Desde 1940, los seres alienígenas conocidos como "GRAYS" han sido vistos en todo el mundo con la idea de que visitan nuestro planeta para estudiar nuestra especie y civilización antes de que finalmente ataquen ... ¿pero qué sucede si nos equivocamos? ¿Qué pasa si solo están aquí para protegernos?. Después de que un meteorito cayera a la tierra despertando a una criatura extraterrestre, una joven es secuestrada por un alienígena "GRAY" para ayudarla a cazar y destruir a la criatura antes de que pueda alcanzar un segundo meteorito que cayó a la tierra décadas antes, desencadenando su infestación mortal en la tierra.
Father Madison
Alexandra is a lively college student returning to live with her roommates Jessica and Breanne after the summer holidays. After a night of drinking, Alex agrees to a psychic reading to learn about her future with her boyfriend, Brian, but during the reading a dramatic turn of events causes SOMETHING to go drastically wrong. When Alex awakes the next day, she cant remember the events of the night before. She begins to hear creepy noises, hallucinate, black out and receive unidentifiable scratch marks all over her body. Afraid shes going crazy, she seeks help from her friends but Jessica, Breanne and Brian are incapable of comprehending the scope of the darkness descending UPON her. Instead, Alex receives help from a school professor and his father who have dealt with the supernatural before. But as Alexs condition worsens, it becomes apparent that it may already be too late to stop the entity from using Alexs body as a gateway into our world (