Foal y su amigo John emprenden un viaje inolvidable mientras tratan de ser más astutos que el rey tirano, atrapan al pájaro de fuego y encuentran el verdadero amor de John en los caminos mágicos.
El joven Iván atrapa un caballo volador que a cambio de su libertad le ofrece dos veloces caballos y un pequeño pony mágico, al ser poseedor de tan bellos caballos el Zar lo nombra encargado de las caballerizas, pero el antiguo encargado tratará de recuperar su puesto y engañará al Zar, de forma que Iván junto a su fiel pony jorobado tendrá que superar las más increíbles pruebas para ganar su confianza.
Adventures of Ivan the Fool and humpbacked horse in the world of kind magical creatures and cruel people.
An old man has three sons: the elder two are considered fairly smart, while the youngest, Ivan, is considered an idiot. One day the father sends the three to find out who's been taking the hay in their fields at night. The elder brothers decide to lie hidden in a haystack, where they promptly fall asleep. Ivan, meanwhile, sits beside a birch tree and plays on his recorder. Suddenly, he sees a magnificent horse come flying out of the sky. Ivan grabs its mane and holds on as the horse tries to shake him off. Finally, the horse begs him to let her go and in return gives him two beautiful black horses and a little humpbacked horse (Konyok-gorbunok) to be his companion.