Margot Hope


Dead Air
Amanda Quaker
A black comedic murder mystery that revolves around a failing shock jock at a radio station whose ratings improve as his staff and co-workers are murdered. A mysterious caller takes credit for the murders and threatens to kill the DJ, Jack Auphil and his news anchor, Amanda Quaker. The police suspect Auphil yet can't establish the evidence to arrest him engaging him in a brutal game of cat and mouse as the bodies stack up and suspects mount.
Femme Fontaine: Killer Babe for the C.I.A.
Drew Fontaine
Professional assassin Drew Fontaine puts her talents to her own ends to pay off those involved in killing her Buddhist mentor and maybe in the disappearance of her father. Amongst those in the frame are a crowd of somewhat dysfunctional lesbian-led Nazis, an energetic Chinatown gang, and an overly laid-back porn-king playboy. Could be pretty messy.
Femme Fontaine: Killer Babe for the C.I.A.
Professional assassin Drew Fontaine puts her talents to her own ends to pay off those involved in killing her Buddhist mentor and maybe in the disappearance of her father. Amongst those in the frame are a crowd of somewhat dysfunctional lesbian-led Nazis, an energetic Chinatown gang, and an overly laid-back porn-king playboy. Could be pretty messy.
Femme Fontaine: Killer Babe for the C.I.A.
Professional assassin Drew Fontaine puts her talents to her own ends to pay off those involved in killing her Buddhist mentor and maybe in the disappearance of her father. Amongst those in the frame are a crowd of somewhat dysfunctional lesbian-led Nazis, an energetic Chinatown gang, and an overly laid-back porn-king playboy. Could be pretty messy.
Sex Crimes
Veronica Hill
Round Trip to Heaven
Desk Clerk
Since Larry works at a garage, he gets to use one of the Rolls Royces. There is only one problem, there is a briefcase full of money in the trunk. So when Larry and his cousin Steve decide to go to Palm Springs to look for Ms. Right at a popular beauty pageant, the owner of the briefcase will do the impossible to get it back.
Motel del infierno
Vincent Smith, conocido en los alrededores como Granjero Vincent, debido al negocio de carne que lleva bajo dicho nombre, regenta también el Motel Hello (aunque la "o" final del cartel aparezca casualmente fundida). A todo ello le ayuda su hermana Ida, ambos herederos del negocio de su abuela, que ahumaba toda clase de animales. El tercer hermano acabó siendo sheriff del condado. La carne ahumada que vende Vincent es famosa por ser sabrosa y diferente a las demás, el secreto del éxito lo guardan ambos hermanos en un almacén oculto de la granja, su "jardín secreto".