Paola Loew

Paola Loew

Nacimiento : 1934-02-14,

Muerte : 1999-01-13


Paola Loew


Erinnerung - ein Film mit Oskar Kokoschka
Alma Mahler
Sister Fidelitas
Vienna in the early eighties: After a suicide attempt, Tina, who comes from a middle-class family, is hospitalized in a psychiatric ward. There she gets to know Gerhard, an apprentice plumber, who also wanted to do away with himself. He comes from a working class family. They fall for each other. A modern love story which is set inside the real life circumstances of the closing of the alternative Youth Center "Gassergasse" in Vienna.
Return to Vienna
Franz West (1909-85) remembers his youth in Vienna: the variety of the Jewish population of the so called Matzah-Island, his commitment to the worker’s movement of the Red Vienna and the rise of Austro-fascism and National Socialism. West’s masterly narration combined with impressing archive footage illustrate and elucidate the complex Austrian history between WW1 and WW2.
Misterioso desconocido
Frau Stein
Versión cinematográfica del libro con el mismo titulo de Mark Twain. El aprendiz de un joven impresor se imagina a sí mismo en los días de Guttenberg, ayudándole a imprimir la Biblia. Lo siguiente que sabe es que evocó un espíritu joven del futuro que lanza hechizos sobre impresoras en huelga y causa travesuras generales.
Student Gerber
Frau Gerber
Kurt Gerber is attending his final class and gets into trouble with the math professor, a frustrated self-assured petty bourgeois sadist. The duel ends in catastrophe.
Operation Hydra
The film jumps between the 40s and the 70s in Germany. Fateful and foreshadowing it highlights the entanglement of the economic system with the activities of the Nazi party, the Holocaust and the attempts to come to terms with the stories of the past. A spy thriller that tries to be everything at once.
Kriminalobermeisterin E.R
The Great Waltz
Princess Pauline Metternich
A musical based on the life and music of Johann Strauss, Jr.
Die verschwundene Miniatur
Irene Truebner
Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel
Susi Merzheim
Two GIs haven fallen in love with "Fräuleins", decide to stay in Germany and open a typically American drugstore in the center of the small town where their girlfriends live.
A Life for Do
El paraíso
A newly married couple who left the country to make their fortune in the city comes across a gang of criminals.
Fin de mes
The crushing conformity of a penniless bank teller takes an unexpected turn when he deviates from his honest routine.
El alma de los niños
In the 1944 San Juan earthquake, the parents of a child died who had to go live with an evil aunt but who, finally, succeeded as an actor.
La orquídea
Una joven educada bajo los estrictos mandatos de su padre refrena sus instintos sexuales hasta que contrae matrimonio. Su esposo la abandona y le saca la hija de ambos.