Sandra Whipham


Phantom Parrot
Executive Producer
The revelation of a top-secret British surveillance programme brings down the dominoes in a dark and analytical film about technology, rights and structural racism – and about a man with the courage to speak out.
Vaca (Cow)
Executive Producer
Nos sumerge en la trayectoria vital y la rutina de trabajo de una vaca en una explotación ganadera.
F@ck This Job
Executive Producer
En 2008, Natasha, una mujer recién rica, decide abrir una estación de televisión independiente en Rusia y construye un equipo de parias de mente abierta. Para 2020, Natasha lo ha perdido todo por la guerra de Rusia entre la Propaganda y la Verdad.
As students return to universities around the world, four British-Somali students talk about navigating one of Britain's most elite institutions: Cambridge University. Their identity is rooted in Somalinimo ('the essence of being Somali') and in this love letter to Somali culture, blackness, and Islam, they reflect on both belonging and marginalization. The women discuss conflicts with their parents, the sense of solidarity they have built at Cambridge, and the legacy they are creating for the next generation of British-Somalis. They give new meaning to an old Somali proverb: 'Clothing that is not yours cannot shelter you from the cold.'
Softie: Asalto al poder
Executive Producer
Boniface Mwangi es atrevida y audaz, y es reconocida como la fotoperiodista más provocativa de Kenia. Pero como padre de tres hijos pequeños, estas cualidades crean una tremenda confusión entre él y su esposa Njeri. Cuando quiere postularse para un cargo político, se ve obligado a elegir: ¿país o familia?
Los amantes y el déspota
Executive Producer
Hong Kong, 1978. La actriz surcoreana Choi Eun-hee es secuestrada por agentes norcoreanos siguiendo órdenes del dictador Kim Jong-il. Su exmarido, el director de cine Shin Sang-ok, emprende su búsqueda, pero poco después también él es secuestrado. En 1983, después de vivir años de tribulaciones, Kim Jong-il los pone al frente de la industria cinematográfica norcoreana con la esperanza de obtener reconocimiento internacional.
Enemies of the People
Executive Producer
The Khmer Rouge slaughtered nearly two million people in the late 1970s. Yet the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. Until now. Enter Thet Sambath, an unassuming, yet cunning, investigative journalist who spends a decade of his life gaining the trust of the men and women who perpetrated the massacres. From the foot soldiers who slit throats to Pol Pot's right-hand man, the notorious Brother Number Two, Sambath records shocking testimony never before seen or heard. Having neglected his own family for years, Sambath's work comes at a price. But his is a personal mission. He lost his parents and his siblings in the Killing Fields. Amidst his journey to discover why his family died, we come to understand for the first time the real story of Cambodia's tragedy.