Claudia Muñiz


During a violent winter storm, a meek bartender spends the longest night of the year with a mysterious stranger with whom she shares a meal and an ancient ritual. This film is based on the story collection and proposed tv series HOTEL NETHERLAND by writer/director Lisandro Perez-Rey.
Un inmigrante cubano lucha con su identidad transgénero mientras busca a su hermana desaparecida en la industria del sexo clandestina de la ciudad de Nueva York.
A rare independent film from Cuba, this charming and tender portrait of female friendship follows three hair-salon employees as they hit the town looking for excitement in those parts of Havana that tourists rarely see.
A rare independent film from Cuba, this charming and tender portrait of female friendship follows three hair-salon employees as they hit the town looking for excitement in those parts of Havana that tourists rarely see.
When Marushka enters Ivan's butcher shop, it's not to buy sausages. In the back room, vodka and waltzing and the pleasures of the flesh may lead the two lovers to the ultimate chop!
Lía and Manuel live illegally in a closed house. Tania, trying to regain her rights over the space that her uncle left her, intends to evict them. But the couple is not ready to leave and Tania decides to retrench on the top floor of the house. The war that starts ends up moving them closer.
Lía and Manuel live illegally in a closed house. Tania, trying to regain her rights over the space that her uncle left her, intends to evict them. But the couple is not ready to leave and Tania decides to retrench on the top floor of the house. The war that starts ends up moving them closer.
7 días en La Habana
Norka (segment "El Yuma")
La Habana como centro neurálgico. Mil y una historias se entremezclan en esta ciudad emblemática que está sufriendo cambios a pasos acelerados. La película pretende servir de reflejo a estas pulsiones que acontecen en la ciudad, y también describir sus mutaciones, la vida de sus gentes: qué hacen, qué comen, cómo se relacionan, qué relación mantienen con sus tradiciones, cuáles son sus sueños y aspiraciones... A partir de un hilo conductor como es la llegada de un empresario extranjero que va a la ciudad a contratar a una artista y termina enamorándose de una mujer nativa, una serie de directores reflexionan en torno a la vida en la capital cubana, sumergiéndose en su espíritu e impregnándose de su ideosincrasia.