A bipartisan group of U.S. defense, intelligence, and elected policymakers spanning five presidential administrations participate in an unscripted role-play exercise in which they confront a political coup backed by rogue members of the U.S. military, in the wake of a contested presidential election.
Brooke Shields, ’80s icon and household name, was a child model before she came to prominence in Louis Malle’s controversial film "Pretty Baby" at age 12. With a series of provocative Calvin Klein jeans ads and leading roles in 1980s teensploitation hits "The Blue Lagoon" and "Endless Love," Shields’ early career was defined by a sexuality that she could neither claim nor comprehend.
US Air Force JAG Attorney Yvonne Bradley was assigned to defend a man held at Guantanamo Bay. Believing Guantanamo held ‘the worst of the worst’, her world was turned upside down once she arrived in Cuba and began to untangle an unimaginable case.
Ben Pasternak created a viral game app while in middle school in Australia. By 15 he had secured funding from VC’s to build a new tech startup. So Ben dropped out of school and convinced his parents to let him live alone in NYC to lead his new company. A master at growth hacking with a strong eye for design, Ben was committed to making the world’s next big social app. But after running out of money, and confronting controversies that pushed him to the edge of sanity, Ben rebooted his career at 19, finding a new and unexpected purpose. The Boy Who Sold The World is a modern coming-of-age story that illuminates the inner workings of the tech industry from a rare and highly personal lens.
Executive Producer
Tras la muerte de su hijo Gabriel, Jorge viaja desde la conservadora Bolivia a la ciudad de Nueva York para confrontarse al novio de Gabriel, Sebastián. Mientras los dos luchan sobre la incapacidad de Jorge para aceptar a su hijo, Sebastián canaliza su dolor en una nueva y audaz obra en honor a su amor perdido, en la que la confusión interior de Gabriel se transforma en una deslumbrante fantasía gay.
Executive Producer
La Sra. Recy Taylor fue violada por seis hombres blancos en 1944 en Alabama, cuando ella tenía 24 años. Los culpables fueron identificados, pero al ser una víctima de color y ellos blancos no hubo juicio. Recy alzó la voz, y con la ayuda de Rosa Parks y legiones de mujeres, luchó por la justicia.
Documental que analiza el renacimiento del festival Drag de Nueva York, "Wigstock", en el que muchos de los artistas más conocidos de la escena se dan cita para regocijo de las nuevas generaciones.
Executive Producer
A documentary about Academy Award-winning costume designer Cecil Beaton. A respected photographer, artist, and set designer, Beaton was best known for designing on award-winning films such as 'Gigi' (1958) and 'My Fair Lady' (1964). The film features archive footage and interviews with a number of models, artists, and filmmakers who worked closely with Beaton during his illustrious career.
Executive Producer
Iconic makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin was one of the most in-demand makeup artists in the world in the 1980s and '90s and died mysteriously in 2002. Aucoin knew from an early age that the world of makeup was his calling, and his life and work are recalled through interviews with some of his famous clients, including Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell.
In the spring of 2016, global music sensation Major Lazer performed a free concert in Havana, Cuba—an unprecedented show that drew an audience of almost half a million. This concert documentary evolves into an exploration of youth culture in a country on the precipice of change.
Executive Producer
La historia real de Mildred y Richard Loving, una pareja que se casó en Virginia en 1958. Debido a la naturaleza interracial de su matrimonio, fueron arrestados, encarcelados y exiliados. Durante una década la pareja luchó por su derecho a regresar a casa.
Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage offers a glimpse into the comic minds behind a "Wet Hot" summer-camp cult hit featuring many future stars.
Executive Producer
An analysis of director Sidney Lumet's work (12 Angry Men, Dog Day Afternoon, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead) in his own words, based on a five-day interview recorded shortly before his death.
Banksy vivió durante un mes en Nueva York. Cada día/, el artista urbano creaba una nueva obra en sus calles. "Banksy Does New York" recoge las obras que creó durante aquel tiempo
Executive Producer
Su argumento gira en torno a Richard Dane, un hombre que dispara y mata a un ladrón que estaba armado y que había entrado en su hogar. Aunque parece un claro caso de legítima defensa, el padre del fallecido no opina lo mismo, de ahí que ahora quiera acabar con la vida de Dane.
Los Parker son una familia aparentemente estable. El patriarca, decidido a mantener intactas las tradiciones familiares, gobierna con mano de hierro. Como si de la tempestad de lluvia torrencial que acecha la zona se tratase, la tragedia golpea a los Parker cuando las hijas, Iris y Rose, se ven obligados a asumir responsabilidades que van más allá de las de una familia típica. Su tarea más importante, a partir de ahora, será la de poner la carne en la mesa, pero no el tipo de carne que puede encontrarse en el supermercado local. Las autoridades locales empiezan a descubrir pistas que les acercan al secreto que los Parker han mantenido oculto durante años.
¡Dejad a Britney en paz!”. Esta frase, gritada en YouTube por un chico herido y airado ante los varapalos que recibía su ídolo Britney Spears, se convirtió en un lema propagado por la red a velocidad supersónica. Objeto de homenajes, parodias y remix de todo tipo, se cuenta entre lo fenómenos virales más conocidos de internet y convirtió a su autor, Chris Crocker, en una figura destaca de la red. Un famoso 2.0, adicto a mostrar en público retazos de su vida, cuya compleja personalidad es objeto de estudio en este documental, análisis de un novísimo modelo de celebridad irreal y potencialmente inflamable.
A holiday fable that tells the story of an elderly man discovering love for the first time.