Jeremy Hoop

Jeremy Hoop

Nacimiento : 1972-01-15, Lake Arrowhead, California, USA


Jeremy Hoop is an American musician, singer-songwriter, film and television actor. He holds a BA in Theater and Music from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.


Jeremy Hoop
Jeremy Hoop


Al Rescate de Efrain
Captain Martin
Basada en hechos reales, cuenta la historia de Efraín Hanks quien encuentra su camino en la vida al proporcionar alivio y rescate a la compañía de carros de mano de Martín y Willy de pioneros de la Igleisa de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias.
Praise to the Man
Parley Pratt
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
Sons of Provo
Jeremy Jackson
Will, Kirby, y Danny son la nueva sensación más caliente de música pop Mormón. Will es un instructor de aeróbicos, Danny es un estudiante de la filosofía oriental, y Kirby es un especialista. Juntos, forman la banda Everclean . Hijos de Provo narra las luchas y los éxitos de un grupo de muchachos que luchan por convertirse en la banda de chicos Mormón más espiritual en la historia.
Sam Roberts
Sam Roberts cree que tiene todas las respuestas: el propósito de la vida, el significado del amor, el plan para un futuro perfecto. Hasta Charly llega a su vida.
Out of Step
David Schrader
Graced with the instinctive ability to dance, Jenny Thomas wants nothing more than to become a professional dancer. All of her hard work pays off when she is accepted to a prominent dance program in New York. Against her mother's will, but with the support of her father Jenny leaves her small Mormon town in Utah and heads to New York in pursuit of her dream. Jenny must fight to earn her scholarship and try to find a balance between the man of her faith and the man of her dreams.
The Singles Ward
Cuando Jonathan Jordan se divorcia decide dejar de ir a la iglesia y es perseguido por los miembros del barrio de solteros locales que quieren reactivarlo. Nada funciona hasta que Jonathan se enamora de Cammie Giles, la directora de actividades del barrio. De pronto, ir a la iglesia se convierte en mucho más atractivo. ¿Pero va por las razones correctas?.
Brigham City
Wes Clayton es un representante de la ley y un obispo en una comunidad mormona llamada Brigham. La ciudad es sacudida cuando se encuentra una mujer de California asesinado. Clayton trabaja con su joven ayudante y con un agente del FBI enviada a investigar. Como líder civil y espiritual en el pueblo, Clayton debe descubrir los secretos más profundos de la ciudad, encontrar al asesino y mantener Brigham a salvo.
The Testaments
This film depict events from the Life and ministry of Jesus Christ as recorded in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon. The story culminates with a portrayal of the Ressurected Savior's visit to the ancient Americas as seen through the eyes of a fictional family. Jesus' ministry to the members of His fold in both the Holy Land and the ancient Americas powerfully demonstrates that He is the Good Shepherd of all who hear His voice.
Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Cap Garland
A version of the "Little House" stories that cover some of the events that take place in the last three books of the series and the book "The First Four Years" Laura is living on the prairie near De Smet, South Dakota and eventually meets the man that she will marry, Almanzo Wilder. Life, however, is not easy on the prairie and after a crop lost to hail, the loss of their baby son, the burning down of their house, and a terrible bout of diphtheria, the Wilders must make some hard choices about how to move on from the tragedies. Written by Anonymous