Jo Ann Sayers

Jo Ann Sayers

Nacimiento : 1918-10-22, Seattle, Washington, USA

Muerte : 2011-11-14


Jo Ann Sayers (born Miriam Lucille Lilygren) was an American screen and stage actress. Sayers' film career spanned the years 1938 to 1953, however mainly went inactive after 1940.


Jo Ann Sayers


Main Street to Broadway
Bride in Musical Number (uncredited)
In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for inspiration when his agent convinces a stage star to take his next effort. When he returns to Broadway, his girl stays behind and starts seeing a local businessman.
The Man with Nine Lives
Nurse Judith Blair
Un científico busca la cura para el cáncer con una serie de experimentos que consisten en congelar y descongelar seres humanos. Uno de sus pacientes es un adinerado tío, cuyo sobrino exige saber sobre su salud, debido a que si muere, será beneficiario de una generosa herencia. El comisario sospecha que Karloff ha asesinado al viejo para quedarse con el dinero y junto con un doctor y un fiscal de distrito, marchan a la mansión de Karloff. Ahí las cosas se complican y Karloff termina congelado, junto con estos cuatro hombres, por el lapso de... ¡10 años! La llegada de un joven doctor y su novia permite el despertar de estos personajes, y la trama se complica.
The Light of Western Stars
Madeline Hammond
Una chica del Este compra un rancho sin saber que Hayworth lo utiliza para pasar armas de contrabando a través de la frontera. Cuando empiezan los problemas, contrata al antiguo capataz, que dejó la zona después de enfrentarse al sheriff. Gene Hammond obliga a Hayworth a volar su cargamento, pero el sheriff, al no recibir su parte, mata a Hayworth y acusa del crimen a Gene.
Miracle at Lourdes
Mary Jones
Can faith work miracles? You be the judge.
Drunk Driving
Mrs. Jones
In this Crime Does Not Pay series entry, John Jones is an up and coming businessman who drinks too much but denies he has a problem. One day he mixes drinking and driving, and the tragic consequences hit very close to home.
Think First
Ruth Nolan
Episode 24 of the Crime Does Not Pay series. Margie Smith (Laraine Day) works as a waitress at a drive in restaurant. She likes to date and look nice but on her salary, she can't keep up with everyone else. However, a friend shows her that stealing is easy, cool and lets you dress like success. At first, it works out just fine, but remember--this is a Crime Does Not Pay film and you KNOW she'll soon get caught and prosecuted.
Debutante (uncredited)
Un grupo de mujeres pasan la mayor parte del día entre salones de belleza y tiendas de ropa, siempre murmurando, con cotilleos y rumores. De repente, una de ellas descubre que su marido se ve a escondidas con una dependienta. Esta situación provoca un escándalo entre sus amigas, produciéndose diversas situaciones de celos, envidias y rumores. (FILMAFFINITY)
Unseen Guardians
Leading Actress
The "unseen guardians" of the title are the Postal Inspection Service, which investigates mail order racketeering; the Underwriters' Laboratories, which are shown testing electrical equipment, fire extinguishers, and large floor safes; and those who run orphanages, who assure that the children in their care are placed in proper adoptive homes.
Help Wanted
Mary Daniels
A temporary laborer who helps bring down a mob-sponsored employment racket
Within the Law
Helen Morris - the Thief
A wrongly convicted woman studies law and seeks her revenge.
Invitación peligrosa
Christina Torrent
Un excéntrico millonario contrata al matrimonio Sloane (Montgomery y Russell) para resolver el misterio del robo de las primeras ediciones de unos antiguos libros.
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
Adaptación de novela homónima de Mark Twain. Amante de la libertad sin ataduras de ningún tipo -¡ni siquiera la de los zapatos!-, el joven Huckleberry Finn (Mickey Rooney), aprovecha la circunstancia de que, su irresponsable padre, quiere chantajear al par de hermanas con las que ahora vive, decide escapar de casa y en el camino se encuentra a Jim (Rex Ingram), el sirviente de casa que también ha escapado, pues, ansía la libertad para reencontrarse con su familia. Como un par de fugitivos, juntos van a vivir una serie de aventuras, donde el resto de la sociedad parecerá estar contra ellos.
Movie star Brooks Mason tries to avoid his fans and spend some weeks on vacation. When Hawaiian plantage-owner George Smith is mistaken by Mason's fans for Mason and brought to Mason's home. They decide to change their identities for a few weeks. But George Smith is mobbed by Mason's fans again on a personal appearance tour in New York, Mason falls in love to dancer Dorothy March, who also is on her way to Hawaii. Problems for Mason arise due to the fact that Smith is engaged with Cecilia Grayson, and her wealthy father believes, that Smith has double-crossed him. Mason isn't able to establish a connection with Smith in New York due to his agent's orders.
Four Girls in White
Sleepy Nurse
Young Women go through Nursing School together, each with there own motivation for being there. They learn more than how to be a Nurse.
Another Romance of Celluloid: Electrical Power
This short begins at Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam). The electricity generated here by the Colorado River is sent to Hollywood, where movie studios need it to make movies. After a tour of the MGM studios' power plants, we see short advertisements for upcoming MGM releases.
Young Dr. Kildare
Barbara Chanler
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.