Alan Landsburg

Nacimiento : 1933-05-10, White Plains, New York, USA

Muerte : 2014-08-13


El último deseo
Executive Producer
En su lecho de muerte, el padre de Jason le pide a su hijo un último deseo: ser enterrado en su pueblo natal al lado de su esposa. Aunque sólo tiene un vago recuerdo del lugar de cuando era niño, Jason decide cumplir las última voluntad de su padre. Una vez allí descubre que todas las tumbas del cementerio llevan inscrito el mismo día y el mismo mes de diferentes años, como si todos los sepultados hubieran padecido aquel fatídico día.
If Someone Had Known
A young wife and mother is abused by her husband and keeps the secret from her friends and family.
Terror in the Night
Executive Producer
A fugitive killer posing as a policeman arrests two campers in the Arizona mountains.
Terror in the Night
A fugitive killer posing as a policeman arrests two campers in the Arizona mountains.
A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story
Based on the custody case involving Elizabeth Morgan and the subsequent Elizabeth Morgan Act.
Nightmare in Columbia County
Executive Producer
The recounting of a terrible crime that wracked a family and galvanized police in South Carolina in the 1980's. Southern beauty pageant winner Dawn Smith is targeted by a sadistic stalker whose obsession with her leads him to kidnap her younger sister.
In Defense of a Married Man
Executive Producer
When a defense lawyer's adulterous husband becomes the prime suspect in the murder of the woman he was cheating with, his wife chooses to defend him. Can she overcome his betrayal while searching for the truth?
So Proudly We Hail
Executive Producer
A white supremacist exploits the works of a college anthropologist and a teen who joins his group.
Unspeakable Acts
Executive Producer
Two psychologists try to demonstrate that a man is a pedophile and has abused many children.
Unspeakable Acts
Two psychologists try to demonstrate that a man is a pedophile and has abused many children.
The Ryan White Story
Executive Producer
The story of Ryan White, a 13-year-old haemophiliac who contracted AIDS from factor VIII, which was used to control this disorder.
Strange Voices
Executive Producer
A family begins to fall apart when their eldest daughter is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Tú a Boston y yo a California 2
Executive Producer
Una niña de once años hará las veces de cupido con su madre divorciada. Además, pedirá ayuda a su hermana gemela.
Executive Producer
Based on the true story that shocked the nation and led to vast changes in how law enforcement handled missing children cases...John and Reve Walsh deal with their grief in front of the whole country when their son, Adam, is abducted and later found dead.
Tiburón 3
Executive Producer
¿Te imaginas quedar atrapado en un parque acuático con un gigantesco tiburón blanco asesino? La tercera parte de la clásica saga de terror hará que pienses dos veces antes de ir a un parque acuático.
The Making of Jaws 3-D: Sharks Don't Die
Executive Producer
Academy Award winner Lou Gossett Jr. takes you underwater on the trail of the great white shark and behind the scenes on the production of Jaws 3-D.
La pareja misteriosa
En un desierto a las afueras de Santa fe (México) se posa un extraño pentagrama de luz. Cierta gente especial percibe la luz y se dirige al lugar, del pentagrama aparecen un hombre "EL" y una mujer "ELLA" La policía local y el F.B.I. creen que too es una farsa, sin embargo y ante su asombro estas personas desaparecen dejando atrasa turistas y victimas curiosas en una hipnosis de masas.
Executive Producer
Bill es un hombre de 40 años que tiene retraso mental y es residente en una zona marginal de Nueva York. Cuando por un malentendido acaba en la cárcel, es advertido por las autoridades de que al menor incidente volverá al sanatorio en el que estuvo internado años atrás.
El largo regreso a casa
Executive Producer
Muchos años después de haber sido abandonado por sus padres, Donald sale en busca de sus hermanos. Su mayor desafío es pasar a través de las capas de la burocracia. Se pasa a un consejero que le ofrece ayuda para localizar a su hermano y a su hermana desaparecidos.
Burned at the Stake
Executive Producer
In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, young Ann Putnam accuses several residents of being witches, and they are tried and put to death. In 1980, young Loreen Graham is on a school outing to the Salem Witch Museum when a wax figure of a man from 1692 comes to life and accosts her. It seems that she may be the reincarnation of Ann, who has accused the man's 5-year-old girl of witchcraft and the girl is scheduled to be burned at the stake. Loreen must fight being possessed by Ann Putnam and confront the evil minister from 1692 who is consorting with Ann to falsely accuse people of witchcraft.
La historia de Jayne Mansfield
Nacida Vera Jayne Palmer en 1933, Jayne Mansfield siempre supo que quería ser una estrella. Después de la pérdida de su padre a una temprana edad, Mansfield encontró consuelo en el escenario. Finalmente logro su meta de ser una celebridad. Aunque Mansfield fue comparada a menudo con Marilyn Monroe, nunca alcanzó su nivel de éxito. En cambio, su carrera parecía fallar tan rápido como subía, impulsando a Mansfield en una relativa oscuridad como una celebridad de nivel B
Baby Comes Home
Executive Producer
In this sequel to "And Baby Makes Six," a middle-aged couple deals with familial upheaval after giving birth to an unplanned fourth baby --- 17 years after their last child.
Catastrophe: No Safe Place
Executive Producer
Catastrophe-No Safe Place is a 1980's documentary series presented by Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland presenting different catastrophic events around the world. But they dug into the events leading up to the event whether it was a bad location or engineering mistakes or unauthorized modifications made by the contractors who built the thing, to seismic or volcanic events.
La isla de la hermana Teresa
Executive Producer
Un grupo de seis hombre se ve obligado a un aterrizaje forzoso en una isla desierta del Sur del Pacifico. Allí descubren que ésta se encuentra habitada por una tribu salvaje de hermosas mujeres. Sin embargo, ellas no son los únicos habitantes de la isla. También viven allí los peligrosos cazadores de cabezas, y escondida en la selva, gobernando a todos ellos, vive "Sister".
Y con el bebé somos seis
Executive Producer
Una pareja enfrenta un dilema cuando la esposa de 46 años inesperadamente queda embarazada. Ella quiere tener el bebé, pero su esposo tiene planes para el futuro que no implican criar a otro niño. Sus 3 hijos adultos, así como otros familiares y amigos, todos tienen sus propias opiniones sobre la situación. Su relación y su matrimonio en sí son probados mientras intentan resolver el conflicto.
Tormenta entre dos pasiones
Diane está felizmente casada, pero un día, durante un viaje se encuentra con un apuesto arquitecto. Con cierto alivio, se separa de él en el aeropuerto. Su resistencia a su atractiva educación se había puesto a prueba. Más tarde, descubre que se ha quedado con sus guantes, así que va a devolvérselos en persona, y acaba en la cama con él, y luego, enamorándose. Ahora se enfrenta a la decisión más importante de su vida
Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle
Part documentary/part dramatization, this film details several of the highest-profile unsolved cases of disappearances, mysterious changes in personality and other strange occurrences related to the Bermuda Triangle.
Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle
Part documentary/part dramatization, this film details several of the highest-profile unsolved cases of disappearances, mysterious changes in personality and other strange occurrences related to the Bermuda Triangle.
Ruby and Oswald
Executive Producer
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.
Manbeast! Myth or Monster?
A documentary that explores the existence of Bigfoot, the Yeti and other legendary humanoid-type creatures.
En un pequeño pueblo de Arizona, la muerte de un becerro desata la alarma sobre una posible epidemia de origen desconocido. El veterinario del pueblo, Rack Hasen, realiza una serie de análisis que envía a la Universidad de Arizona para su investigación. Esta provoca la llegada al pueblo de Diane Ashley, experta en entomología, cuya versión es que la muerte ha sido inducida por el veneno de una araña.
Executive Producer
Una colonia de hormigas asesinas amenaza no solo con estropear las vacaciones de un grupo humano, sino también con devorarlos vivos.
The Savage Bees
Executive Producer
In this horror-drama the festive fun of the annual Mardi Gras celebration is brought to a halt when a swarm of African killer bees escape from a foreign freighter.
Rock-a-Die Baby
A premonition comes true when the members of a rock group begin to die off for no apparent reason.
Death in Space
Executive Producer
The commander of a spaceship orbiting 250 miles above Earth disappears through the airlock and is ejected into space. Although at first it appears to have been an accident, some of the crew come to suspect that it may have actually been a murder.
Murder in the First Person Singular
Executive Producer
A murder plot by a terminally ill English teacher, to capitalize on the double indemnity clause in his life insurance, hires one of his students to do the deed.
Alaska Wilderness Lake
Alaska Wilderness Lake is a 1971 American documentary film produced by Alan Landsburg. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film is based on the book Red Salmon, Brown Bear by Theodore J. Walker.
Alaska Wilderness Lake
Alaska Wilderness Lake is a 1971 American documentary film produced by Alan Landsburg. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film is based on the book Red Salmon, Brown Bear by Theodore J. Walker.
A Storm in Summer
A story of the friendship between an elderly Jewish man and a young African-American boy set during the Vietnam War.
Black Water Gold
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
Black Water Gold
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
Black Water Gold
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
Certain Honorable Men
The protégé of a powerful congressman discovers his boss's corruption.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
Executive Producer
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.