A small town is terrorized by an unknown stranger who kidnaps and abuses little girls. When her only child is kidnapped right in front of her, the school bus driver begins the desperate chase to catch the criminal.
Hillary (age 11)
Un día de verano de 1957, en una playa de Atlantic City, nació una estrecha amistad entre dos chicas pertenecientes a mundos radicalmente distintos: la descarada y traviesa C.C. Bloom y la refinada “niña bien” Hillary Whitney. Aunque siguieron caminos distintos, su amistad se fue haciendo más sólida con el paso de los años. Compartieron esperanzas, sueños y frustraciones, y su lealtad las mantuvo unidas por encima de sus matrimonios y carreras, triunfos y desilusiones y, sobre todo, a pesar de una crisis que puso a prueba esa lealtad.
Un asesino con la máscara de un payaso llamado Bobo va matando a las trabajadoras de un servicio de sexo telefónico.
Sarah Colton
Un joven cowboy, seducido por una chica nueva en la ciudad, descubre que ha sido mordido por un vampiro. Lentamente se convierte en una criatura de la noche, una raza compuesta por hombres y mujeres que vagan sin rumbo, alimentándose con la sangre de sus víctimas. Frente a estos zombis vampiros, sólo queda una cosa: "rezar para que salga la luz del día"
Mady McKeon
Mady McKeon, a 10-year-old girl living in a farm town, is deeply affected by the death of a schoolteacher and her grandfather. Her father sells part of the family farm to the Air Force. The Air Force starts building a missile base. Mady watches a TV show that describes the devastation of missile attacks during World War II, and she runs away from home. Her parents reconcile and find her, and the entire town is brought together.
Melody Quinn
A Los Angeles psychiatrist testifies for the prosecution in the trial of an accused child molester. Later the defendant, who is out on bail, is found dead in the psychiatrist's office, in what appears to be a suicide. Shaken, the psychiatrist moves to the mountains outside of L.A. Not long afterwards a detective he knows comes to him for help. A seven-year-old girl saw someone kill both of her parents, but is so traumatized by the event that she can't remember anything, and the detective wants the doctor to help jar her memory. Soon, however, the doctor and the detective discover that the parents' murder and the pedophiles "suicide" may be linked to a shadowy group of wealthy and influential pedophiles, and that the child isn't the only one whose life is in danger.