Bernhard Maisch

Nacimiento : 1969-04-10, Munich, Germany


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An act of violence forces a young mother and her 3-year-old son to flee across wintry Austria. On her journey she has to face responsibility and eventually realizes that we all leave traces in the lives of others, whether we want or not. A story of liberation.
Sound Editor
An act of violence forces a young mother and her 3-year-old son to flee across wintry Austria. On her journey she has to face responsibility and eventually realizes that we all leave traces in the lives of others, whether we want or not. A story of liberation.
Sound Designer
An act of violence forces a young mother and her 3-year-old son to flee across wintry Austria. On her journey she has to face responsibility and eventually realizes that we all leave traces in the lives of others, whether we want or not. A story of liberation.
Dieser Film ist ein Geschenk
Sound Mixer
A film about the artist Daniel Spoerri. It's actually a film about a thought by Daniel Spoerri: a film almost without Daniel Spoerri, it's actually mostly acted out by a child - to say no less than that everything somehow goes on in life, even if you die in between.
Manaslu - Berg der Seelen
Los grandes éxitos y reveses en la vida del renombrado alpinista Hans Kammerlander.
Recording Supervision
Harri Pinter, 46, has his best days behind him, not only on the outside: in the 80s, the notorious "drecksau" won the Klagenfurt ice-skating team KAC its master title. As trainer of the youth team, he likes to reminisce about his past successes in dim bars drinking beer. When his longtime girlfriend Ines risks making the break with an university professor, his worldview and self-perception starts to falter...
Bauer Unser
Sound Mixer
Toni Erdmann
Sound Mixer
Inès trabaja en una gran empresa alemana establecida en Bucarest. Su vida está perfectamente organizada hasta que su padre Winfried llega de improvisto y le pregunta ”¿eres feliz?”. Tras su incapacidad para responder, sufre un profundo cambio. Ese padre que a veces estorba y que la avergüenza un poco le va a ayudar a dar nuevamente sentido a su vida gracias a un personaje imaginario: el divertido Toni Erdmann.
Paradise! Paradise!
Sound Mixer
Kurdwin Ayub captures the intimacy of a trip she made with her father. Family visits alternate with real estate tours searching for an ideal apartment: her father's will, as he's planning to retire, is to find a place so he can finally return to that stateless territory he proudly calls "homeland".
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Delving deep into the soul of one of Austria’s most infamous real-life convicts, Jack is a fascinating, unprejudiced look at the path to redemption and the obstacles that bar the way.
Grietas en el Asfalto
Sound Mixer
Two men who do not know each other: Ertan, a 35-year-old ex-convict who is trying to make amends for his past actions, and Mikail, a teenager drug dealer and aspiring musician. However, both will have to face the same reality.
Bad Fucking
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Because of its name, the small Austrian town of Bad Fucking is a tourist attraction—until a landslide cuts it off from the rest of the country. Three years later, a murder sets a multitude of devastating delevopments in motion...
The Station
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Janek es un técnico en una estación de observación del clima en lo alto de los Alpes. Es un lobo solitario, los científicos que regularmente pasan por allí y que comparten el amor por aquel lugar rocoso justo llegan a tolerarlo. Para empeorar aun las cosas, se acerca la visita del ministro de medio ambiente, que trae rivalidades diversas a la estación. Y de repente, todos los implicados se sienten agradecidos cuando su rutina diaria es interrumpida por un extraño descubrimiento. Un líquido rojo que sale de un glaciar cercano que se funde debido al cambio climático. Esta “sangre” del glaciar resulta ser un líquido muy especial, con unos efectos inimaginables en la fauna local. Janek no tardará en tener que defender la estación de una horda en aumento de monstruosidades biológicas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Fourteen-year-old Jasmin longs to be near her biological mother, Eva. Following her mother’s release from prison, an excursion into the country together becomes a first test for the fledgling mother-daughter relationship. They smoke, dance and stroll together – the mood is promising. But time and again, it is revealed that their needs and expectations are light years apart. For the moment, neither Eva nor Jasmin seem up to the task of fulfilling each other’s need for identity and support. (Talea is Italian for scion, a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.)
Sound Mixer
The inner lives of six people are explored. Each has a connection to the Viennese subway station Schottentor.
Forever Never Anywhere
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Never at the sea.
Sound Mixer
Ulrike Ottinger’s documentary Prater (Austria-Germany), a half-decade in the making, chronicles over the past century and more the attractions that contributed to the rise and fall of Prater, the world’s oldest amusement park.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Cuando la bella, eficiente y exitosa Christine, de 42 años, llega a su casa de playa de verano con su marido y su hija adolescente, conoce y queda impresionada por un joven autoestopista. Lo que sigue es la historia de una mujer que se deshace en pedazos y para luego recomponerse de una manera diferente.
La sombra de la espada
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Durante el periodo de la Inquisición, en el siglo XVI, en Europa, dos amigos de la infancia se encuentran siguiendo caminos muy distintos. Huérfanos criados en un monasterio, Georg decide seguir la vida religiosa y Martin elige el ejército. Tras 15 años luchando en guerras, Martin vuelve a su país, donde su amigo eclesiástico ocupa ahora un prestigioso cargo. Martin se enamora y se casa con la hija de un decapitador. Por una casualidad del destino y en contra de su voluntad, el soldado acaba teniendo que asumir el puesto de verdugo, trabajo marginado por la sociedad pero que, sin embargo, él ejerce con eficiencia. Mientras que Igreja, poderosa e intransigente, dicta las leyes y encubre los graves desvíos de conducta de sus miembros, Martin y Georg se van distanciando. En poco tiempo, ambos se encontrarán en lados opuestos y se darán cuenta de que se han vuelto enemigos mortales. (FILMAFFINITY)
La Secretaria de Hitler: El ángulo muerto
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Tras 60 años de silencio ,Traudl June cuenta por primera vez,sus dias al lado de Hitler,dando lugar a este documento unico y a la pelicula El Hundimiento
The Whipping Boy
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
Death and the Maiden
Sound Designer
Paul (23) and Radu (53) are a couple in crisis. They are visited every day in their home by a small film crew. Together with the filmmaker, they go through a “deconstruction of memory” process, via procedures such as intimate video diaries, exercises inspired from family constellations, re-enactments of key memories and dreams, in an attempt to make sense of their explosive relationship.