Emma Hartley-Miller


Amanece en Edimburgo
Dos buenos amigos, Davy y Ally, vuelven a sus vidas en Edimburgo tras cumplir el servicio en la guerra de Afganistán. Ambos continúan sus relaciones de pareja: Ally con Liz y Davy con Yvonne. Mientras tanto, los padres de Davy, Rab y Jean están ocupados planeando sus bodas de plata. Todo va bien hasta que una revelación del pasado de Rab amenaza con destruir a la familia y separar a las tres parejas.
When a young woman is cruelly and indiscriminately attacked by a notorious gang led by the violent Trey, her little 16 year old sister Kayla wants revenge and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means joining a rival girl gang led by the volatile and damaged man-hating Danielle.
Lookin' For Lucky
Moses stops at nothing to get the money he needs, even if it means stealing from his brother. But in the space of 90 minutes on one summer's evening, his greedy actions resonate across the backstreet neighbourhood, with deadly consequences.