Pénélope-Rose Lévèque

Pénélope-Rose Lévèque

Nacimiento : 1991-09-26,


Pénélope-Rose Lévèque
Pénélope-Rose Lévèque
Pénélope-Rose Lévèque


Artem Silendi
Soeur Pénélope
Durante la hora de comer, las monjas de un convento intentan obedecer su voto de silencio mientras se pelean por agarrar la porción más grande de comida.
Franck gets fired by his best friend whom he squatted for months. After desperately looking for a place to create, he has only one solution: to flirt with a girl in the hope that she brings him home.
Pompon Girl
Pompon Girl
Ava is a clown. She’s funny. Free. Confident. One night, as she walks home from her burlesque show with her friends, a man provokes and insults them. Tired of always looking down, Ava talks back and gets beaten up. Ava pretends she isn’t affected but finds out that she was pregnant when she got attacked.
Up to Me
Milan and Nola are twenty and have promised to love each other to the death. It is for that reason that they jump off a bridge one July evening. In the psychiatric ward where they were taken, they get to know an old schizophrenic who takes himself for the dancer Nijinsky and who will dance his last ballet with them, on the run in the streets of Paris. From bridge to bridge, from street to street, on the macadam and on the water of the Seine, Milan will pursue his quest and will try to understand the mysterious disappearance of Nola.
La montaña nos separa
Cuando una joven, después de siete años, sale de la cárcel se dirige a casa de su padre. La llegada inesperada de su hija le produce a este una evidente incomodidad porque no se ven desde que se divorció de su madre. Su relación es tensa y fría.
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary Livingstone
Cuenta la relación entre María Estuardo y su prima Isabel I, reina de Inglaterra, con quien rivalizó tanto a nivel personal como en cuestiones políticas.
Yann Piat: A Chronicle of Murder
February 25, 1994, Yann Piat is executed at point blank range by two gunmen on a motorcycle. Its first victories for the FN in 1986 to his ambition in 1994 to take the town hall of Hyères under the banner of the UDF, Yann Piat methods and a speech that upset both policies, businessmen, and middle.
Dans la peau d'une grande
La sombra del Monte Saint Michel
Audrey Parneaux
Después de la muerte de su madre, Elisa (Claire Borotra) se hace cargo de la custodia de su hermana Audrey (Pénélope Leveque), una adolescente algo conflictiva y a la que apenas conoce. Siguiendo la última voluntad de su madre, ambas van al Monte Saint Michel, donde las dos se criaron, para esparcir sus cenizas. La segunda noche de estancia, y después de una marea, Audrey desaparece al mismo tiempo que la hija del alcalde, lo que hace pensar en una fuga voluntaria, pero Elisa no lo cree así, por lo que no parará hasta averiguar el paradero de su hermana.
In her room, Mona, a young teenager, gets ready. She waits for the arrival of the one with whom she is in love.
In her room, Mona, a young teenager, gets ready. She waits for the arrival of the one with whom she is in love.
The Boat Race
Alex, 15, lives alone with his dad, enduring relentless physical violence, rebelling against everyone. To escape from this daily life, Alex rows on the Meuse river, and has only one obsession: to win the Belgian Singles Championships at any cost. Sergi, his coach, and Muriel, the young girl he's in love with, will enable Alex to rediscover the human values he has lost. A long and tough learning curve...
Sweet Dream
Sweet Dream is a story of friendship, sex and dreams in the rough world of today's teenagers.
Two 15-years-old teenagers meet in their village during the summer holidays. The boy takes the girl on a walk in the woods. She soon takes the lead.