Kerry Walker
Nacimiento : 1948-02-29, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Mrs. Sampson
Melbourne, 1886. Two gentlemen climb into a hansom cab late one murky night. One man climbs out, the other travels on to St Kilda. On arrival, the driver finds the second man dead; murdered. The ‘high-society’ killing sends shockwaves through the young city, still flush from its gold-rush boom.
A young aspiring rock guitarist is forced to become the musical director of the local marching band when his father is hit by a bus just four weeks before a major competition.
Myrtle Allsop
Lady Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman), una aristócrata inglesa, se ha pasado la vida persiguiendo la perfección superficial, pero un matrimonio sin amor y sin hijos le ha privado de cualquier cosa importante que no sea su cuadra de caballos. Convencida de que su marido le es infiel, la empecinada Sarah viaja desde Londres hasta el remoto reducto tropical de Darwin (Australia) para enfrentarse a él. Su reacio guía a través del inmenso e inmisericorde terreno del territorio septentrional es Drover (Hugh Jackman), un ganadero tan tosco y basto como refinada es Sarah. Su profunda antipatía mutua se ve aminorada por la tragedia cuando Sarah, de repente, se halla cuidando a un encantador y joven huérfano llamado Nullah (Brandon Walters), un muchacho mestizo a la deriva en una sociedad segregada que le trata como un paria.
Len, a mildly autistic man, is having trouble with day-to-day life after his mother's death, until she sends him something quite unexpected to help him on his way.
Película narrada a través de la mirada y la voz de una cantante de un prestigioso night club de Hong Kong (interpretada por Joan Chen) que trata de sobrevivir en Australia con sus dos hijos. Es una dramática historia de amor, repleta de traiciones y secretos escondidos que se prolongan a lo largo del tiempo y a través de varios continentes.
This is the story of a typical contemporary Australian family. Skye is getting married to Lachlan. They have to tell her mother, stepfather, father, step mother, his father, his new wife, his mother and her girlfriend. Not counting grandparents, aunt and friends. They live with Skye's stepfathers son and best mate who is in love with Skye.
University Supervisor
Jack Barrett is the type of guy no one calls Jack. He works for a group of businessmen known as "The Gentlemen" who operate within the fertile realm of the Sydney Underworld. Standover tactics, prostitution, illegal gambling, creative importation - you name it, "The Gentlemen" are into it. And Barrett enforces it for them. Old school muscle for hire. Now 53 years old, he's tired of having to throw away perfectly good suits because you can't dry-clean the blood off. He needs to get out of Sydney. Out of the game. Which is, of course, easier said than done.
París, alrededor de 1900. El mundo ha sido conquistado por la revolución de Bohemia. Satine, la estrella más rutilante del Moulin Rouge, encandila a toda la ciudad con sus bailes llenos de sensualidad y su enorme belleza. Atrapada entre el amor de Christian, un joven escritor, y la obsesión del duque, lucha por hacer realidad su sueño de convertirse en actriz. Pero, en un mundo en el que vale todo excepto enamorarse, nada es fácil.
Sister Louise
Nunca hubo un hombre en la vida de Josephine Alibrandi (Pia Miranda). En su último año en el instituto, hay tres. El padre de Josephine que la dejó cuando su madre era una adolescente embarazada, vuelve a la ciudad cada vez más implicado en la vida de su hija. John Barton (Matthew Newton), pulido, rico y destinado al colegio de abogados, está románticamente interesado en Josephine. Y también está Jacob Coote (Kick Gurry), un chico de clase obrera, de buen ver, que emociona a Josephine de una forma que ella nunca pensó posible. Enmarcada en el contexto de Sydney, Australia, y en una vibrante comunidad italoaustraliana, esta película con gran carga emocional presenta la lucha de una heroína batalladora para controlar las presiones del instituto, familia y amigos, mientras al mismo tiempo se conoce a sí misma.
Durante una expedición a la India, Ruth Barron cae bajo la influencia de un carismático gurú. Sus padres, desesperados, contratan entonces a P.J. Waters, un experto en sectas, que logra encontrar a Ruth en un refugio de un remoto desierto.
Four women bowlers on their way home to Pyramid Hill (population 550) from a tournament roll their car on a deserted road in rural Victoria. They are coping fairly well until the local men and emergency services start trying to help.
Lewis, a young amateur theater director, is offered a job with a governmental program for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients in a Sydney institution. His project is overrun by one of the patients who wants to stage the opera Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart despite the fact that none of the patients are able to sing and none of them speak Italian. A comedy of errors ensues, but one which unifies the patients and their director in unexpected ways.
Aunt Morag
Año 1851. Ada, que es muda desde niña, acaba de enviudar. Un matrimonio concertado la obliga a dejar su Escocia natal y viajar a Nueva Zelanda, acompañada de su hija y de su piano. Allí conoce a su futuro marido, un próspero granjero que se niega a llevar a casa el piano. Abandonado en la playa, el instrumento será rescatado por un vecino que establece un extraño pacto con Ada: él la dejará usar su piano a cambio de que ella se deje tocar.
Aunt Vera
A struggling actress with an affinity for horses meets wealthy rock music promoter and stable owner Digby Olsen.
Ann Sweeney
Ann (Kerry Walker) cleans for a living. She confronts problems like a vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt from the carpet. She shares everything she has with her two moody children (Noah Taylor, Sarah Hooper) and her equally erratic neighbours. She also shares everything her rich and constantly out-of-town employers have. While Ann vacuums her clients’ penthouses, her friends enjoy the million dollar views, luxury appointments, home gyms, cocktails by the pool - the things they have always wanted, but could never in their wildest dreams afford.
Wendy’s bored with everyday life…But Jake’s about to take her from Mills and Boon to Champagne and Roses.
Mrs. Gooch
In the 1860s, two friends, Harry and Bluey, steal a thousand head of cattle and trek it across country from Queensland to Adelaide.
Viola y Sebastian son gemelos parecidos, separados por un naufragio. Viola aterriza en Illyria, donde se disfraza como su hermano y entra al servicio del duque Orsino. Orsino la envía para ayudarlo a cortejar a Lady Olivia, que no quiere al duque, pero descubre que le gusta el nuevo mensajero que el duque está enviando. Entonces, por supuesto, aparece el hermano de Viola y se desata un infierno alegre. Mientras tanto, el tío de Olivia y sus secuaces están tratando de encontrar alguna manera de regresar al mayordomo oficioso de Olivia, Malvolio.
Dinner Guest
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.
Alice Dalton
An advertising executive dies and goes to hell... except nothing changes. Well, his daughter is buying drugs with sexual favours from her brother, and the number of cancer-causing products is on the increase. But the notes he writes to himself to prove he hasn't gone insane are getting more disjointed, and he runs off with an ex-prostitute called Honey Barbera.
Sibyl Anderson
Wealthy Peter Sterling and his younger wife Christine have an existence of little excitement so when a stranger comes into their lives, she is intrigued. An affair turns into much more and they are soon plotting to rob Peter of a precious gemstone.
Felicity Bannister
Felicity Bannister is a young woman living in the shadow of her overpowering mother. Her oppression is her worst enemy until the day she is attacked by an intruder who breaks into her bedroom and forces Felicity into action. The tables are suddenly turned and Felicity transforms from the helpless victim into a ruthless renegade in search of trouble, driven by the anarchic thrill of malevolence.