Emanuela Fallini


El divorcio es cosa de tres
Alfredo, un tímido joven italiano, suspira por la excitante y coqueta Maria Rosa. Inesperadamente, ella toma la iniciativa y decide casarse con él. Pero la pasión inicial desaparece rápidamente, y el desencanto y el odio se apoderan de ambos, de modo que deciden divorciarse; pero entonces comienza un largo peregrinar por los juzgados que da lugar a cómicas situaciones.
Continuavano a chiamarli... er più e er meno
A penniless Prince and a petty thief become associates in a con game and when they end up in prison, the Prince, who is a compulsive gambler, loses all his money to the other and becomes his servant.
I due maggiolini più matti del mondo
figlia di Ciccio
Two Sicilian shopowners who live in Rome pick up some beatnik hitchhikers and the group gate-crashes their seaside villa. In the meantime the two men's wives smell something fishy going on and go to the villa themselves. To make things worse the place is also invaded by three prison fugitives who terrorize the lot.
Puro siccome un angelo papà mi fece monaco... di Monza
A noble family assigns their younger son to the convent. The youngster has an affair with a novice, who becomes pregnant. The brothers, exasperated by his arrogance, denounce him to the Inquisition. As a punishment, the boy is walled up alive and released after fifty years. Due to a mysterious miracle, however, he remained as he is, just like the novice he impaled.