Thomas Mraz

Thomas Mraz

Nacimiento : 1975-10-11, Wien, Austria


Thomas Mraz


Der Metzger traut sich
Heribert Senekowitsch
Chin Up, Dude!
Gery makes the leap from the youth soccer team to the testosterone-overloaded combat team. He is pushed into desired futures from all sides - he tries to meet all of them without knowing what he actually wants himself.
Man kann nicht alles haben
Mr. Kitzeder
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
Risks + Side Effects
A routine check-up reveals that the Pilates trainer Kathrin is suffering from kidney disease and needs a transplant. Her husband Arnold is a successful architect in the middle of a large project and is afraid of donating one of his kidneys. Götz, a friend of the couple's, would undergo the operation immediately if it means saving Kathrin's life - even though this causes problems with his partner Diana. Confronted by issues of life and death, the fragility of the relationships within and between the couples is laid bare. Eventually, the question can no longer be avoided: what is true love?
Hannes Fenks
the third Salzburg provincial whodunnit, a series of mysterious arson attacks has been instilling terror in a small community in Pongau for months. No one imagines that the arsonist is actually sixteen-year-old Sophie, the daughter of the village innkeeper.
Tras un frustrante día de trabajo, Xhafer (Mišel Matičević) regresa a casa para darse cuenta de que alguien ha colgado una rata muerta encima de su puerta de entrada. La cuestión de quién lo ha hecho poco a poco se adueña de su mente, alterando su comportamiento tanto en casa como en el trabajo. Xhafer es un kosovar que vive en Alemania, por lo que esta acción sugiere tener connotaciones racistas tras de sí. Cuando su mujer le sugiere que tal vez el motivo de este acto no sea discriminante, sino una forma clara y concisa por parte de sus compañeros de decirle que él no les gusta, Xhafer se ofende, pero es incapaz de negar que tal vez tenga razón. Tras una serie de inesperados acontecimientos, se verá obligado a afrontar su identidad y el tipo de persona que realmente es.
Vier Saiten
Alexander Michaeli
Professor Karl Michaeli is a former star cellist and grantler , as he is in the book. After the death of his beloved wife Maria in 2014, the retired music professor lives alone in a three-room apartment in Vienna. To his displeasure, several foreign families are housed in his apartment building. The widowed, free-spirited apartment building owner Esther Polgar also houses refugees in his home. These are a special thorn in Karl's side.
The Best Orchestra in the World
Orchestra Manager
Ingbert, the sock, applies for a position as a double bass player at the Vienna State Orchestra. Bad idea.
El mejor padre del mundo
Notar Bach
La vida hasta ahora despreocupada de un cirujano, se desmorona cuando su hermana muere y él tiene que cuidar de sus 3 hijos a partir de ahora.
Vida oculta
Prosecutor Lars
La historia del austriaco Franz Jägerstätter, objetor de conciencia, que se negó a luchar para los nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y acabó siendo ejecutado por ellos en 1943, para ser declarado mártir y beatificado por la Iglesia.
Der Fall der Gerti B.
Daniel Smitters
Gerold Plassek is an unsuccessful journalist on a free sheet. As an ex-girlfriend who suddenly has to go abroad and entrusted him with her son Manuel, his everyday life changes suddenly. The critical 14-year-old becomes a real challenge. Manuel has no idea that this "failure" is his father - "Geri" lacks any drive, the local pub is his living room and alcohol is his most reliable friend. But his misanthropic life is moving.
El vendedor de tabaco
Master of Ceremonies
Viena, 1937, en vísperas de la anexión de Austria a la Alemania nazi. El joven e inexperto Franz Huchel comienza a conocer tanto las alegrías como los reveses de la vida trabajando en un pequeño estanco como aprendiz de Otto Trsnjek, un veterano de guerra mutilado. Allí conoce al famoso psiquiatra Sigmund Freud, un cliente habitual, que se convertirá en un valioso amigo en tiempos de caos e incertidumbre.
100 EUR
Vienna during Christmas time 2017. ION has read a curious article about Hitler, who might be found in Argentina, while his older half-brother Andrei seems to have other problems on his mind. Following the two Romanian half-brothers and their preparations for leaving the city, money is only one side of the coin.
Herrgott für Anfänger
Taxi driver meets love,God,frendship,with bunch of great humor.
Georg Mikesch
Gabi, a supermarket employee, leads an ordinary life between family and job, between single-family home and local food store. One day when Gabi comes home from work, something happens that changes her life in a single moment. It isn’t visible, it makes no sound, and yet it strikes her like a bolt from the sky – an encounter with God.
Bad Fucking
Because of its name, the small Austrian town of Bad Fucking is a tourist attraction—until a landslide cuts it off from the rest of the country. Three years later, a murder sets a multitude of devastating delevopments in motion...
Schon wieder Henriette
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
Trau niemals deiner Frau
Carolin and Niklas have a happy marriage and enjoy the suburban idyll. However, with the intimate harmony, it is over when Carolin's exile is suddenly at the door. Ex-Knacki Timo demands from Carolin Schweigegeld. The rogue couple had once committed numerous robberies. Niklas has no idea of ​​the past life of his wife. However, when a private investigator opens his eyes to him, he reacts unexpectedly understanding.
Mi hija, su novio y yo
Pfarrer Sommerfeld
Iris, hace 25 años que está casada con Günther. Su matrimonio se deshace cuando ella le sorprende con otra. Su hija Sandra, de 25 años, la acoge durante un tiempo en su casa, donde vive con su pareja, Hans Rothmann, un escritor de renombre que le dobla la edad. En medio aparece el hijo de Hans, Tobias, un antiguo compañero de estudios de Sandra. Los sentimientos se empiezan a enredar .
Kebab mit Alles
Christoph Selcher
How to Live Your Life
A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
Recién cumplidos los 17, Alexandra sale a celebrar su cumpleaños con sus amigos y nunca regresa a casa. La policía pone en marcha una operación de búsqueda a gran escala que no arroja ningún resultado. Ante las desalentadoras perspectivas, su padre, el policía Alfred Walch, inicia una investigación por su cuenta. En el proceso, descubrirá detalles de la vida de su hija que cambian la imagen de la inocente joven que creía que era Alexandra. (FILMAFFINITY)
About a pathologist with a complicated life. His problems with himself, his colleagues and patients who come down to him, dead or alive.
Encyclopaedia Niavaranica
Anton Wimmetal VIII
Dunkle Wasser
Max Kotzak
Eigentlich sollten wir
Stefan Steindl