Mirko Thiele


Ulf der Dorfschläger
How do you become who you are? Through the slights one experiences, believes freelance journalist and author Dirk Gieselmann. One late evening, he is alone in his apartment. His camera is set up in front of him, with which he records himself. In doing so, he first introduces himself personally and announces that he will call three people. In the telephone calls that follow, he confronts his interlocutors with long-ago encounters, experienced ruthlessness and the accusation that they drove him out of the paradise of childhood. That evening, he wants to know what the reasons were for the slights and hopes to be able to make sense of them. He realizes that his childhood has finally come to an end and remembers the world of thoughts that surrounded him when he was a little boy. Then he receives an unexpected call from his family.
The Last Starship
Anjin / Kabito
Conflict and tension looms heavily across the broken remains of a distant, post-apocalyptic world. Controlled by a race of oppressive genetically-enhanced humans, the last natural-born humans have no choice but to bow down to their rule. The only alternative is to wander the vast wastelands surrounding the last habitable city, whilst relentlessly hunted by roaming pack of mutated monsters. Meanwhile, outside the towering walls of the citadel, aboard a massive hulking army tank, an uprising occurs amongst the natural-born crew. Their hope lies in the legend of the Republic of EZO: said to return aboard the last starship....
Narrator (German)
Un músico talentoso vive una vida solitaria en un mundo surrealista. Todos los días toca el piano, aunque no tiene a nadie que lo escuche. Un día, su mundo animado desaparece y la realidad se instala con toda su violencia.
El juego de la botella
Una antigua cafetería de Hamburgo, "Hansen", necesita urgentemente un estilo más moderno. Por ello , le piden un proyecto a la diseñadora de interiores Gretchen Fingerhut (Janin Reinhardt).Esta,una vez más, superó el límite de su cuenta al comprar zapatos y ropa. Junto con su amiga Sarah (Josephine Schmid) desarrolla un concepto. Pero el dúo de diseñadores tiene un competidor inteligente en el complicado Clemens (Roman Knika).
La nube
En Alemania, una fuga en una central nuclear provoca una catástrofe, matando a 38.000 personas. Los jóvenes amantes Hannah y Elmar consiguen un refugio y evitan la muerte, pero no se libran de ser contaminados por la nube radioactiva.