Mirsad Herović


Hatıran Yeter
Director of Photography
Adem and Zehra, who ran away and got married, had a son named Baha. Baha lost his hearing as a result of meningitis he had when he was a baby. Baha's life, who had a much more difficult and lonely childhood than his peers, changes when he meets Leyla, who is deaf and mute like him. Two teenagers fall in love with each other. However, there will be great obstacles in the way of their happiness, and Baha will have to go through great struggles to be able to reunite with his daughter Yeşim, the fruit of this love.
Sevda Mecburi İstikamet
Director of Photography
It is about the journey of a famous actor to complete his unfinished story with his daughter.
Weapons dealers Abdullah and Ziya have been friends for a long time, but what are you supposed to do when your friend commits an unspeakable crime? And what does Abdullah's decision mean for his plans in life?
61 Days
Director of Photography
In early 1970s, Adem is a boy living in an Aegean village with his family. He just finished the primary school and he wants to work while he's on summer holiday. He gets permission from his family to work for a soda pop seller named Ciber Kemal. But the Ramadan has just came and Adem wants to do his fast while he's working. But he starts seeing hallucinations because of the hot summer day. It seems it's going to be the longest day of Adem.
Conquista 1453
En 1453, Constantinopla, la capital del Imperio Bizantino, es rodeada por los turcos otomanos. La ciudad no es más que una sombra de su antigua gloria. El Imperio Otomano ha ido creciendo y ahora, el ambicioso sultán Mehmet II lanza su campaña para acabar con el último vestigio del Imperio romano de Oriente y tomar Constantinopla.
Yahşi Batı
Director of Photography
Two Ottoman government officials travel to USA in 19th Century in order to give gift to President from Sultan of Ottoman.
Director of Photography
Una muchacha de 17 años, Meyrem, aparece inconsciente a la orilla de un lago. Su familia, con las crueles y misóginas tradiciones propias de la pequeña aldea del este de Turquía donde habitan decide, de forma unilateral, que la muchacha ha perdido su castidad y, necesariamente, debe morir. Meryrem guarda muy dentro de si un terrible secreto. El joven Cemal ha vivido en el este de Turquía una traumática experiencia militar y es pariente de la joven Meryem. Pronto recibe la noticia de que es él quien deberá ejecutarla para saldar las cuentas con la tradición... Aclamadísima producción Turca, basada en una novela de Zülfü Livaneli.
Director of Photography
The film takes place in three bathrooms. Two of them are side-by-side and the third sees the two right across the street. In these 3 places, 3 different couples and a young voyeur boy (actually an art student who researches for a project) are described in stories. At the core of these stories there are determinations of the nature of men and women, marriage and betrayal.
Frame for the Picture of My Homeland
Based on a true story, the film presents events similar to those in the Lukić indictment.
Days and Hours
Fuke visits his uncle Idriz and aunt Sabira to fix a broken boiler. He soon finds out there's a lot more that needs to be repaired. Idriz and Sabira aren't ready to accept the loss of their only son in the Balkan war, seven years earlier. When Fuke's car refuses to start, Fuke has to stay over in their house. He meets a lot of old friends and neighbors there.
Director of Photography
Two years after the Bosnian civil war, a town that is slowly rebuilding itself must whip together a democracy when it's announced the U.S. President Bill Clinton might be paying a visit.
10 Minutes
10 minutes doesn't seem long to a Japanese tourist waiting for some photos in Rome, but a lot can happen in the same 10 minutes for a family in Sarajevo during the Bosnian War.