Dirk Stoltz


Your Romeo
Pieter 'Wieket' Ferreira
Yvette has dreamed of performing Romeo and Juliet since starting high school. Now, in her final year, the headmaster has decided to use the school's entire arts and culture budget to fund a T20 event. In a last ditch effort to put on the play, they ask the school's cricket hero, Marko Marais, to play the role of Romeo.
Luna de miel por sorpresa
Ben Botha
Amigos de la infancia, Nina y Hugo eligieron diferentes caminos en la vida. Años después, Hugo regresa a su ciudad natal ,sin que él lo supiera, el día antes de la boda de Nina. Los eventos en el día de la boda los vuelven a juntar y se embarcan en una nueva aventura.
Ballade vir 'n Enkeling
Mr Steenkamp
Based upon the book written by South African author Leon van Nierop, and the 1980s TV series it spawned, this drama focuses on the mysterious disappearance of celebrated writer Jacques Rynhard (Armand Aucamp), and the investigative hunt for him launched by journalist Carina Human (DonnaLee Roberts). Christia Visser, Rolanda Marais and Jacques Bessenger co-star.
Lien se Lankstaanskoene
This coming-of-age drama tells about a high school girl who resorts to begging to support her family. Lien Jooste’s life falls apart when her father is arrested for fraud and her mother develops a drinking problem. They lose everything and go from being an upstanding, affluent family living in a nice neighbourhood to a broken mess – living in a small flat and struggling to get by. Due to her mother’s drinking, Lien has to take on the role of mother for both her mom and her younger brother Braam.
Fanie De Jager
A South African family comedy about three primary school girls and their obsessed mothers who share the same desire: for their girls to become Head Girl of their junior school. When things go badly for one of them, she becomes mean in her attempts to win, but after sacrificing the good qualities in her personality she finally learns what a true leader should be.
Platteland features a stellar cast of actors and musicians and puts a vibrant new spin on some of the most popular Afrikaans hits of the past few years. It tells the story of Riana van Niekerk who is desperately fighting to save her family's farm from Mike Ferreira. He has his own agenda and is determined to drive Riana from the land and seize her farm. When Dirk Pretorius, a drifter with many secrets of his own, arrives in town, new alliances are formed and love blossoms in unexpected ways.
JJ Senior
In a country where police sirens are an everyday melody and survival is an ongoing struggle, we see superhero "wannabe" Albert and Peet step in and give us hope that there is people among us who will stand up and fight for the man on the street.
Stoute Boudjies
Jaap Greeff
An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky, only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the 'ex' part and wants to get violent. The plot (and cast) is rounded out by some really weird characters, all contributing to the general mayhem and laughs.
Vaatjie gets owned
E.P.O.L. Officer
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school where he is training. Vattjie becomes the lead candidate to win a scholarship to train under world famous master chef Pierre Cousteau in Paris. But Vaatjie's charmed life is tested to its limits when his jealous classmate James tries to prevent Vaatije from winning the opportunity of a lifetime.
Poena Is Koning
Poena is Koning follows the sexual awakening of Poena Pieterse and his high school buddy Vaatjie, who have decided that they have to lose their virginity by the time they finish school. But they've picked the worst moment to embark on their sexual escapade – it's matric exam time and their quest results in major distractions from their studies. The consequences are dire.
Tierra de sangre
La trama se centra en las audiencias de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación de Sudáfrica, cuyo fin era cerrar las heridas abiertas por las atrocidades del apartheid. Los protagonistas son Alex Mpondo (Ejiofor), miembro del Parlamento del Congreso Nacional Africano, que fue torturado durante su estancia en prisión, y la abogada de derechos humanos Sarah Bercant (Swank).
Operación Ébola
Un equipo de expertos militares y científicos persigue a un grupo terrorista que se ha apoderado de un virus mortal y está amenazando con liberarlo.