Marina Viro

Marina Viro

Nacimiento : 1962-01-11, Treviso, Veneto, Italy


Marina Viro
Marina Viro


Fue la mano de Dios
La historia semiautobiográfica de la mayoría de edad de Fabietto Schisa, un niño del Nápoles de la década de 1980 cuyos años de adolescencia están marcados por alegrías inesperadas como la llegada de la leyenda del fútbol Diego Maradona, y una tragedia igualmente inesperada. El destino juega su papel, la alegría y la tragedia se entrelazan, y el futuro de Fabietto se pone en marcha en una historia de familia, deportes y cine, amor y pérdida.
L'ultimo rigore
A due passi dal cielo
The Scent of the Night
Rich Woman
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.
Ladri di futuro
Everyday people, everyday stories. Normal, therefore special. They crave for a tomorrow what they haven't got today: the man or the woman of their dreams, a child all of their own, the hope of making it... The only thing they all have in common is the place where they live.
Con i piedi per aria
A film from 1990.
Casablanca Express
La "Operación Casablanca" podría decidir el destino de la humanidad. En la bella y fascinante ciudad se prepara el encuentro entre Churchill y Roosevelt para encarrilar el rumbo de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918). Pero los alemanes intentarán destruir el Casablanca Express, el tren en que viajan Churchill y otros 120 pasajeros. Una emocionante y vibrante aventura con un gran reparto internacional.
La più bella del reame
Continuation of "I miei primi 40 anni" The sentimental and erotic adventures drawn from the true story of Marina Ripa di Meana continue.
Crimes and Perfumes
Eddy is the detective of a general store. His girl is Barbara who works in the same store. Barbara receives a gift, a bottle of scent, and later she dies burned. Police detective Turoni begins to investigate and Eddy, wanting to revenge Barbara, does the same. Another girl, Porzia, is murdered in the same way and Eddy finds out that the motive of the crimes dates back some fifteen years.
The Prince of Terror
A horror film director is forced to defend his family when a psychopath lays seige to their home.
Tom and Jerry two Italian two bit actors go to America because they hope to take part in a film starring Sylvester Stallone. However when they go to his villa in Beverly Hills, Stallone gets murdered and the two are suspected of the murder. Hunted by the CIA and the FBI they flee across the USA disguised as women and end up working in a restaurant as showgirls. Here Tom meets a Mafia boss who falls in love with him and goes to Mexico with him to escape the police hunt. Some years later the two friends meet again: Tom has married the boss's ex girlfriend even if he still dresses as a woman.
Goma de mascar
La historia transcurre en el último curso de la escuela superior, a la que acuden el playboy, la chica buena pero fea, la vampiresa, el tímido que intenta llamar la atención a la profesora, la mala chica cuyos amantes conducen Maseratis. Dos amantes apartados del mundo y toda la burlona pandilla unida bajo la filosofía del ´´todos para uno y uno para todos´´. Mientras esperan los exámenes finales se dedican a las travesuras en el gimnasio, a noches de discoteca y viajes a la playa evadiendo la vigilancia. Añadir algunas canciones hasta llegar a divertidos juegos que practican con los más hábiles competidores...