Mirja Turestedt

Mirja Turestedt

Nacimiento : 1972-09-24,


Mirja Turestedt


A Swedish TV presenter's well-ordered life unravels when she finally confronts her domineering husband about an accusation against him. Her subsequent flight precipitates a chain of lies and paranoia in this taut psychological thriller.
Vox Lipoma
Woman (voice)
A short film about Ingmar Bergman's power, sexuality and facial lipoma that gives him no rest.
I Love You, A Divorce Comedy
Cuando la esposa quiere el divorcio, el neurótico esposo se esfuerza por llegar a un acuerdo con lo que sucedió y cómo recuperar su vida anterior.
Lena and Karin have known each other for six years and have gotten really close to each other. When freedom is coming up for one of them, it's not as happy as it should have been.
Millennium 3: La reina en el palacio de las corrientes de aire
Monica Figuerola
En este desenlace de la saga Millennium la tensión se dispara. Tras el agónico final de La chica que soñaba con una cerilla y un bidón de gasolina, puede que Lisbeth Salander haya sobrevivido a ser enterrada viva pero sus problemas están lejos de haber acabado. Está acusada de triple asesinato y fuerzas poderosas intentan silenciarla de una vez por todas. Mientras, Michael Blomkvist escarba en su oscuro pasado y pronto encuentra sus huellas.
A Midsummer of Love
The Swedish summer is on and Göran, recently dumped by his girlfriend, is searching for the woman of his dreams. Göran is not altogether in harmony with himself or his work situation and is trying a little bit too hard to please everyone around him. Unlike his best friend however, he is not prepared to compromise with love and settle for the less than perfect girl. In pursuit of love he sails out to a Midsummer party in the seductive Swedish archipelago. Unexpected love lurks in the bright Swedish summer's night ready to rock the raft of romance. Comedy and romance are the main ingredients when a story unfolds about young urban self conscious people in a high society setting.
Grown Ups
Serveuse restaurant
Every year, Albert buys his daughter an initiatory journey to a European country. For her 17th birthday he chooses a trip to Sweden to look for a Viking's treasure. When they arrive in the rented house, it is occupied by Anika and Christine, forcing them into an unusual cohabitation.
Arn - The Full Story
Fru Sigrid
Arn, the son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman is educated in a monastery and sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar to do penance for a forbidden love. This is the international cut of the two movies Arn: The Knight Templar and Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End. The movie is cut to fit a higher tempo, but lacks some of the details and depth of the original story.
Arn: El caballero templario
Arn, hijo de un noble sueco de alto rango, es educado en un monasterio en el arte de la lucha con espada y en el estudio de los libros, al cruzar miradas con una joven de una familia rival su destino lo llevara a tierras lejanas.
Marie, Irmelin's mother
Irmelin is 9 years old and loves to play football, but there is no girl team in the countryside where she lives. Therefore she can play with the guys. One day it will have consequences.
Strong as a Lion
Simon is nine years old and in his world, he has a real lion as a companion. Simon is bullied at school by Alex. Simon is sure he can defeat Alex in team with the lion, but it's just in his imagination. In the real life he has no chance... until one day.