried that the script is too passé for a modern audience and so he plans to include a séance scene - he hires a real medium to carry out a ceremony with the cast and crew to help inspire the script but she is attacked by an evil spirit. Meanwhile members of the cast are being picked off one by one and police detective Walter is desperate to stop his girlfriend, the lead actress Jennifer, becoming the next victim...
La reina de la Jet Set
Una chica guapa y ambiciosa, cansada de su vida normal y rutinaria, decide explotar su atractivo físico para convertirse en una mujer sexy y deseada. Se introduce en el mundillo de la Jet Set y va pasando de hombre en hombre.